#im souper baked
ed89 · 2 years
putting on my big brain cap. if i forgor abt something i was saying just blame the weed my adhd gets worse and i just start talking abt something else on a tangent AHSDHASHD
so we have this from Will, [Will senses the change in vibe; although oblivious to the actual motive behind the change] and then "We're gonna make it, Mike. She's gonna be okay" right after it.
will was talking about going to vegas with el before this scene, meaning will immediately thought that was the motive behind the change in vibe: el. but according to the script, that wasn't the actual motive. also, will mentioning playing dnd and nintendo for the rest of their [will and mike's] lives is a direct callback to their s3 rain fight. and im making a guess thats what made mike react like that. anyway, will is oblivious to the motive behind the change in vibe, and what does will THINK the reason is? that mike is upset over not reaching el in time or thinks will is acting childish/making things awkward! but if thats not what mike IS worried about... then guess what that leaves us with LMAOO
i think mike was already in the van DWELLING on the issues he was having with el, and more importantly, with not loving el. he says his and el's fight was something they couldn't come back from. ummmm.... so its too hard for him to tell his gf he loves her. he thinks they cant go on because he cant say something that isn't that hard to say. he KNOWS the relationship cant work because he KNOWS he cant say "i love you". hes not in love with her
mikes reaction to will saying "We're gonna make it, Mike. She's gonna be okay" is him being nervous. it's in the script. would be mike be nervous? is he trying to confess something, like the fact hes not in love with el (and he thinks he likes will) and its been bothering him since the fight? hes been sitting and rotting in his own anxiety in the back of that van. "what if she doesn't need me anymore?" hes contemplating what to say. but also, what if hes lying? he could have made that lie on the spot. hes obviously nervous about telling will something, much like will lied because he was too nervous to admit HIS feelings too. they are both trying to confess and the other misunderstands what the other is trying to say. will thinks mike is still in love with el and just needs advice to fix their relationship. will doesn't know that mike can't say "i love you". it's not normal for a loving couple of years to be unable to say that since THEY'VE KNOWN EACH OTHER. can we acknowledge that. this isn't a regular thing. mike even regards the phrase 'i love you' as "That thing" while talking abt it to will. like wtf. anyway so will doesn't know mike cant say ily to el (since he regards it as 'that thing') so he thinks that he just needs help with apologising
after mike says the first two parts of his rant (the lie), will looks exasperated trying to help him out, and in the script it says We've been over this before. yes, they have been over this before, haven't they? will cant understand why mike still needs to talk about this
then he starts his rant. there was no "love at first sight" involved, yet he lies about that in his monologue later on. he refers to her as superman landing on his doorstep. oh so not superwoman or wonderwoman or you know... a female character, not superman. my god. this guy is a homosexual
will tries to get what mike is saying. he doesnt get what he's saying. he looks confused and hes looking away from mike
mike SEES his reaction and immediately says "sorry" (its in the script! he says sorry because of [will's look]). hes still nervous and hes trying to admit something that he obviously was so nervous about that he had to talk in CODE, therefore causing will to misunderstand what he was saying
anyway take from that as you will i wont do the rest im too high now and now i cant comprehend basic human words so damn
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randomoranges · 1 year
have time, will post lamao
more ancient decade old fic. wow. [no im NOT over how OLD these ARE okAY lamao]
Welcome Home
 Another one inspired by a drawing Lomitzz made.
Oliver fumbled with his keys, for a moment, exhausted and looking forward to being on the other side of the door. He had spent the last seven days hopping around the continent, going from one meeting to the next, with dignitaries and ministers alike, changing time zones too frequently, and now, he wanted to be home.
 The flight had been long, he hadn’t been able to sleep much, despite how tired he was, and he had a pounding migraine. On top of that, he was also hungry and the thought of either preparing something, or ordering in and having to wait for the delivery, put him off from the thought of food.
 He finally managed to get the door open and the first thing he noticed, other than the lights that were already on, was the smell of something baking. For a moment, he was convinced he was hallucinating, but then he heard the sound of the television, followed by a very distinct French curse.
 Oliver’s heart leapt, for a moment. He closed the door behind him, and walked in. The television went off and a moment, or so later, he was greeted by his two cats and his lover. Schrodinger leapt at him and Oliver had to take a step back under his weight. He scratched him behind his ears and his cat gave a content purr, before jumping on top of his suitcase.
 Fred decided his leg would make a good place to hang on to and Oliver had to pry her off gently, before she made holes in his pants. She mewled happily in greeting, and Oliver let her rest on his shoulder, which only left him with one person to greet.
 “I… hello.” He finally settled for.
 “Salut.”/ “Hey.” Jean told him, nonchalantly, arms crossed over his chest as he tried to casually lean back against the wall. Oliver made no comment as to the apron he had over his jumper and tried hard to figure out why Jean was here.
 “How did you get in?” He asked instead, hoping he didn’t sound too irritated. He wasn’t, for starters, but he was exhausted and knew he could sound tetchy without wanting to.
 Jean took out the spare key he had given him, what felt like a lifetime ago. In actuality, it had been after the second week he had moved into this place, but that wasn’t the point.
 “Comment était ton voyage?”/ “How was your trip?”
 Oliver wanted to tell him it had been fine and that he could leave now, but something stopped him from doing so.
 “Horrible. Absolutely horrible.”
 Jean nodded and stepped towards the kitchen and Oliver had no choice but to follow him, the cats in tow.
 “Pourquoi tu m’en parles pas, pendant qu’on mange? Ch’t’ai fait à souper. J’ai fait une quiche. Végétarienne, comme t’aimes.”/ “Why don’t you tell me about it while we eat? I made you supper. I made a quiche. Vegetarian, like you like it.”
 Oliver was surprised and took a seat at his table. He found it strange how his kitchen only ever looked, or felt homey, when Jean was in it and when he cooked in it. He brought that certain extra element to it he could never manage to. Even before, in their old house… He shook his head. He was too tired to reminisce. He did enough of that already.  
 Jean shooed Fred from the chair and set the table, before he retrieved the quiche from the oven. He cut up two pieces and brought them back, before taking a seat himself to Oliver’s right. Oliver thanked him and then took a bite of the quiche. It was exquisite and just what he needed. There was always something that hit differently about the first meal back home. Already, he felt a smidge better.
 Once he had made a fair dent in his piece, he told Jean about his trip and the other listened, attentive as always when he wanted to be. Oliver knew, deep down, that Jean didn’t particularly care about what it was that Oliver had done throughout the week, but the fact that he listened was enough.
 The quiche consumed, Jean went to do the dishes, Fred following close behind, while Oliver took care of his suitcase, Schrodinger enjoying the brief reprieve from the other two.
 By the time his suitcase was empty, Jean was putting the last of the dishes away. Oliver stepped behind him and hugged him from behind, resting his chin on Jean’s shoulder. He gave a small content sigh, kissing Jean’s cheek.
 “Thank you.” He murmured. Jean gave him a sideways look and smiled softly.
 “Ça m’fait plaisir.”/ “My pleasure.”
 “If you want… you don’t have to leave right away… you can stay a little longer.” His cheeks coloured slightly and he hoped Jean wouldn’t see.
 “Ça m’dérangerais pas.”/ “That would be nice.”
 They headed to the living room and Oliver curled up by Jean’s side. Jean caressed his shoulder and played with his curls, slowly easing the horrible week from his mind. When he fell asleep, sometime later, Jean easily carried him off to the bedroom and tucked him in. Oliver hugged the pillow close and mumbled something incomprehensible that had Jean still for a moment, afraid Oliver would wake.
 He debated long enough, whether to stay or head back to his own place, and finally decided it would be nice to feel Oliver’s smaller body pressed close to his. He lifted the covers and crawled into his usual place, moments before Oliver sought him in his sleep, snuggling up to him. Schrodinger claimed the foot of the bed by Oliver’s side and Fred perched herself, somewhere close to Jean’s head. For once, Jean didn’t mind and simply held Oliver, closing his eyes and welcoming sleep as well.
 FIN 2
 Started writing: October 6th 2013, 8:02pm
Finished writing: October 6th 2013, 8:37pm
Started typing: December 18th 2013, 11:11am
Finished typing: December 18th 2013, 11:30am
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elletao · 4 years
share your self-care
the lovely, amazing @jennyofoldstones-mp3 tagged me on this (thank u 💕💕)
🌿 favorite comfort food: anything sweet but especially chocolate or crepes
🌼 favorite alcohol (or hot drink!): mm maybe just root beer? as long as it's golden or stout cuz im really bad at drinking strong stuff alskj as for hot drinks, tea is usually my go-to when i'm alone and need something hot and nice in my stomach.
🌷 favorite relaxing activity: listening to music or reading
🌸 favorite fluffy/feel-good fic: i often re-read the A Mewment Like This series because it's such a great andreil au and i'm in love with the way they met in it. also whenever i remember how awful endgame was i re-read Come to Morning (stevebucky) which i'm not sure is that fluffy (there's quite a lot of pining) but the ending makes me so, so happy.
🌻 favorite calming scent: i've never considered this but oh my god. i think the smell of something sweet baking??? maybe the cookies my mym used to make for me when i was little.
🌺 favorite relaxing (or uplifting) song: souper troper by abba or i'm yours by jason mraz
🌵 favorite white noise: i dont have one 😪
🍄 favorite book to get lost in: i always say aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe alskdj but you know what!! it's my truth and i have to live with it. 
💐 favorite chill-out TV show: parks and rec!! also the nanny whenever i can find it on tv
🌹 the best advice you’ve ever had: i think to just, don't let the world turn you cruel? that your kindness and your softness and sensitivity make you better, not weak.
i'm tagging anyone/everyone who wants to do this!! but also: @hidekomoon @gaydaisyridleys @jiminfilter @niylah @reiskywalker @queenkevindays
as always no pressure!! 🌻
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