#im sorry but him in that hat with a toothpick in his mouth does things to me 😳
jiminrings · 3 months
jay em rings it has been too long!!!!! i read failsafe and … Let me tell u …. well maybe not cuz i have no words that shit is so crazy i was doing backflips running in circles chewing on the leg of a chair oh my god it was so crazy!!! before i start let me say that the quotes i’m able to pull from ur fics… oh it’s crazy … how do i cite fail-safe by jiminrings mla format… i thought “Someone else’s luck doesn’t mean it’s already your misfortune.” was so beautiful and i wonder if that’s gonna come back to bite yoongi in the ass… along with the 27492840582010656386565849102910199202 other things 😊 half thru the first part i also remembered that this is not just brothers best friend but ALSO single dad… just cuz me jumping off cliffs eating glass doing cartwheels apparently wasn’t enough suffering u now pull this 😣 biker longhair (at least that’s what i imagine) yoongi who’s favorite past time is fucking it up with the important people in his life and groveling 😻😻😻❤️❤️❤️🤭🤭🤭 and he’s a single dad ohhhhhhh u did it again 🙏🙏🙏 anyway here’s a list of all the times i remember thinking something was fucked up it will be long i’m sorry!!!!!!!
- “Sorry, sorry. She’s my best friend’s sister. She’s so annoying,” okay what the fuck i think you need to put a toothpick under ur toenail and kick a wall but maybe that’s just me idk 🤣🤣🤣🤣
- “you’re not exactly a catch, Y/N.” i wonder what exactly made him think this like what led him to this path bc him and oc r like friends! there was never anything bad! suddenly he’s the biggest asshole on the planet was it to look cool in front of hyewon????? did i miss something?????
pt 2!!!
- “you’re too hesitant to ask what his age is because if it’s anything higher, then that meant Yoongi had moved on earlier than you did” ok okay. Okay jiminrings okay OKAY WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME MY MONEY MY HOUSE WHAT THE FUCKKKKK oc is hurting so bad SHE DOES NAWTTTTTT DESERVE THIS 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- yoongi feeling the guiltiest of guilts ohhhhh it’s so deserved he’s so horrible and pathetic ITS TOO GOOD…. classic jay em rings man being sad and pathetic and guilty trying to piece back what he broke… it’ll never get old i fear…
- namjoon football player i want him i’ll be his gf in the stands and the camera pans to me and it says my name and (namjoon girlfriend) under it and we are in love and i love him and we’re together forever and i love him so much and forever
- “When did you have to knock on my door, o-or when did you ever have to treat me like I’m some guest and not a huge part of your life?” STUTTERINGGGGG WHAT A STUPID QUESTION FROM A STUPID MAN… STUPID STUPID MAN!!!!! STUPID STUPID STUPIDFDDD DUMB I IDIOT STUPID WHAT DO U MEAN 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- “Don’t do this to me, kid. Don’t do this to us.” begging ✅
- “I would have told you that Yoongi kept trying to come back to you.” IM OVER IT!!! GIVE ME SECOND LEAD _____!!!!!!!! I WONT YEW!!!!
- jimin football player oh the image that popped into my mind when i read that the power of the slap from covering my mouth with my hand in shock i need u it’s okay i can be ur gf too jimin also on the jumbotron don’t worry i’ll just switch hats that way the screen can say jimins gf with my blue hat and namjoons gf with my green hat
- “Love is terribly human and fragile, and it’s Yoongi, Hyewon, and their son sleeping on your bed.” U know who isn’t human. Me. I am growing horns and extra arms out of my back and crawling on the walls my face is an combination of every single sleep paralysis monster you have ever had and i’m in your walls. i’m under ur bed. i am only there when ur eyes are closed especially when ur washing ur face and u HAVE to close ur eyes. im only there when ur looking the other way. i am screeching i am howling and jumping from roof to roof of each house in ur neighborhood wreaking havoc and it is all ur fault i fear … This is on u it is simply all ur fault 100% of it!!!! notes app apology now!
anyway u know how much this fic drove me crazy it had me up til like 6 am foaming at the mouth or whatever i’ve been doing these days. ur writing is such a gift to tumblr and u r the one and only author that will never let me down! i cannot name a single piece of work that i haven’t liked! A SINGLE ONE!! depending on the finally … fail-safe may or may not take the cake for most fucked up thing you’ve ever done but also… oc passed out in hb 😭😭😭😭 unless fs oc goes into a coma over how fucked up yoongi is being i fear hb will Always take the cake for most fucked up! thank u for writing and thank u for sharing ur work with us it means the entire universe to me!!!!! i love you jay em rings take care stay safe drink water!!!!!!!!
- 🌟
MY STAR EMOJI ANON I MISSED YEWWWWWW !!! thank u i’m so happy i turned you Crazy . if u are abt to cite fail-safe in mla format i suggest going for the jwtfdydtt edition (jiminrings What The Fuck did you do this time) 😊😊😊 i can assure u that That, along with a million others, will come n bite yoongi in the ass!!! STOPPPPPPP I’M LITERALLY SO GIDDY THANK U FOR THE PLAY-BY-PLAY REACTION PLZ OPEN A TIKTOK ATP !!!! i will do better n add more faces to ur sleep paralysis monster <3 i have to say though that i have been scrubbing my face with panoxyl for twenty minutes and u are still NAWT here so i’ll dock a few points off you for that 😑😑😑😑😑 fs and hb r truly up there in the most fucked up things i’ve ever written <3 I LOVE U STAR ANON (with the universe) MWAH PLS START CHUGGING WATER ALWAYS N USING UMBRELLAS WHEN IT’S HOT OR RAINING!!!!
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