#im rotating them both at mach speeds i love their divorce
decarabiandivorce · 4 months
If decarabian had ultimate power and authority, and was the one in charge of most laws, then he theoretically could have quite literally asked amos to get a divorce, she could say yes, and he could legally just. Be divorced without any complications. do you have any ideas on some reasons why he just. didn’t do that (look where their relationship ended up smh)
Yes he could However he is full of delusion and can not think of a reason why they would ever be separate :D
"iThe ruler had believed that he had given his subjects a city free from the bitter cold, and to the end, he believed that they had loved him as he loved them." - Venti's Character Story #4
My interpretation of the guy is one who couldn't understand other people. This was his dream! "He tried so hard to make his dream come true, and so the fragments of that dream are still mighty." - Scattered Piece of Decarabian's Dream.
"He once was her love, but the unforgiving winds could never understand the softness of mortal flesh." No matter what, Decarabian was wrong. He was wrong to believe that his people loved the 'protection' he provided. He was wrong to believe that ignoring his wife wouldn't cause her to fall out of love. He was wrong to believe that a city surrounded by a never-ending storm would bring peace. Sure he had his reasons and for that I love to poke at him, but at the end of the day it dosen't erase what he did.
My own interpretation of him was much like Havria and Ei, gods who tried their hardest to protect the citizens they adored but ended up bringing them suffering. Like the electro archon he clipped the wings of his city and I do think he didn't realize how bad his own city was until it was too late. It's said that the outside world was covered by a certain wolf's blizzard, so the constant swooshing of wind(in his mind) should have protected his city from the chill.
This strays a little in hc territory, but I do think he had some relationship (PLATONIC) with the shade of time. The thousand winds temple was in his territory after all and I don't think he would have allowed another god- even one as powerful as a higer being, into his lands without some familiarity. And it is this familiarity is one of the reasons why I think Decarabian is Like This.
Sure it takes a bit of creative interpretation but god dam it im making a sandcastle out of these specks.
So you got this immortal who's friend (Isaroth) is MIA while he needs to take care of a city while a war is going on. A war that is being started by Celestia. A place that your friend used to live in but is now being owned by the presumed killer of your missing friend's creator. AND there is this wolf outside that is just waiting and watching, trying to get in. Get to where your children are.
You can't loose anyone else.
He dreams of his city being happy. His city. A "dream of prosperity [that] was created entirely by his divine might". The "capital city he had raised." A dream that "would have gone on forever." He thought everything was fine. Everything was perfect. That he was loved and they loved him right back
What a delusion
He would never have asked for a divorce. He wouldn't see the reason to have one. He was living in a dream world with a person he adored like the sun. The apple of his eye. His equal.
So even when she dreams of a time before this all. Dreams a different dream than him. Wishes for things that he wouldn't want. She's just being silly! She's just confused! This is what's for the best!
What a delusion
She has always held his divine gaze. Even when she aims an arrow at his fabricated heart. She may have his heart, soul, and eyes- but she never had his ears. His dreams.
Were they ever equals? Friends? Lovers?
What a delusion
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