#im putting this in the main tag so the other ten jdateheads can let me know if i am misremembering about johns hair
ot3 · 4 months
started listening to if this book exists you're in the wrong universe as an audiobook on the drive (finally) and
i missed them and their horrible white trash bullshit so much
i could have SWORN that past books described john with curly blonde hair. i know this. i know this because i have been drawing him as a blonde for over a decade. i distinctly remember the verbiage 'like a deflated afro'. but it's black in this book. here are the options fmpov
a) it's a simple retcon. i know a lot of smaller details esp from the first edition of the first book got a little bit changed. this could be one of them. but this is the boring answer. b) he's naturally blond but has started dying his hair black to better compliment whatever goth satanist cowboy vibe he has apparently started curating for wealthier clietns c) it's naturally black but he used to bleach it (im pretty fond of this option because i know he would have been definitely frying the shit out of it d) john from (one of) the other universe(s) was blonde but this one isn't. seems potentially plausible.
3. amy comiket..... we know she brought dave back a catbus but what was not said but yet know to be true in my heart is that she brought john back a mystery grab bag of hentai. 4. i think jason pargin is so brave to stand up and say 'my protagonist can't get it up sometimes because he's on lexapro so his girlfriend has to check in with him to make sure he's on his meds after he fucks her' he really gets it.....
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