#im not going to put this in the main tag but i know some toonblrs follow me so
legaleaglefeathers · 4 years
dear toonblr: please stop playing operation dessert storm and/or toontown offline
made a post on my main that got me into a brainset.  so, can yall for the love of god NOT play operation: dessert storm, or tt offline?
im putting this under a cut for triggering content (transphobia/rape) apologies in advance bc i dont have a lot of screenshots bc im not usually the person to write these kinds of posts, but im no bullshitter when it comes to this kind of thing.
also i dont care if the people im talking about here see this. it’s time to pay for your transgressions, you fucking cowards.
Disyer (the creator of ODS) is a major transphobe. dude slings “tr*p” around all the time (and NOT in reference to the gag track). he also deadass hoped i got raped by “tr*nny cock” after i quit working for toontown offline. i’m a lesbian so like, cool, double transphobic and lesbophobic rape threat, cool awesome epic greattttt :/
ODS also has had artists such as meirupo/arabesco/cookiepwee/m-256/factory_standard/whatever the fuck their 2374129038472193 other usernames are work for them. the two of them are girlfriends and are pretty much a package, so it’s really really easy to get who’s who confused. 
but i do know theyve drawn like, rape fetish shit w/toons and cogs. its fucking nastyyyyyy. one of them has also drawn straight up porn of the corporate clash chairman. i wish i could bleach that shit from my brain.
they’re also both incredibly transphobic, but that’s a can of worms for a different post because this is about shit that happened to me.
anyway, you may recognize one of them as “wendy pillownose” from TF19′s art contest.
Tumblr media
these three have all done work for toontown offline, as well. TTOFF is a major hellhole and i just. implore that you don’t support them either. it’s a literal toxic fucking wasteland. this post is kind of short and more or less a vent more than a proper callout but, yknow.
i know ive broiled about this shit a lot on discord but ive never solidly put it down in a tumblr post, so if yall could share it thatd be kind of lit.
i’m not really part of the tt fandom anymore but i dont want those new to it to fall down the same toxic waste holes i did. everything here is just barely scraping the surface of the shit these people have done.
so tldr: dont play ODS or TTOFF. shitty people made them.
(as for ttoff though, like, dont shit on the WHOLE team. some very very kind and wonderful people were also part of the project, like john cote, ryno, and myself, but it took me a while to realize it was not a good environment. it’s a mixed bag of folks, but in the end.... eeeeegh.)
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