#im going to start planning an animation. thatll give me something to do i think... it doesnt take much out of me to do that
they should invent a thing to do that will make me feel like i did something productive and al;so doesnt take much brain power or energy to do
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okay so i got another video essay idea BUT I SWEAR T H I S TIME i think ill manage to complete the script (yes thats what i say everyt ime fnsdjkafl) anyway
if youd like to hear more its under the cut (kirby related btw uwu)
warning its all very ramble-y
setting the bar low and keeping the tone more so to just discussing something i like so i dont get to ambitious with the analysis
so a while back i read this awesome poggers fanfic called "being a knight is easy (and so is pretending to be one) by @/azzie-tangerine
and ive already had plans for a potential series discussing completed novel length fanfics so it could be snazzy!!
most notably though sense its written work thatll help me to not go crazy ambitous with the anaylsis: i ussually just have SO many thoughts that its hard to write down, so im hoping that covering a written work instead of something with a visual element, will help my thoughts to be more manageable sense like, i dont have as many of those entire essays over itty bitty details stuck in my head sense i dont have as much of a grasp on the itty bitty details of the written word
like bassically, because im less savy with written work my brain wont go so absolutely primal artist instinct mode feral lmaofnsdjkalfhdsk
anyway, ill want to go over all the art and fanart the author has done and recieved and maaaaybe if i gain the confidence see if i could talk to/interview the author?? (i had the confidence to compliment them on anon but that was it nfdskja )
gsoh this post is so un structured
uuhhhh heres a link to the fic
Being a Knight is Easy! (So is Pretending to Be One) - Chapter 1 - Azzie_Tangerine - Kirby (Video Games) [Archive of Our Own]
if you read it: it would be super helpful to me if you could maybe lmk your thoughts and takeaways on it? or wanna talk about it with me more
its nice to have other peoples thoughts to bounce off of when writing a review/video essay/anaylsysis/random guy on the internet goes feral over kirby characters having emotions video
so anywayyy snfskjdfk ummm if anybody would have any video edting software recs that would be GREAT too~ (as well as its nice to know who would be willing to proof read my scripts)
okie so
currently i guess my "to do list" for starting up this idea is to reread the fic wile writing notes along the way: and joting down comments and quotes
during that ill also work on organzing my thoughts into topics/categories
i dont want to worry to much about structure, art, and the such until i have more work to show
anyhow! while im chaotically chatting i might as well kirby animation update too!!!
im having a hard time deciding where to start with the lines: at first i was gonna do a non anti-aliasing basic brush so itd be easy to color but i really wanted a bit more texture so im currently trying to get all the backgrounds lineart with that: in which ill than go along with the character animation and color whenever its most convenient too~
and sense i can heres another wip!
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a bit of a pause on this piece: ima try to find some lineless scenery speedpaints to give me more of an idea of how to go about with this
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hopefulmirth-blog · 7 years
A New Beginning?
I’m new to this thing and honestly just doing this because i have no one to talk to I just want to put my feelings out there to see if it helps. 
so my boyfriend just broke up with me? or i dont know. out of the blue he says our relationship is dull and he wants to live life and find himself, what bothers  me is ive been trying to get him out of the house for months now, hes the one cancelling our plans to hang out with his ‘friend’ which only keeps him around because he will give him money whenever he asks by the way, anyway i dont know what the hell happened he wont talk to me and the last thing he said to me was he needed space and pretty much he wants to fuck other people because he wants to experennce life more.
heres my problem, we live in a very small town, its considered a retirement town, its loaded with old people, we;re only 21 well im 21 and hes 22. our life has turned pattern esque (i think thats a word) he wakes up eats goes to work comes home at 11 goes to bed, same with me very patterny. we’re both spontaneous people and weve been stuck in this rut of doing the same thing everyday for about a year now. ive been trying to get him to do more but i know how depression works, i have bipolar depression and it sucks, i try to support him with everything he has ever done, like buying a fixer upper car that costed $900 and buying a brand new car thatll cost him 30,000 in time, buying a thousand dollar computer from the friend i metioned earlier and guess what the fcking thing wont work anyways i did tell him not to buy that computer from him but he did anyway. ive been pushing him to go to school because thats what he wants but he refuses to go becuase he wants to be full time but he also wants to keep his job, which i might add he  says he despises and wants to quit but wont no matter how many times i tell him he can, who cares if youre working at mcdonalds and going to school full time?! that life isnt it?
for my experience with the whole thing was... weird and saddening and confusing, i have had no one to talk to in months, all the friends i had started making drugs their number 1 priority, i grew up with addicts and i dont want to live that life so why would i remain friends with people like that? my other one is in college far away from where i live and i have to make a day to go and see her and she cant always be available. i have had absolutly no one to talk to in months except him but he literally will not listen to a word i say so why bother i suppose. i sunk into a very deep depression to a point where i wanted to kill myself. i had planned to, i written the notes and was waiting for him to go to his friends but something happened, i cant remember but he got me to tell him about what was going on and he talked me out of it but in a im mad kind of a way. he didnt comfort me and tell me it was going to be alright he got mad and blamed me  i was trying to make him feel bad and trying to make himself the victim, i was so confused. i was sad and lonely and empty! why are you making me the bad guy?!
what bothers me the most is that this man told me he loved me, wanted to have kids with me wanted to marry me and travel the world and make amzing memories with me, he had put so much effort into convincing me he loved me and he wasnt going to leave and right when i finally believed that he maybe might love me and wasnt just being nice, he does this. im just baffled to be honest. i dont know whats going on and im still in shock. i called my mom when he TEXTED me that he wants a break and she told me to just come live with her. i so packed what i could as fast as i could and drove 3 hours to be with her. he wants his space fine have it. ive been here for about 3 hours now and ive gotten more love from strangers, my moms friends than i have from someone who claims he loves me uncontrolably, in a matter of minutes, i got here we left to go meet up with her friends and they told me and showed me if it was meant to be it will be from like 40 year old men might i add. i dont know if it matters but we’ve been together for a little over 3 years now have 2 pets and live in a home together. to be honest all im thinking about are my animals back in that misrable house i just ant to go get them, i hope he doesnt do anything stupid, theyre my  life and have gotten me through my loneliness and depression. to me theyre like my kids and i must have them with me.
so i guess im starting my new life in a matter of hours i moved 3 hours away had my heart ripped out of my chest and am trying to find myself in the process. i hope for the best. excuse all my incorrect spelling and grammar. i just typed this out as quickly as i could to get my eelings out there and i really dont want to correct it all. thanks for reading and maybe one day i may be Mirthful.
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