#im glad that we're both eating in any case & it sucks how diet culture has been ingrained into every parts of our lives
specters · 1 year
dude u are so right abt that food post I've never heard someone articulate it but that's exactly how I feel. like the fact that I am eating anything at all is something I am proud of, I don't need to be talked to about how I should eat healthier when I can't stand up for long enough without hurting to cook a "healthy" meal. any food I eat is healthy in my book, and if I start thinking "oh I shouldn't eat that it's not a healthy food" or "oh that has a lot of fat/calories" I'll start delving into my eating disorder again.
(also, sidenote: im tired of the emphasis on diet when you try to look up things on pcos. I KNOW IT HELPS PEOPLE to eat differently, I just also know it's unhealthy for me to focus too much on my diet, it will lead to me just not eating anything)
i'm glad that resonated with someone bc i sooo often feel alone in those thoughts to the point it feels isolating and that i'm overreacting (i'm not glad you deal with those issues too obviously, just that it feels less bad knowing it's not an Original Experience Only I Struggle With, ykwim?). it really sucks that so many people completely disregard those of us who have struggled and continue to struggle with disordered eating when it comes to the topic of food and what you "should" eat. bc as time goes on it feels like it's less and less about "you should eat 3 meals a day" with snacks in btwn or whatever and more "you should cut this out of your diet, you should only eat so much of this a day, you need to restrict this" and that can be so damaging to people who already struggle w eating.
the point you made of any food you personally eat is healthy in your book is so right like i have to remind myself that the fact that i'm eating at all is a healthy decision, it doesn't matter if it's pizza or an entire baguette or whatever the hell else.
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