#im being vague bcs if shes not the /archon/ archon she is a least a minor deity. or like. the way scara was built to house a gnosis (iirc?)
masqueradeoftheguilty · 7 months
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if furina not hydro archon then why archon/deity constellation checkmate atheists
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catcze · 3 years
Ngl the story feels very rushed and we didn't see much of the resistance. Like honestly they shouldve taken more time to perfect the ending bc it seems q bit thrown together. Like Liyue and Mondstat mostly made sense and we got some sibling info but with inazuma the sibling and khaenri'ah are like barely mentioned.
Like I compare the two because they're both villains but it seems Like Ei did more damage to hwr people vs Childe trying to drown liyue (considering childe didn't on screen murder and also ruin lives, kinda). I mean neither of them are really redeemed (at least fully) but idk. It kinda seems like Ei isn't getting any consequences for her actions (+ being buddy buddy in her story quest) bs Childe who at least got the traveler to think he's sus during his story. It just kinda doesn't add up and im like ???
I mean obviously the archons as a whole are kinda fucked up (considering khaenri'ah) but like a sad backstory isn't a reason to cause a war (considering that both Ei and Zhongli were confronting erosion and how both of them reacted)
Like I personally think she's cool it's just,, she should've stayed a villain and been slowly redeemed rather being rushed
-☆ (sorry abt the rambles I recently talked to a friend about 2.1 and they had strong opinions on it, + we're lacking sibling info and I'm like ???)
On another note looking at Ei and Childe I have bad taste but if evil why hot
Yeah ngl I was kinda dissapointed that our time with the resistance seemed so rushed :// wish we had more stuff to do there, you know ?? Or that there was maybe a bit more build-up to the whole reveal of the involvement of delusions. But at the end of the day, I still enjoyed it though!! Also yeah !! Idk, maybe there will be more sibling info in the next update, considering that there's still one more island left to explore ?? Idk, but hopefully !! I'd love to see a progression with reuniting with our sibling, you know?
But yeah I'm,,, not gonna lie, but that's something that kinda stuck out to me when I played Childe's and Baal / Ei's story quest ? Idk but it really did sort of feel like they were pushing the narrative of the Traveller forgiving them for literally trying to kill them (Several times !!) for the sake of fan-service. Deffo they're not fully redeemed for their prior actions imo :// I hope we can see more of the consequences of their actions in the future, but tbh I doubt it will happen :((
NO BUT HAHA I DO AGREE–– tho I don't agree with their actions, and I do admit both Childe and Ei are morally ambiguous at best, they are pretty damn hot HAHAHA
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