#im aware i repated myself a lot
go-away-pls-now · 2 months
I've gotten on the redacted asmr fandoms ass so it's only fair I do the same with the scythe audio People. This is just me stating my option and ranting I am not claiming that anything being said is an official statement from the man himself this is just me.
Like two seconds ago I saw a post where scythe explained why he will not be progressing the babysitter vampier serious (im not sure how to spell atrocity but my points still stand). I would like to make it very clear before I keep going that I fully agree and respect every reason that he listed and anyone who doesn't can get off my account.
Now moving on to the issues
Some people in this community have crossed a few major lines the first one I will be addressing is the simping, while you all have every right to simp for a character evil vamp or not the way some have gone about it is gross.
He is interacting with a CHILD in this series you as the listener are not at a consenting age, it has been stated from the start that the listener little love is a little child and the fact that some fans can't except that and keep saying nasty sexual things both in the live stream for the series and within the community is vial.
Scythe has stated many times that he is uncomfortable with these actions and has asked for it all to stop, if you are one of the people that can't do as asked and respect scythe I invite you to remove yourself from my account I do not wish to interact with you.
Last thing, the chat bots
I don't know much about this topic I haven't seen a lot of it but I do know that while I support people using the character Ai for fun and just all around goofy interactions I don't respect this. These bots are not approved by scythe and therefore should not be active you are stealing connect at this point and that's not fair to scythe or any possible artist in the community you have stolen from in the process.
This is also incredibly gross because people have been yet again crossing the nsfw boundary and being nasty with the character after the creator stated that he was not comfortable with it.
All of that to once again say, that I respect everyone's right to have fun in a community but if your 'fun' is actively hurting others or making them uncomfortable you are the problem and make wonderful communities like scythe's unsafe for others and I want you away from my account if you willing do so.
If I missed anything or got it wrong let me know, this was mainly a rant running off of frustration so I could have vey well been misinformed on something. If scythe wants I will happily remove my post.
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