#im also not interested in this anti-cassian narrative either
andorerso · 8 months
sorry but isnt saying they went through the same thing still comparing them. you're saying cassian living with his (bad) mom in his thirties is the same as jyn living in the streets as a child when that's not really true and minimizes her story on top of what this fandom already has. Understanding that they are equal comes with comparison and that's why l'm not okay with Andor saying he had it okay
You're twisting my words, I never said those are the same, it's obviously not. I'm saying their traumas (and trauma in general) are NOT quantifiable for you to measure which is worse. Their stories are way more than just those two things, and Cassian's trauma comes from much worse things than than just "living with his bad mom."
both lost their (biological) parents
both watched at least one parent die
Cassian and the other kids were on their own without adults presumably for years, he was responsible for his sister
he was drugged, kidnapped, separated from his sister who most likely died, forced to adapt to this new world he didn't understand and was scared of, forced to change his name, etc etc
had an emotionally abusive mom
was sent to juvie for three years at only thirteen after witnessing his father's death
was at Mimban
Jyn for her part grew up with soldiers and was a child soldier
was abandoned by Saw at only 16, lived on the streets, forced to adapt and survive on her own
both sent to labour camps to build the death star, their own demise
So what are you trying to prove, that Jyn's trauma is in fact worse and Cassian's is lesser? Congrats on missing the entire point. I think maybe you're the one minimizing Cassian's trauma here. When did Andor say he had it okay? Listen, I'm not the biggest fan of that backstory for him either, as I've mentioned before, but I don't think Andor ever said that. At all.
I'm not saying living with a bad mom vs on the street are the same. I'm saying we shouldn't compare their trauma in general, and that their stories are more than just those two specific things, it's the sum of everything. I'm saying that it isn't normal behavior to look at them and go "she suffered more!" or "he suffered more!"
And as a friend said, no, their traumas are not comparable in the sense they're different but I think they both suffer like hell. So why are we doing this? Really, WHY are you trying to pit them against each other?
Also if you wanna be pedantic, even with the aging up, he wasn't in his 30s but whatever.
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