#illegals detained
fuckyeah-bears · 8 months
Genuine question. What was it about Hamas breaking into homes, doing war crimes, killing civilians, raping women, killing and possibly beheading babies made y'all break your "no politics" rule to post support about it?
Condemning one side for genocide while ignoring the other side chanting "gas the Jews" is a special kind of irony.
i don't have the energy to respond to this right now. i never once said i approved of or condoned hamas. hamas is a terror organization and any and all killing of human beings is wrong. however you are listening to propaganda. most of the sensationalized headlines about hamas, specifically the beheading one have all been proven to be fake and have literally no evidence. hamas does not represent the palestinian people or the people of gaza. and yet the genocidal israeli government has decided to indiscriminately punnish all 2.1 million people living in gaza for the horrific actions of hamas. this is called collective punishment and it is literally defined as a war crime. gaza's population is 50% children. gaza is the world's largest concentration camp and open air prison. it has been under military blockade for the past 16 years. israel controls the food water electricity fuel movement of people and everything else going in and out of gaza.
this is a walled off open air prison that is extremely densely populated, extremely poor, and full of children. and israel is depriving the entire population of food, clean water, electricity, and carpet bombing them, using banned illegal chemical weapons, refusing to allow in humanitarian aid. they have bombed hospitals, bombed residential buildings, bombed people fleeing after israel told them to evacuate (but joke was on them because they can't evacute since there's no where to go because israel controls all the check points and refuses to let palestinians out, instead trapping them in gaza while there's still no electricity or water or food or any other supplies coming in.
and then don't even get me started on the propaganda israel has been using to demonize and dehumanize palestinians. the defense minister literally called all palestinians "human animals" and said israel would treat them as such. top government officials have released images depicting palestinians as cockroaches and insects needing to be exterminated. they have referred to all gazan's as terrorists to justify their massacre of them.
this is fucking genocide. this is exactly what the nazi's did to jewish people. this is genocide. this is genocide. this is genocide. i have not heard a single palestinian person directing hatred at jewish people. (which is not to say that there has been no antisemitism going on, because there absolutely has, and I wholeheartedly despise it). however i have heard them criticize the israeli government for its depravity and cruelty and literal fucking war crimes it is gleefully committing.
criticizing israel for committing genocide is not antisemetic. criticizing a government for doing horrific evil highly illegal things against international law and against literally all moral humanity and human decency is not antisemetic. it is literally the morally right thing to do. what israel is doing is evil.
there are jewish people who agree wholeheartedly that israel's illegal occupation of palestine and their apartheid and ethnic cleansing are horrific. because they are.
and don't talk about irony. israel is the biggest fucking hypocrite in the entire fucking world. surviving a genocide does not give you the fucking right to perpetrate another genocide. but here israel is. and despite everything they do, they somehow always always play the victim despite the fact that they are the oppressor. israel will always say that any criticism of them and their actions is antisemetic. when in fact, it is entirely justified criticism of a deeply awful and morally bankrupt governnment that is and has been perpetrating heinous atrocities against the people of palestine for decades.
israel gives all jewish people a bad name. because real jewish people know that genocide is never okay. real jewish people know that israel's actions against palestinians are horrific and in no way justified. real jewish people stand with palestinians and support a free palestine.
all this and more is why it is the morally correct thing to do to support palestine and take a stand agains israel
and because you asked, the reason i'm breaking the 'no politics' rule is because of the responses from people like you. so many people have bought into israel's propaganda and their dehumanization of palestinians. there is so much islamophobia that any time people hear a single critique of israel, they jump in to condemn hamas and say 'oh so you support hamas' 'what about hamas' 'so you approve of people wanting to kill jews', demonstrating the insane racist mental gymnastics they are doing by literally mentally equating all palestinians with terrorists who deserve to be killed. and this is so widespread. people and all the world governments are sitting back and watching as this happens without lifting a goddamn fucking finger. with ukraine and russia, everyone jumped in to defend ukraine and support them and condemn russia. immediately. but it's radio fucking silence for palestinne. because of racism and islamophobia and because people are too cowardly to take a stand and risk pissing off all the masses of misinformed racist islamophobic biased people who support israel. and not only are people not fucking talking about it (or only talking about poor innocent israel and their right to 'defend themselves' which is the biggest fucking load of shit ever), almost all of our governments are actively funding israel's military. the very same fucking military that is literally committing a genocide right now.
if you're not horrified by all of this, then you are not a human being. if you do not stand with palestinians as israel blatantly to tries to annihilate them, then you do not have an ounce of humanity left in your soul.
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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gigamuffinsofie · 2 days
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xtruss · 2 months
“Terrorist, Fascist, Illegal Occupier of Palestine 🇵🇸, Apartheid, the Bastard Child of the United States and the West, War Criminal Zionist 🐖 Isra-hell’s” attacks in Gaza, Forever Palestine 🇵🇸, have Killed at least 100 Innocent Palestinian Journalists and Media Workers. Others have been Severely Wounded, forcibly displaced or lost entire families. These journalists report on Israel's attacks, the resulting starvation and humanitarian crisis in Gaza, all while experiencing it themselves.
Now, Palestinian Journalists are calling on U.S. Reporters to Boycott the White House Correspondents' Dinner in protest of the War Criminal Genocidal Biden Administration's Actions Toward Gaza. "It is Unacceptable to Stay Silent out of fear or Professional concern while Journalists in Gaza continue to be Detained, Tortured, and Killed for doing our jobs," the Journalists wrote in a letter Calling for the Boycott.
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i-merani · 1 year
Russians kidnapped yet another person from occupation line✌🏼
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queermycelium · 2 years
The "now I know you've got a screw loose in that cop head of yours" and the fact there is evidence of moonshining in the Hackett basement tells me Travis' job is not a popular choice in his family. There is a deeper argument or arguments buried under that line that we never got to see and I would have loved more.
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mali-umkin · 2 years
It's getting scarier and scarier to be here
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just2bruce · 10 days
US Customs checks every e-commerce parcel
Air freight from the Far East to the US is slowing up because US Customs is detaining cargo to check every e-commerce parcel. That’s because a lot of drugs and fentanyl-manufacturing equipment has been discovered in shipments of smaller e-commerce packages, mostly from China. The de minimis rule, which says that packages of value less than $800 and smaller size are subject to different import…
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activeonoccasion · 1 month
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cauli-flawa · 3 months
in the bus rn and the radio is saying stuff about all migrants being criminals and that they will steal jobs and starve the population
get me out of hre
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what went down in nyc at columbia and city college was a massive escalation and a huge show of violent force from the police in what is already one of the heaviest policed cities in the country, if not the world. sending hundreds if not thousands of riot cops, counter terrorism, SWAT and NYPD's notorious SRG units armed with what is basically military equipment to beat up college students and barricade columbia faculty into their apartments. the fact that they removed all press from campus and refused to let journalists in before they swept the camp is very concerning. a lot of journalists said this was an unprecedented use of force even for the NYPD and it seemed like an excuse for them to use a lot of their new equipment. NYPD reportedly entered with guns drawn. out of around 300 people arrested on tuesday, some still havent been released or even processed. this is illegal in new york state btw, people have to be arraigned within 24 hours. NYPD has been giving very little information about the people detained, not specifying where theyre being held, and taking a suspiciously long time to process them. they're apparently trying to charge some protestors with felonies. anyways all this is to say this is a major escalation from NYPD and a grim sign for the future. this is a prelude to fascism, not an alternative.
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runalongprincevaliant · 7 months
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xtruss · 12 days
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Palestinians arrested during Gaza raids and detained by “The Terrorist, Fascist, War Criminal, Apartheid, Liar, Conspirator and the Illegal Regime of the Zionist Isra-helli 🐖 🐷 🐖 🐗 Forces” say they faced food and sleep deprivation, poor detention conditions and both psychological and physical torture.
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"The flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza has dropped by 67% since the 7th of May," UN Spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said on May 29, attributing this primarily to the closure of the Rafah border crossing.
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Slovenia's Government Endorses Motion to Recognise a Palestinian State, Sends to Parliament For Approval.
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cattatoir · 8 months
Has anyone like wanted out of a hospital before against doctor advice like? In wolf like me they’re all escaping and shit but can’t you just say fuck you I don’t consent to more care like I thought that was sort of a tenet they had
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nando161mando · 7 days
"Stop the genocide. 15,000 children are dead because of you. You're a murderer."
@codepink-for-peace activists confronted US Vice President Kamala Harris on "Jimmy Kimmel Live!"
They were forcefully removed, assaulted, and illegally detained by the show's security.
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liberty-vigil · 1 year
Russia must immediately release all illegally detained Ukrainian civilians.
It is even illegal in russia to detain civilians. They do not have official status and russia often denies they are holding them. They are in a perpetual limbo and few help them.
If there is some way to raise awareness, get something russia would want to exchange for them, make a lot of noise, the international community come together to find some sort of deal-- anything but leaving them in shadows and silence.
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hey so remember those new protest laws that make peaceful protest illegal? yeah? wanna see them in action?
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Head of UK’s leading anti-monarchy group arrested at coronation protest
Republic’s Graham Smith held at protest on King Charles III’s procession route in central London
Daniel Boffey Chief reporter, Sat 6 May 2023 08.31 BST
The head of the UK’s leading republican movement has been arrested at an anti-monarchist protest on King Charles III’s procession route.
Graham Smith had been collecting drinks and placards for demonstrators at Trafalgar Square when he was detained by police on the Strand in central London.
It is understood Smith was detained after bringing a megaphone to the demonstration. The Met police had tweeted earlier this week that they would have a “low tolerance” of those seeking to “undermine” the day.
Harry Stratton, a director at Republic, who arrived as Smith and the others were detained, said: “They were collecting the placards and bringing them over when the police stopped them.
“The guys asked why and they were told: we will tell you that once we have searched the vehicle. That’s when they arrested the six organisers. We asked on what grounds they had been arrested but they wouldn’t say. It is a surprise as we had had a number of meetings with the police. They had been making all the right noises”.
full article
dont you love it when your government decides to not even bother hiding the fact the fascist tendencies theyre leaning more and more into?
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