#ill get a cooling pad see if that helps ANYWAY what other dungeons.
grailbot143 · 4 years
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Hiya @pechikka (#218), thanks for the ask and the encouragement! This one has been sitting on my desktop for several months waiting for a time when SonBot and I could polish it up, but without further ado. . .
Campaign: Crystal Gems
Session 3: Cheeseburger Backpack
ShieldsNRoses: ♪Hey, Mr. Postman, bring me a post, bring me the post that I love the most.♪
MotelCalifornia: The Mailguy walks around the corner of the cliff
ShieldsNRoses: Huh? I gasp My song came true! Do you have a package for me today?
MotelCalifornia: *Mailguy* Hold on. Let me see what I've got here. takes out package Did you order a loaf of bread with a stamp on it?
ShieldsNRoses: No.
AwesomeSaucem: can I have it anyway
Pearlescence: Of course not! You're not even there! And you are presumably not the intended recipient.
AwesomeSaucem: so? that's never stopped me before
MotelCalifornia: *Mailguy* pulls out envelope Did you order a jury summons for R.J. Finkle?
Pearlescence: I'm not sure that you would order a jury summons. . .
ShieldsNRoses: That's not me, I'm Steven.
MotelCalifornia: *Mailguy* Oh, right, right, right, Steven! pulls out a package Here it is, Steven Universe.
ShieldsNRoses: looks at package Ha! This thing is gonna help me save the world.
MotelCalifornia: *Mailguy* Really? It says it's from um, whos it from?
ShieldsNRoses: o i didnt think of that. wacky sacks?
AwesomeSaucem: whats it like a hackysack? hows that gonna help?
ShieldsNRoses: just trust me
MotelCalifornia: alright kiddo, we'll go with it. its from *mailguy* Wacky Sacks Supply Company.
ShieldsNRoses: Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl think I shouldn't go on magic adventures because I don't know how to use my Gem powers
MotelCalifornia: *Mailguy* That seems reasonable.
ShieldsNRoses: But there are other ways I can help.
MotelCalifornia: *Mailguy* With a Wacky Sack?
ShieldsNRoses: Exactly!
MotelCalifornia: *Mailguy* Do you know how you can save my world? takes out signature pad Sign here, please.
ShieldsNRoses: Aah! I rite my name and pu a bunch of stars aroound it
MotelCalifornia: *Mailguy* Barb yells at me if I don't get signatures.
ShieldsNRoses: That's awful.
MotelCalifornia: the warp pad activates back at the house. Steven you can see the light:)
ShieldsNRoses: Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl are back! I take the package and run bak inside
MotelCalifornia: *Mailguy* Wait, Steven! What IS a Wacky Sack?!
AwesomeSaucem: ya srsly man when r u gonna explain this
ShieldsNRoses: Huh? youll see. dad says you guys were gonna do a dungeon thing today. so i gots somethin to help so I could come wit you
Pearlescence: What? You can't come with us! You're not ready!
AwesomeSaucem: hell never be ready if we dont take him sometimes and this place shouldn't have any enemies, right?
MotelCalifornia: yea mostly just a puzzle dungeon
Pearlescence: Well, alright. I'm still going to raise objections in-character, though. Pearl would be concerned that something bad might happen to him without that reassurance.
MotelCalifornia: Alright continuing from where we left off with the gems. Garnet's still covered in feathers since she never bothered to take em off and Amethyst is still carrying around that giant egg.
Pearlescence: Amethyst, we do NOT need that! It's not going to fit in the fridge and you have to make a new strength check for it every 5 minutes! That added almost 10 minutes to our campaign! What are you even going to do with it?
AwesomeSaucem: What? I got this. ima try to put it n the frige
MotelCalifornia: look it's not gonna fit. there's too much stuff already in there and there isn't any space with the shelves in there.
AwesomeSaucem: I'll just slide this tray out
Pearlescence: Great! There is milk and bagels and other food in there!
MotelCalifornia: Fine. I guess you can make a roll to fit the egg in there. um, what would you roll?
AwesomeSaucem: like i no
MotelCalifornia: fine, perception
AwesomeSaucem: but i suck with perception!
MotelCalifornia: Then i guess you suck at putting giant eggs into fridges too
AwesomeSaucem: *Rolls 4* AAURGH! Look, it fits! i jus slam the door on it
MotelCalifornia: A crack is heard from the inside. Amethyst fails to hear it.
AwesomeSaucem: Oh, man. We can make a big omelet, or a quiche, or big sunny side ups!—
Pearlescence: Steven. We fought a giant bird. We're only here for a second, we've got to go back out.
ShieldsNRoses: What? Why?
Pearlescence: I show Steven the Moon Goddess Statue. We have to place this Moon Goddess Statue on the top of the Lunar Sea Spire before midnight. Without it, the whole place will fall apart! Oh, Steven, you should have seen the spire in its heyday. I project a hologram of the gala we had at the Sea Spire near the beginning of our last campaign.
MotelCalifornia: remembwer that your projections are low detail
Pearlescence: It doesn't have to be much. Just a general idea. I made a little bit of art from our descriptions. I'll upload it.
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ShieldsNRoses: thats great!
MotelCalifornia: not quite how i remember it but i think this is better!
Pearlescence: It was an oasis for Gems on Earth. It's abandoned now, but we can still save it with this statue!
ShieldsNRoses: Wha? That's perfect!
Pearlescence: What? Why?
ShieldsNRoses: Because I can help carry it for you in this! I open my package and pull out this!
Pearlescence: A hamburger?
ShieldsNRoses: It's a novelty backpack, shaped like a cheeseburger! Aww, I blew it. i put it on I was just going to wear it one day, and you guys would be like, "Dang, Steven, that's so cool." But this is obviously important Gem business.
Pearlescence: Yes, so you should let us take care of it.
ShieldsNRoses: What? I'm a Gem! I lift up shirt and points to gemstone
Pearlescence: But you've still got a lot to learn.
AwesomeSaucem: So, let him come! waving my hands It'll be educational.
Pearlescence: Hmm, alright. I hand the statue to Steven You can carry it in your hamburger.
ShieldsNRoses: Hmm. I open the backpack Check this out! Everything's a pocket! Even the cheese is a pocket! I could fit a lot more stuff in here. Give me a minute. I'll pack extra supplies.
ShieldsNRoses: I wanna grab some food in cas I get hunngry. What do we have?
MotelCalifornia: Well, there sere bagels and milk but the milk would have spiled when it fell
ShieldsNRoses: I'll just take the bagels. Ooh I also need clothes in cas its cold. wat do I have other than this shirt?
MotelCalifornia: um, there might be a couple of sweaters in the hall closet?
ShieldsNRoses: um I'll take those. I'm pretty sure there was a raft in there too so ill take that
AwesomeSaucem: r u gonna take the kite n there 2?
ShieldsNRoses: OOh ya thatd be cool. Is there anythin in my rooom that I could use?
MotelCalifornia: you have your vieogames, your posters, yur action figures, your stuffed animals, your clock, your pillows and blanket. I'm not sure waht your looking for herer
ShieldsNRoses: Mr. Queasy isn'tr an animal!
Pearlescence: Mr. Queasy?
MotelCalifornia: Its a stuffed animal that SheldsNRoses has. its basically sick all the time and complains when you shake it. He thinkss its hilareous
AwesomeSaucem: dude it sounds hilarios
ShieldsNRoses: *gasp* LOL Mr. Queasy! I shake the plush doll and laughs You're definitely gonna come in handy! I remove the first aid kit and stuff him in
MotelCalifornia: first aid kit? i don't remember that
Pearlescence: Steeeven, let's GO!
ShieldsNRoses: Coming! walks down stairs and onto the warp pad
MotelCalifornia: ok, wait. Shieldsnroses, what all is in yur cheeseburger?
ShieldsNRoses: um, bagles sandwitches, kite, raft, 2 sweaters , and mr. queasy
MotelCalifornia: ok
Pearlescence: Woah, Steven, did you bring your whole room?
AwesomeSaucem: Back that thang up.
AwesomeSaucem: Suck it in, Steven!
Pearlescence: Do you remember how to do this?
MotelCalifornia: ShieldsNRoses make a warp pad roll
Pearlescence: Oh, wow! It's been a long time since we had to make warp pad rolls!
ShieldsNRoses: *Rolls 4*
MotelCalifornia: Steven starts floating and his head goes out of the warp stream.
Pearlescence: Keep your head in. I pull his head in Come on.
MotelCalifornia: yu all make it to the sea spire. Steven falls down as the other gems land gracefully
ShieldsNRoses: Whoa, the Sea Spire!
MotelCalifornia: As yu look at the spire a piece falls off.
Pearlescence: It wasn't like this a hundred years ago.
MotelCalifornia: cracks form on the ground around you
ShieldsNRoses: Oh, yeah. That's never good.
Pearlescence: Gah, Steven!
MotelCalifornia: shields roll for acrobatics to avoid a piece falling on you
ShieldsNRoses: What? *rolls 8*
Pearlescence: I roll to save him *rolls 14*
MotelCalifornia: you save him
Pearlescence: Alright, hold on. We're taking Steven back! I hug Steven. I thought you said this dungeon was going to be safe! It can't be safe if it's FALLING APART!
MotelCalifornia: a weird sound comes out of the cheeseburger backpack
ShieldsNRoses; Oh, Mr. Queasy! LOL
MotelCalifornia: Pearl, it's not too bad. he'll be ok [probably]
Pearlescence: Steven! This place is your heritage. I want you to stay and help, but you really got to take this seriously! Can you do that, Steven?
ShieldsNRoses: You got it, dude! I stick my tongue out
Pearlescence: Yesss...
MotelCalifornia: you come to the moat. you see on the other side a building with tall arched windows and small diamond windows above them. do yall remember it?
AwesomeSaucem: What's the hold-up? We can clear this easily.
Pearlescence: So we can't jump?
ShieldsNRoses: Oh, wait! I pull out sweaters from backpack
AwesomeSaucem: What are those for?
ShieldsNRoses: They WERE for keeping warm, I tie them together but check it out. I whip one end through the window and try to catch the other end.
MotelCalifornia: roll for slight of hand?
ShieldsNRoses: *Rolls 15*
MotelCalifornia: Ok i guess it works
ShieldsNRoses: I take a deep breath and jump
AwesomeSaucem: Steven!
Pearlescence: Wait!
MotelCalifornia: as Steven reaches the wall he is being pulled down by the vortex. I can't really make this safe if yu kep doing things like this
AwesomeSaucem: He's getting sucked down!
MotelCalifornia: roll for acrobatics
ShieldsNRoses: *Rolls nat 20*
MotelCalifornia: wow! I guess you make it! you run up the side of the wall and into the archway
ShieldsNRoses: Cheeseburger!
AwesomeSaucem: Steven! Way to go! C'mon, guys! i summon my whip and grab them and whip it thru the window. Steven style!
MotelCalifornia: You have to roll
AwesomeSaucem: *Rolls 22*
AwesomeSaucem: we make it!
Pearlescence: Roses, you must be more careful! Don't ever do that again!
ShieldsNRoses: Sorry!
Pearlescence: But it was pretty great.
MotelCalifornia: Pearl, do you want to descirbe the damage?
Pearlescence: Oh, um, certainly! Oh, no, no, no, this is even worse than the outside. Ugh... that's... oh! Oh, this didn't used to be so— Oh, and the water damage. This pillar... Oh, and this had a head...
AwesomeSaucem: This is y we don't let u dm we walk ahead so i dont have to listen to her drone on
Pearlescence: That's fine. We stop and look at a particular statue. Oh, Steven, once the statue's in place, it'll restore all of this to its former glory
MotelCalifornia: as u walk up to 1 of the statues you see crystal shrimp crawling up it
Pearlescence: aaah! I summon my spear and slice the statue in half sending the top half off the edge along with the disgusting little shrimp. Why would you bring these back?
MotelCalifornia: this is where we met them first y wouldn't they be here?
ShieldsNRoses: What was that goobers?
Pearlescence: Crystal Shrimp.
MotelCalifornia: Garnet and Amethyst see a swarm of crystal shrimp at the top of the staires
AwesomeSaucem: You guys, we got a problem!
Pearlescence: We run up to them and see the crystal shrimp. I gasp. It's an infestation. And we have to pass through there to get to the top.
ShieldsNRoses: i look closely at one how big are they?
MotelCalifornia: small like a cat
ShieldsNRoses: Can't you just squish 'em?
Pearlescence: I pull Steven away from them. Don't touch that, their shards are deadly! We need to clear a path. I create a plan and share it through a projection.
Pearlescence:Amethyst, if you go around to the side and disturb them with a spin attack...
Pearlescence: And Garnet, if you move to the ceiling and strike this exact spot... I show the spot as an X with my projection
ShieldsNRoses: Bagel sandwich!
Pearlescence: then I can advance with my... Roses, you interrupted my plan! And what does that even mean?
ShieldsNRoses: I take two bagel sandwiches out of the backpackand throws them on each side of the room.
MotelCalifornia: why?
ShieldsNRoses: so the shrimp can eat them
Pearlescence: You don't even have bagel sandwiches! You just brought bagels.
AwesomeSaucem: thats true
ShieldsNRoses: no i said sandwiches. why would i have just brought bagels? that's not a good meal if we get hungry
MotelCalifornia: he apparently did say sandwiches i tjus scrolled back up and looked. Shields, roll for animal handling
ShieldsNRoses: *Rolls 16*
MotelCalifornia: alright, the shrimp group around the sandwiches and start to eat them, I guess there's a path for the gems
AwesomeSaucem: Oh hey, what do you know.
Pearlescence: I guess I don't need my grand hologram plan! Uh, uhh, how did you know that would work?
ShieldsNRoses: Well, if I were a shrimp, that's what I would do.
AwesomeSaucem: You ARE a shrimp.
Pearlescence: I just want everyone to know: my plan would have also worked.
MotelCalifornia: you make your way up the stares. you come to a room where there are several pillers around the room a giant crack on the wall to the left. there are broken stairwells over a crevice. as you reach the top Garnet you see the crack widen and a small river rushes through the crevise and forms a waterfall that drops down to the lower level
MotelCalifornia: The wall to the left of them cracks and forms a small, rushing river that drops below.
AwesomeSaucem: What are we gonna do? i look at steven
Pearlescence: I also look at Steven.
ShieldsNRoses: What? Me? y is every1 lookin at me
AwesomeSaucem: i start chantin Cheeseburger backpack! Cheeseburger backpack!
ShieldsNRoses: uh, uh, hold on. what else is in my backpak?
AwesomeSaucem: Pearl, c'mon.
Pearlescence: Oh, alright. I start chanting with her. Cheeseburger backpack! Cheeseburger backpack! Cheeseburger backpack!
ShieldsNRoses: o wiat i kno w I pull out A raft! i pull the handle and it inflates
Pearlescence: Steven, that's so sensible!
ShieldsNRoses: i put the raft in the water
MotelCalifornia: ok kiddo theres just one problem with that. it floats away
Pearlescence: Ugh!
Amethyst: srsly?
MotelCalifornia: Everyone walks across the piller bridge and you continue on
AwesomeSaucem: Yeah, they can't all be winners.
MotelCalifornia: You climb up winding stairs that lead around the outside of the spire. At the top you see a pedastal.
Pearlescence: _This is it. The Moon Goddess pedestal. _ I look up to see what time it is
MotelCalifornia: Its still a few minutes before the moon is lined up
Pearlescence: And the moon is almost overhead! It's not too late to save this piece of history!
ShieldsNRoses: I pull out the statue and put it on the pedastal
MotelCalifornia: actually. . .
AwesomeSaucem: o no!
MotelCalifornia: you don't have it
ShieldsNRoses: wut??
MotelCalifornia: Sorry kiddo, I asked for your inventory and you didn't mention it
ShieldsNRoses: Uhh, I, uh, ah, uhh... cant you just asume i had it?
AwesomeSaucem: What's the hold-up?
ShieldsNRoses: Im freakin out here I don't have it.
Pearlescence: What?!
ShieldsNRoses: I must have left it on the bed!
MotelCalifornia: The moon is nearly lined up
Pearlescence: There's... there's no time...
ShieldsNRoses: Wait! I have an idea! I pull out Mr. Queasy
AwesomeSaucem: Could that work?
MotelCalifornia: um, i guess roll for it?
ShieldsNRoses: I put Mr. Queasy on the padastool.
ShieldsNRoses: *Rolls 1*
MotelCalifornia: the moon blasts a ray of light onto Mr. Queasy. he floats a few feet up
AwesomeSaucem: omg is it gonna work? with a nat 1?
MotelCalifornia: he shakes violently and explodes
Pearlescence: Oh my! I thought for a minute...
MotelCalifornia: the spire begins to shake, and a bunch of cracks form in the ground.. The waterfall starts to close in on the Spire.
ShieldsNRoses: No, no, no, no, no!
MotelCalifornia: The cracks separate and the gems are pushed apart. everyone roll
Pearlescence: *Rolls 14*
AwesomeSaucem:*Rolls 12*
STELLA:*Rolls 19*
ShieldsNRoses: This is all my fault. I broke it.
Pearlescence: No, Steven, the Spire was falling apart when we got here. You handled everything well under pressure. You did great!
AwesomeSaucem: Yeah, two out of four of your ideas worked. That's fifty percent.
MotelCalifornia: Shields you still need to roll
ShieldsNRoses: *Rolls nat 20*
ShieldsNRoses: Yeah. I guess you're right. They can't all be winners.
MotelCalifornia: hm, lets see. i guess your raft pops up
ShieldsNRoses: Wooo!
Pearl & Amethyst: Cheeseburger backpack! Cheeseburger backpack! Cheeseburger backpack!
ShieldsNRoses: i pull out a bagel Anyone want a wet bagel?
Pearlescence: Bagel? Not bagel sandwich?
ShieldsNRoses: Well no one wants a wet bagle sandwitch!
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