#iliyathalapathy vijay
sleepyaeri · 3 years
My Nani likes Thalapathy Vijay too!
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sleepyaeri · 3 years
The parents' relationship is so ADORABLE!!!
It's so rare to see ships in Indian cinema where the male lead isn't chasing the female lead relentlessly and against her will.
Here is an established relationship which eliminates the possibility of my most hated trope. Thus it's already a winner
There's more. The performances by both Thalapathy Vijay and Nithya Menen are so on point. They're cute, effervescent and endearing, without being overbearing.
The banter, the flirting, their exchanges are a treat to watch. Full of affection and crackling chemistry.
It's a fun and easy dynamic, yet the required emotional intensity is there. We are invested. It's heartbreaking to see their deaths.
During the delivery scene, it's not the visuals as much as it's the emotions that move the audience. Kudos to Atlee for portraying Vijay in such a light. As a vulnerable common man. I'll talk more about that, but that's a whole different post.
The borderline gory scenes of the fraudulent delivery gone wrong, intercut with scenes of Vijay tenderly narrating their love story to his son. Pain I tell you.
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