#ik technically they haven’t disbanded
bomnun · 1 year
the news abt the girls in the park’s company no longer being operating made me go back and relisten to their discography again and it’s coming back to me how much I used to like them :( (I still like them lmao but as they hadn’t been active in over 18 months they weren’t at the forefront of my mind that often) all of them are so fun and their discography is definitely in the top 5 kpop discographies that tickle my brain the most. they had/have such good chemistry and energy, and omg seoryoung… still love how extra she is on every track and her gorgeous voice. I went on a bazooka and puzzle moon stage rewatch and ahhh they’re so fun… why did we have to (half) lose them so early
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olivia-calidamn · 4 years
4 and 10 for the asks
a guess / prediction of poison for breakfast
it’s set around the Sugar Bowl Gen’s 20′s/pre-the Unfortunate Gen’s births? so we get SBG content where they’re all alive? Dan The Man (Madame Lulu voice) blease??
your favorite netflix!compliant theory / backstory filling up the plots to give netflix scenes hidden depth
Anya this one is HARD!! 
maybe that the SBG all went to Prufrock?? not that Ishmael started VFD nah fuck that guy but like, the Elite Club at Prufrock was like, a gateway into VFD per se? like if they got brainy kids/kids with the right surname they put them in the elite club to introduce them to VFD sorta thing? for my fic lore i go off netflix and then add book parts i like or make tweaks so like. how i see it: 
so you got like, the SBG in the Elite Club which post their graduation/apprenticeships the Club disbanded or a) Olivia would’ve found out about it b) Olivia would’ve wanted to help with it like supply books and stuff but also c) Nero would not be capable of keeping the club going because that is an Idiot of a man. so everyone was in it, like, Beatrice, Bertrand, Josephine and Monty, probs Ike too, maybe Fernald was in it for its last years bc he’s younger than everyone else isn’t he (?), the Snicket Sibs, Quinn and Quentin the Quagmires, Olaf before he got kicked out in grade 8,  Gustav and Larry, Hector, i’m forgetting characters but
basically. basically. the entire SBG including R were in the Prufrock Elite Club at one point tho i have three exceptions, Olivia Jacquelyn and Esmé. Olivia was off practicing witchcraft in farmland with Gypsy Vale in her teenage years;  Jacquelyn went to a private all-girls school as her parents either wanted/said in their will (i haven’t decided who out of she and R is the adopted Scieszka yet);  when she was living with the (i haven’t chosen a maiden surname for Bertrand)’s since she’s technically Bertrand’s foster sister in my stuff, whack childhood, Esmé went to Prufrock for a year or so, was asked to join the Elite Club but yote Anna Karenina into a fireplace then her Great Aunt Zelda Blackadder won custody of her
i mean i like it? the whole Prufrock thing? like of course it could’ve been executed better because i Doubt that Ishmael started VFD like nahhhh bud i don’t think so. i haven’t read ATWQ so I don’t know which school is referenced in Shouldn’t You Be In School? i’m guessing there’s a school in it that is, i know there’s a passenger train service called The Thistle In The Valley in the fourth book, so idk if that can tie into the Prufrock Elite Club, but idk i’m using it with my fic lore for the time being but i’m tweaking it so that Ishmael Doesn’t Get All The Credit 
i think. this is what the question is asking. i think. Anya is this what it means? Vera is this what you mean??
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