#ik im overthinking my identity and presentation but what else did you expect from Mr Overthinker McGee
neonstatic · 1 year
i like too many damn aesthetics and i'm tryna be way too many ppl at once with too little damn space in my closet. i'm gonna have to forbid myself some aesthetics and colours. i can indulge in black and grey as much as i want but others i shall consider like an investment.
"but ray, why limit yourself?" well i'm a certified shopperholic and while i'm not Broke tm i've had to put tape around my balcony door to save us from the cold wind, so you could say my wallet would benefit from a little more, um, restraint.
so from now on i am not allowed to even look at the following colours:
blue, red, khaki/beige, most shades of brown and green, and purple.
what specific colours, besides shades of black and grey, am i encouraged to admire and covet? well i'm glad you asked:
lavender, sage green, white (to a degree for i'm a fkg slob), pink (mostly pastel), yellow, and a liiil brown, as a treat, for patterned tops or dresses.
if all goes well i will be able to stick to this rule and get rid of a trash bag of clothes by january. if not then my compulsive shopping has won and i am a weakling and a loser
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