#iirc we we tried to convincer her to buy it so we could have our own bakeoff competitions in the bizarro huge kitchen
mcelroyfamilystaff · 4 months
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Throwback to that time Amanda was traveling for work and the rest of us got obsessed with the weird house owned by the founder of Yankee Candle and things went a little off the rails.
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Surprising nobody, NoodleKittyRambles blocked me and ACP after we injected some inconvenient reality into her(?) stupid post.
>Yeah young kids can’t legally own firearms, but all these cases came from guns they got from their PARENTS.
You assume.
The Columbine shooters literally convinced adults to buy them guns. The straw purchasers went to jail. There’s also times when kids just straight up stole the guns from their parents’ insufficient security.
Theoretically, they could also steal it from someone else, or get it on the street.
Also, you didn’t specify. The entire point of your original post was that any shooting that fit the description would be damning. 
If you were vague, that’s on you.
I looked up the most recent shooting when I queued the post, and nobody said anything about where the kid got the gun.
And that's information OP didn't even have in the story. That's literally her whole point. 
So claiming her point was actually about kids getting access to guns is...odd. And it wouldn’t rebut my point about negligence being illegal.
I’m not sure if she’s lying, stupid, or if she mentally retconned her own point.
>And don’t even get me started on all the cases of TEENAGERS getting their hands on firearms COMPLETELY LEGALLY to shoot up their own schools.
You mean "teenagers who are legal adults bought firearms, as they are legally entitled to"?
>Making murder illegal doesn’t stop people from murdering. But restricting access to tool specifically made to kill others is better than whatever we currently have.
Except most guns are never used to shoot another person. And most of the ones that do are illegally owned already. 
And many guns are made specifically for hunting, varmint control, and range purposes. 
And they can kill people just as well as guns “specifically made to kill others”.
You’re also equating “made for self-defense” with “made for murder”. (Drink a sip.) And trying to punish a hundred million innocent gun owners for a few thousand criminals.
You can’t pretend your idea is the ongoing shooting issue, but also “guns scary, make them go away!”.
>Did you know that there are 120 guns for every 100 Americans? 
Yes, and? How often are guns used to commit violent crimes, compared to the amount of guns there are? Last time I checked, it was south of 1 in 10,000 or so, IIRC.
Have you ever tried actually persuading someone that doesn’t already agree with you?
Unless, of course, you were saying this to appeal to your followers and look like you’re winning.
>Did you know that our rate of gun related homicide is 4 times higher than every other country? If you combined all the mass shootings in the world, they still would not be able to beat the amount of shootings that have happened in America.
Speaking as someone from a country with a higher murder rate than America, who personally knew at least three murder victims, you are wrong. There are loads of countries like mine. 
That’s they the “correct” line only compares America to other “developed” countries. And ignores the overall homicide rate, of course.
I don’t have the mass shooting stat to hand, but I’d bet that’s wrong too. *
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This article says otherwise, but it also says the US only had about 101 mass shootings over 20 years.
Five shootings a year.
In a country with hundreds of millions of guns.
Doesn’t seem like much of a problem. 
Especially since we have no idea how many of those shootings were with illegal guns.
Besides Columbine, of course.
I also notice that you’ve stopped talking about school shootings. Or even your original argument. Almost like you’re just spouting whatever comes to mind that’ll score points.
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> #tw gun#gun control#tw shooting#I’m not gonna respond to anyone else on this post#I don’t wanna have to deal with gun loving people on this site
“I’m making posts about gun control, but I don’t want to actually talk to the people I disagree with or address their criticisms.”
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Class, notice how Kitty doesn’t actually refer to a single specific incident, or provide any actual evidence. 
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*EDIT: Since I drafted this post, I did get the stat. The top for per capita mass shooting deaths was actually Norway. 
When I told the guy I was arguing with, he tried to pretend his point wasn’t (explicitly) “more gun ownership = more mass shootings”, but  “a lot of guns = a lot of mass shootings”. 
Then I pointed to Switzerland, which has only slightly less guns than Norway, and much less mass shootings. Or Germany and France, which have about 1/6th the ownership of America, but much less mass shooting deaths.
He still refused to throw in the towel. He suddenly started talking about the specific gun storage laws both countries had - even though he had only talked about the ownership rate earlier - and refused to explain how those laws were “preventing” mass shootings. 
And he didn’t discuss Norway or Switzerland at all.
EDIT 2: Since I queued this post, I checked the stats for my home country. We have strict gun control, and a much higher gun murder rate than Freedomland. So Noodles is blatantly wrong about that too.
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