#ignore the flowers <3 but otherwise this gif is the vibe <3
n8-shaw · 6 months
who: @charfletchh when: a few hours after the fire where: alcott, second floor
Nate trudged back to his dorm, throat still aching, at some unknown hour of the night. It was late - or early, he wasn't even sure at that point. But he was tired, and pissed, and honestly...he couldn't get a different fire, a different night out of his mind. This night wasn't that bad. The Commons was still standing, for one. But the trepidation that he had going back to his room was rising, past experiences convincing him that cops would be waiting there - that he would be blamed, even though he had nothing to do with this. When he got to his floor, there wasn't much noise in the hallway - Nate didn't know if that was because everyone was asleep, or because the dorm was near empty, or people were just shell shocked behind their own doors.
He didn't want to be alone.
But who would he go to, who would even care? No one. But maybe that was for the best. Maybe the move to find somebody who didn't care, who wanted something simple from him would be for the best - and it was that thought that led him past his own door to one down the hall, Nate rapping at the door of #204 before he could rethink it.
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dorizardthewizard · 2 months
HSM (2006) rewatch pt 5
5: Audition time!
The ad cuts are taking me out hahaha
We see Sharpay give Darbus some sort of gift, we can guess she’s one of those students where the teachers think she’s the most loveliest thing on the planet but to other students she’s a nightmare
Ah, the first of the classic silly Chad shirts – “I come with my own background music”. How much time does he spend picking these out? And the watches from earlier?? If you think about it the only other guy with an outfit quirk is Ryan- /shot
Chad you’re a terrible spy
Obsessed with this kid who can’t speak because otherwise they’d have to pay the extra more. They actually try to dub over with a voice but it’s so faint it's not even subbed, looks like this kid just randomly grabs Chad’s hand to greet him it’s so funny, but Chad is just like “Oh, hi! :D”. Actually I am now proclaiming this guy is mute.
There’s an auto shop in this school???? So apparently some schools with a focus on trades do have these, huh pretty cool
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I love Kelsi’s fit. It’s just so her <3
The first girl is me when I try to sing
Girl with the pink flower's singing skills are about right for the plays I did tbh, it was a small thing in a church hall and not a single one of us kids were actually good at it. But it was fun!
Hey what was with the 2000s and thinking bad opera singing was the height of comedy? We’re only missing their glasses breaking
Darbus: What... courage! To pursue a note that has... not been accessed in the natural world! Bravo, uh, brava! Darbus: Perhaps the spring musicale?
SAVAGE. Also, spring musicale? SO THERE IS A SPRING ONE. WHEN?? If you’re doing AUDITIONS for the winter one in JANUARY, when is the spring one supposed to be??
Mad respect to this ballet guy. Maybe they let him join the ensemble? This reminds me, I caught Billy Elliott on TV the other day and I'm planning on watching Jump In soon, I'm just watching the same old themes this month huh
Darbus: Well that was just... very disturbing. Go see a counsellor
HELLO??? 😭😭😭 I mean I see they were going for the originality points and tried to do some interpretative dance, honestly it’s not too far from GCSE drama productions that always seem to have something to do with peer pressure, drugs or a car crash lmao
Reaction montage because same:
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OK now that Gabriella’s here I want to point out that Troy did actually come here of his own accord, of course he’d hoped Gabriella would be there as he was checking the audition sheet earlier, but I see this as being an “it’s less scary if it’s the two of us” thing, rather than him only being interested in the musical because of Gabriella. Sure, she sparked his curiosity as he realised how much he enjoyed the karaoke singing, but once he got to the theatre he wasn’t looking around searching for her - I think due to the sequels where Gabriella has to convince Troy to do the performance and he’s all reluctant at first, we kind of forget that initially, he was the one to take the first step, even if he’s too scared to actually audition here. I kind of wish they’d kept this and progressed it into the sequels so he’s more confident with his love of theatre going forward, but instead they keep repeating the whole “ahhhh I don’t sing” thing.
Gabriella: So you decided to sign up for something? Troy: Uh... no. You? Gabriella: No...
Hahaha Troy and Gabriella are basically like “No I won’t do it uh, unless you wanted to”
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Haha, little callback to when she asked him why he's whispering and he said his friends don't know about the singing thing.
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Okay Sharpay and Ryan’s version of What I’ve Been Looking For is more fun than Kelsi’s original for sure, but look Kelsi wrote the song that way for a reason – it probably fits the vibe of the scene and the emotions of the characters at that point in the story. So to see your vision ignored, and your song reworked without consulting you, that’s a pretty big insult for an artist. Like, that’s her song! Her creation! Also Sharpay and Ryan don't have the chemistry for the roles for obvious reasons, and their choreography can be a bit… idk... literal? At the line “that you were always there beside me” they often look at each other like “Oh! Haha there you are!” which is a bit of a shallow interpretation of the song imo. Like I get their limitation because they’re siblings, but that’s just showbiz you can’t expect to fit every single main role you audition for? Anyway it’s B tier for me, catchy enough but nothing show-stopping.
I like how there’s little hints at conflicts between the two though, like Sharpay stopping Ryan so she can walk out first, bumping into him during the number and her telling him not to do the jazz squares but Ryan doing it anyway. He’s not completely subservient to her.
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Sharpay is so mean to Kelsi and y’all wanna say she was the victim here? She’s an elitist that doesn’t encourage new talent or cooperation, she just likes to be on top.
Gabriella: I'd like to audition, Ms Darbus!
I feel like they could have portrayed Gabriella’s motivations a bit better because they’re a tad unclear for me – with Troy we had scenes about his conflict and we can see he’s genuinely curious about singing on stage, but Gabriella seemed pretty certain she didn’t want to do anything like that right at the start of the year, plus she’s got major stage fright. So what exactly got her to go to the audition? Did she guess Troy would be there? If anyone's got any thoughts or meta on that I'd love to hear it
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Troy is so kind to Kelsi aw, taking the time to boost her confidence. It’s not like he knew she’d play them the music, he genuinely just saw someone being mistreated and wanted to boost them up. In the novelisation, Kelsi is freaking out because THE Troy Bolton is talking to her and turns out he's just a nice sweet guy who doesn't think he's above everyone else, it's sweet.
OK I know people laugh at them being able to sightread here, but they already heard how the tune goes as they saw Sharpay and Ryan’s audition, and this is essentially just the same thing slowed down, with some prompts from Kelsi. It’s not thaaaaat farfetched.
So for Troy and Gabriella’s version of the song? I’m sure this version suits that part of the musical more, they have great chemistry when singing it and they can sing well, so I can see why Darbus would consider them. It’s just that in my personal rankings I wouldn’t really listen to this so it’s C tier, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad. The song does exactly what it needs to do at this point in the story.
Aw Kelsi’s so excited! Even inviting them to her house for breakfast practice ^^
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