#if youre still reading this pls convince me that this is an awful idea/hj
b4rk1ng-l0t · 6 months
What would happen if you sat TMC characters down and made them listen to Everywhere At The End Of Time
Because I'm genuienly considering listening to it even though I know it's one of the worst ideas I've had this year/ser
Thatcher: Would be crying silent tears towards the end. He'd be looking back on his life and wouldn't feel too satisfied with it, feeling he wasted 17 years running. Would be thinking about how so many citizens in Mandela will be forgotten because theres hardly anyone left to remember. On the flip side, the experience might finally make him realize he needs to move on. Will try to live out Ruth's memory
Dave: Y'all remember Wendigoon listening to the album, and how you could watch his usually cheery personality slowing peeling away the longer he listened? Same difference. Might crack a couple of jokes through out, but would accept that the album displays the terrifying reality of a very common illness. He'd be going through the same existential crisis as Thatcher, realizing so many people will be forgotten because so many are dead/dying
Ruth: Like Thatcher and Dave, relating the album to their painful reality of people dying at every turn, countless people forgotten and (literally) a thousand more on their way. Forgetting more and more what the past/pre-invasion was like as you succumb to the new reality. Etc. (In a world where she's already heard about it, I'd like to think she'd get playfully competitive with Thatcher to see which one of them would last the longest, but as the music progresses, finishing the album wouldn't be as worth it).
Adam: Would get bored though out, very little effect on him. Though in hindsight, the album might be a good model of him losing his humanity (though he doesn't know that yet). TBH, he'd be the one introducing it to others first.
Jonah: Would get bored, can't finish it in one sitting. But curiosity would make him. Making jokes to lighten the mood throughout, but will be crying by the end.
Eve: Little reaction. Takes breaks throughout and comes back due to curiosity. Would also be crying silent tears towards the end.
Sarah: Wouldn't finish it. You cannot force her to. She's clocking out by stage 3-4
Mark: Wouldn't be able to finsih it, he'd have a panic attack/mental breakdown/etc during it and will quit. Absolutely HATES stage 5
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