#if your proship i'm serious when i say kill yourself
westgreenzeke · 7 months
confidently and forever in the popee the performer fandom i do not care
with that being said does anybody remember when ppl were shipping popee and eepop because it was literally the only possible thing the show had to work with that was the least weird or immoral and it was still categorized as selfc*st technically that shit was fucking WILD
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willmike-what · 1 year
I agree that nobody should be telling antis to kill themselves. However, when it comes to less serious insults, I think antis lose all rights to earning respect if they do/say something that could potentially ruin lives. Especially in the united states right now, with the country broadening the death penalty for use against those charged with sexual crimes (while fighting to have queerness listed as a sexual crime no less), throwing around accusations like that, especially against queer people, why the hell SHOULDN'T we respond with animosity? That anti could potentially be getting someone killed over anime (again, I'm not including death theeats and suicide bait against antis in this. That is never justified)
I’m sorry but I can’t agree with your views, specifically this sentence: “why the hell SHOULDN’T we respond with animosity?”
I understand that if someone hurts you or your friends, most likely you’ll never try to talk it through to them.
But the less that you’re talking it through to homophobes, transphobes, sexists, the more they are pushed into an echo chamber.
Think of it this way, you hate antis, we all do. But if one sends you death threats you might just keep pushing yourself into the proship community, until you don’t see them as people anymore.
Yes, a lot of antis are vile, same with terfs and the same with homophobes, but if we don’t discuss to them that they are being disgusting people and provide them with basic human respect, they will become worse and worse.
The reason gay people are allowed to exist without hiding in the US is because people realized that after they talked to them, they are good people.
Change starts with opening up to others, and its hard to open up to a person who you view as horrible. Thats why we need to be the community who are nice to others, despite differing opinions, so that they can do the same.
I’m not asking everyone to be nice to people who they despise, but I’m asking that people need to consider what they could do better for overall fandom, and online spaces in general.
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