#if you read all of this ily ❤️ i just needed to vent
mr-mustache-penis · 1 year
i hope my inner child knows i'm trying to heal him :/
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bradshawsbitch · 2 years
🥺 That was so nice of you to say, you're so sweet and nice and iwbshdjsonenfjiejr
Also do you think that rooster/jake/bob would get a tattoo (or more) of something special to them and the reader?
Also also unholy thot #2: if the space in the cockpit were bigger would any of the tgm squad do the deed there with their special someone 👀
ALSO this is an unrelated q but if you were part of the dagger squad what would your callsign be? In my head my character (i prefer making chars that can fit into scenarios vs imagining myself) would have either 'Duchess' or 'Vixen'
Ily pls don't feel obligated to answer ALL of these 'alsos' if you don't feel like it ❤️
oof!! you’re sweet too to send me some thoughts! and I really am glad to hear you’re feeling better. If you ever need to vent, my inbox is open!💞
I actually feel like Bob might get a matching tattoo? I have some friend tattoos, I have one of the moon, like so many other people, but I really like the sentiment of it being a source of light in the darkness - so maybe Bob and his significant other would get that together? Ugh, now I’m soft thinking about Bob looking all bashful and proud every time he sees his tattoo. He’d look at it and think of his so when he’s deployed🥹🥹 I feel like Rooster might show love a different way, and I don’t peg Jake as a tattoo kind of guy? (He doesn’t wanna mess up the canvas too bad) but please share your thoughts!! What kind of tattoo do you think Jake/Rooster would get?🥰
Akansksk I mean, I feel like Jake would be tempted but also I think they’re all too much of good boys to fuck with such expensive equipment. On commercial flights however… it’s fair game. Jake would 100% try to convince you to let him do a quickie in the galley (literally out in the open, like the kitchen area🤦🏻‍♀️) when the FA’s are on break. Rooster would want to join the mile high in the bathroom for sure.
Ohhh those are both really cool!! I understand that. Sometimes I really just read and think up a character myself. And my initial reaction is, as always, to be funny - so my first thought of my call sign was “Dumbass” but on a more serious note I’d love something cool, when in all reality I’d probably end up with something akin to Fanboy (because I’m such a nerd). I did write a blurb with a character called Dove which I liked. What call sign would you give me? (You’re allowed to say dumbass😉)
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navybrat817 · 3 years
Thank you for letting me vent. I have a hard time asking for help like in general unless I know it's like, either I can do it or I can't. So a lot of the time I end up pushing myself. I saw about your house and the shenanigans of a sick tot impending an inspection. So I'm glad to hear you're onto paperwork~! We're going to a few open houses tomorrow then want to drive by a few other places before requesting a showing. So fingers crossed on those so we can stop soon ahah.
I read up on 3 yr old sleep regressions today, so I have a game plan going forward and that relaxed me a bit about. My eldest is upset, but she seems happy about choosing a birthday outfit so I'll just focus on that. (we don't want anymore toys rn so it's less to pack)
I know it's hard for my hubs to understand my position, but he tries when I do ask for help. His mom worked, did all the chores and cooking, and raised him and his 7 siblings, basically by herself. (his dad worked outside a lot on the farm and was a bit of a cheat, so the mom kicked him out sometimes.) Plus mental stuff to him, just doesn't sink in because he's never had those issues. But when I just explain it to him, he either helps or tells me to take it slow and leave other stuff for another day. Like I told him I was exhausted with a migraine, but need to vacuum, sweep, and mop. He knows my migraines get bad, so he just told me to save it for tomorrow and he'll mop once he's home. I just need to be more vocal about how I'm feeling but I think I stopped because I just started bottling it all when we start house hunting.
My me time, is usually like 15 minutes after I put the kids down. But it feels like I do me time or go be with my hubs, either for cuddles or stress relief. I think I've been doing more of the me time, so I need to balance that so he can give me what he can.
Thank you again Navy, ily~!
Hello again, 🐛! I have a hard time asking for help as well. Part of it is because I'm admittedly stubborn. Another part thinks I should be able to handle things.
I hope the open houses went well! And it sounds like things are you looking up for your kiddos. ❤️
I'm glad your hubby does help when he can. My hubby and I had very different upbringings, but communication has been very important. To be expected to do everything is too much.
I'm sending good vibes that you continue to find that balance. You deserve it! Love and thanks. ❤️
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hiiii!! i just want to say this blog is my happy and comfort space on tumblr ✨
when i have especially bad days with anxiety and have many doubts (like rn) and when healing seems impossible, i return to this blog 💜 its a reminder that healing is a process and im working on it! bad days are unavoidable but it gets better always <3
many online communities like reddit which are good and helpful to many people actually are really triggering to me because long term anxiety is new to me, so reading the massive amounts of venting posts (though well meaning) really affects me mentally and makes me feel very anxious and negative and helpless
but this blog is such a positive space and truly the only online space where i can see positivity and healing amidst all the anxiety episodes and im really really grateful for it 🍀
really ily 🥺 and wish you an awesome day ahead ✨💜
Hey there!
Thank you for all your splendid words about this blog. I have to admit that you are the cutest Anon with the sweetest vibes I got so far! 🦋
So happy to hear this is your happy and comfort space on Tumblr. I'm sorry that you are going through tough times and it's reassuring that reading this blog helps you cope with it and reminds you that healing, indeed, is a long and complicated process. You are very strong and resilient, I can already tell that!
I wholeheartedly agree with you about Reddit. I recently tried to join the Reddit community for C-PTSD and learned in a couple of days that it just fed my anxiety about the future. If Instagram only shows you the good stuff, Reddit certainly is the place where you only hear about the bad stuff. This has been my personal experience and I have deleted it since.
So glad that everything I put into this blog is helping you as much as me. We need to be hopeful about the future and validate our struggles at the same time.
I love you too!! 🥰 You really made my whole day. Sending you positive vibes! ❤️
Lots of love.
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