#if you have any way the id should be inproved please let me know
helsex-moved · 4 months
Please rb if you leave a like, and I'd greatly appreciate if you support the YouTube video linked above :)
[I.D. A video set to a portion of the song Fahrradsattel by Pisse, featuring Evil Xisuma and Helsknight in several different drawings.
It doesn't have much of a cohesive visual narrative but the whole thing has a dark red background, five frames are fully colored and the rest are done in a more sketch like style with shifting lines. There are animations of eyes opening and a nether star spinning on top of a wither rose. In the beginning Ex and Hels are standing back to back, then there's a frame of Hels kissing Ex's neck, Ex laying in bed asleep, and Hels sitting up in bed watching them.]
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