#if you cant tell im a fan of maximalism
citrlet · 4 months
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i impulse bought this duvet cover + canopy, just put them out today and im in love my room feels so whimsical now 🥺
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artisticmenace · 1 year
Other DNIs below.
Hello, dear friends and accociates.
hiii. I'm tabs. I'm suuuper gay(asexual panromantic). I'm also an artist. Any scorn or prejudice will be promptly ignored.
if youve ever seen the mummys voice video.... yeah.....
About me:
I am a huge CH&T and WTNV fan. I also have a bunch of OCs, and I'm writing so many (unfinished)books... Yeah, that's right. I like to suffer and die creatively TWICE!! I can not be helped. I'm just goofy like that sometimes. I hate most non canon ships for fandoms im in, but I'll probably just go "ew" and leave you alone(depends on the ship, really). I haven't been tested for autism or ADHD but enough things line up, so I'm like 80% sure. The 20% is self-doubt. I like to dress fancy, and my general look is deep woods cottagecore that has recently drank from the lake of maximalism. You won't see pictures of me, probably, because my room is NOT clean. Sometimes, I vent on here, but that's because I am the only demographic this blog needs. I love you, too, but your feelings are only being considered a little bit.
Those Days:
I'm gonna be making a comic called Those Days about a small town old gay couple, Scott and Rodney, telling their life's story. They've been friends since their sophomore year in high school, and they've seen a lot. Scott was a punk, to say the least.
For the actual comic, you'll need to thosedayscomic, the blog I made for the comic.
^^ I'm currently working on the first issue. I do have lots of art of them though.
Tags for my comic:
those days, those days comic. also any character names first and last.
Current Fixations:
Camp Here and There (Waiting for S2)
Welcome to Night Vale (all caught up)
Words (words as in i fucking love vocabulary and old phrases and the developement of english over the years is facinating)
Night in the Woods (I've finished the game twice, also this is why I know what's wrong with me now.)
Gravity Falls (quote on the daily)
The Magnus Archives (help)
The Magnus Protocol (CAUGHT UP WHAT THE FUCK)
I love interaction! I will always discuss my interests, and l o r e when asked. In other words, PLEASE TALK TO ME !!!
Art Requests/Asks: Open!!
Art Trades: Open!!
DMs: Open(as long as you arent a creep or an asshole obviously)
(cant do commissions because the world hates me but dont be shy to trade me. not particular on what i get back as long as i made someone happy. cause it feels amazing to see something i did made someone happy)
If you're an asshole or I have a good reason to, I will block you.
DNI LIST because I'm a little hater:
Hazbin/helluva fans (character design is ass, problematic, writing is also ass and is just meant to be as cancerous for your morals as possible)
proshippers (what the fuck. what the actual fuck. another morally fucked over group)
racists, sexists, homophobes, transphobes, etc
18+ blogs (a whole minor)
those problematic "sexualities" (ex. super straight, MAP, zoosexual)
people who fake disabilities/mental illness
people who actively misuse the words "psychotic" and "delusional"
people who continue to mistake being "deppressed, anxious and paranoid" with having "depression, anxiety and paranoia" and things like that, perfectly informed
Here's my sick tags:
artisticmenace - anything that is a post by me
menaceartisticity - art and art related things
themenaceuseswords- text posts. i say shit sometimes.
themenacerants - my new tag for when i lose my shit
menaceencouragement - words of solace and encouragement from me
menacepoetry - poetry/songs yeah. probably sad stuff cause im miserable sometimes
menacescrawling - writing. oh buddy boy.
Thank you, I love you.
going to collect these things because why not
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credits, top to bottom:
cowboyinternist (2)
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red-dyed-sarumane · 1 year
having been here from the very beginning i think my fave aru sekai series lore is that
• despite it very clearly being a series (it is. it IS i can prove it to u) hiiragi magnetite has never addressed it as such. the fan art tag on twitter is aru sekai bijutsuten However it was chosen via poll and was a listener created tag. hiiragima themself has yet to say anything about it being a series. if u ask them a question (for example when i asked if the charas have names) they wont correct u & know what ur talking about but nope. they dont talk about the content of the songs outside of the songs at all
• possibly not aru sekai but we'll see eventually- they decided to make a song thats one second for every like they got. theyre currently making a song thats 70,000 seconds long (like 19 &1/2 hours). they have the file name saved so that "seconds" is replaced with "illness" which sounds the same in jpn
• the content is so fucking specific every time i see other people try to translate it theyre like "this was so confusing". they are so right but also i promise u it gets 2% easier when u know the songs are related
• sena yuta does the art for the main aru sekai series songs. asa is the other illust. even tho asa tends to do art for nonseries songs (nadenna, uni, rasshaina) marshall maximizer & canon are absolutely part of the series & i cant believe i keep seeing people over look this. the motif is RIGHT THERE. canon says aru sekai de in THE FIRST LINE whats not clicking
• many songs have context as text flashed for a frame in the video background! as of right now aru sekai soushitsu, kyuuyaku hankagai, shuuen touhikou, unplanned apoptosis, marshall maximizer, canon (this ones in code) have text. oumen mokushiroku, kugutsu ashura, laboratory do not. (if u want to get technical oumen has the ou kanji to say its part of the aru sekai shoushitsu order but theres no new information in it)
• all of the songs except for kugutsu ashura & laboratory have the "nami no ne no yume wo miyou" melody from aru sekai shoushitsu worked in somewhere. if u dont believe me ill get u time stamps if u ask. those two songs dont have it but im telling u its thematic, they ARE part of the series, but i cant only really theorize on what it means until we get more songs & content
• hiiragima once said "if u dont know how to read the title of kugutsu ashura you can just call it ashura" this is especially funny bc they always put furigana for their titles in their descriptions.
• they actually do a good job of getting characterization across once u get past the technical language they use. some of them are a lot more obvious than others (unplanned apoptosis. i think this girls so funny bc its so different from everything else) but theres a lot u can get from the word choice/play once ur used to all the weird science (?) terms. sena yuta's art also does an AMAZING job of getting their characters down in a single drawing. u can tell so much from the art for real. this is a whole essay in itself im stopping here for now
• all the characters have names!!!!!! i would know i asked directly & they responded they said yes the characters have names but theyre waiting for the right moment to reveal them. every day this torments me both bc i would like to call her by name instead of saying tenshi everyday and also bc i know this means they have plot significance & im not ready to handle that
• so far all the charas in the songs are girls but if i remember correct the bg text in some songs (shoushitsu & maximzier i think? id have to double check) refers to there being at least one guy in there somewhere.
• this is just a personal note but none of these people have basic lab safety i mean look at their outfits. if the world wasnt ending they die anyway wearing that esp the laboratory chara but i digress
• in general the series is ur "the world is ending and we need to find a way to stop it from ending"typical story i guess. not only plays on destruction of the world but also destruction of the self. its not ur lighthearted easy to handle voca series if u want that may i suggest honeyworks or perhaps last notes mikagura school suite instead
• we dont have a timeline. i can tell u from context the songs arent being posted in chronological order. i have no idea what the order is ive made a guess before but its just a guess.
• theres a paragraph in shoushitsu about a swampman & hilarious as it sounds it actually describes exactly whats going on. both about how the world functions in that no two attempts are the same but also that people who lose their "self" are also The Same But Not. which is interesting to know its so thought out considering the time between songs & how hiiragima claims to just be doing whatever they want. its very cohesive. somehow.
• i have no idea why the english titles of the songs are like that on youtube. i dont know if they did that themself or not but i for one refuse to acknowledge that shuuen touhikou is called "blade" over there. girl what how did we get there u just lost soo much connotation doing that. i want to say the swords arent even a main part of the song but i dont think i can actually. anyway the "eng" titles on yt dont exist to me
• the theme used to be 5 kanji title songs were the main songs and katakana with the first repeating (ex MArshall MAximizer) were more like. sub or context songs. and then we have like canon & laboratory so idk if those are just another type of song along with the others or if they decided they didnt want to follow that anymore. i need more info but still something to note. the kanji songs also used to be sections of shoushitsu (kyuu, shuu, ou, fuu, mei, juu, mou, ei) but then, again, kugutsu ashura threw me off so [vague confused gesturing]
• rain. thats all i need to say really. very few songs that dont have rain or the color blue in it somewhere & that's absolutely intentional.
• i saw sena yuta say something about flower language in regards to the laboratory art but i never saw if they elaborated and my friend whos into flower language was having a time trying to pin point what flower it was so for now another mystery unsolved
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msf-diamond-dog · 3 years
Okie dokii
1. What’s one animal you wish you could have as a pet but can’t?
2. Favorite thing to wear to sleep?
Usually just shorts and a tshirt
3. What song really gets you going?
Right now, Lights Out by 3Teeth
4. Where do you usually eat your meals?
In my bedroom
5. Favorite meal: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
I dont eat breakfast or lunch so
6. Most embarrassing habit?
Bein an asshole
7. Chocolate or fruity candy?
8. Soft or hard tacos?
Depends on the taco, man.
9. Worst way to break up a fight?
/ryan stiles voice/ you guys wanna stop a fight
10. Best thing to say in an elevator of strangers?
I aint talk to people
11. What color/design are your bedsheets?
Just gray flannel
12. Any hidden talents?
I aint even got any obvious ones,
13. Favorite thing to drink out of (mug, glass, etc.)?
I love a good pint glass.
14. Socks or bare feet around the house?
15. Favorite board game?
Candyland bitches
16. Do you sleep with the fan on or off?
Always on
17. Heat on or keep it cold with lots of layers?
Cold with lots of layers.
18. Do you sing in the shower?
19. Favorite song to belt out at the top of your lungs when you’re alone?
Grave by Hellyeah
20. Last thing you cried about?
Anxiety attack a couple weeks ago
21. At what age did you first have alcohol?
21, didnt have any before then
22. Relationship status?
Single but into someone
23. What’s the most amount of money you’ve spent on a single item of clothing?
I dont spend a ton on clothes but I think I payed like 60 dollars for a band shirt once
24. What do you typically wear to formal events?
Nicer clothes than usual?
25. Favorite memory?
Just bein a chill happy kid honestly,
26. Gum or breath mints?
27. Favorite shoes?
Mah boots.
28. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
This whole how I look situation.
29. What is the natural state of your hair?
I gots a shaved head
30. Have you ever had braces?
No, wish I did though, I hate my smile
31. Most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?
32. Most embarrassing thing your parents have caught you doing?
I dont know really. I think I embarrass my parents more than the other way around
33. Last time you had an orgasm?
A couple nights ago
34. Celebrity crush(es)?
Legit dont have any. I have no connection with any of them so
35. Windows or Mac?
36. How old were you when you learned to ride a bike?
Uhhh 7. Our neighbor taught me.
37. Makeup or natural?
Both. Both is good.
38. What color do you wear the most?
39. Favorite season?
Winter all the way
40. Umbrella or rain coat?
I live in the desert and it hasnt rained in like 6 months so neither. Whenever it rains I just stand outside.
41. Have you ever fallen out of a tree?
Prolly happened as a kid but I dont remember. We had a tree we all used to love climbing at the house I was a youngin at.
42. First car you ever owned?
Same car I have now, my 91 Nissian Pickup.
43. What time do you usually go to bed?
Anywhere from 12 to 2 am.
44. Are you a competitive person?
Not really no.
45. Least favorite color?
46. First pet you’ve ever owned?
A fishy
47. Sweet or salty?
Why not both
48. Favorite pasta dish?
Anything with basil and olive oil 👌
49. Favorite kind of chips?
Nitro Takis are the shit
50. Talk about something you’re passionate about.
Music. Nuff said.
51. What are some of your hobbies?
Music, video games, gunpla, legos, anything that kinda creative really
52. Caffeine? If so, what kind?
53. Favorite kind of pizza?
Extra pepperoni with anchovies 👌
54. Fast food or sit-down restaurant?
Fast food. I dont like eating around people
55. Lots of acquaintances or a handful of close friends?
Close friends.
56. Something that ruins your appetite?
Being in a bad mood
57. Favorite labels about you?
58. Are you a religious person?
Not anymore. I grew up that way but organized religion always pisses me off. Im much more spiritual
59. Night out with a bunch of friends in public or night in with one friend having deep conversations?
One friend
60. What size shoe do you wear?
11 1/2
61. Favorite thing about yourself?
The fact most people cant read my sarcasm
62. Have you ever told someone you loved them first?
I dont think anyone has ever told me first
63. Have you ever had sex on the first date?
Kinda sorta?
64. Heroes or villains?
Maximals all the way.
65. Favorite fruit?
Prolly mangos or strawberries
66. Least favorite fruit?
Unripe melon.
67. Favorite vegetable?
68. Least favorite vegetable?
I like all the ones ive had Im not picky but the lowest prolly be carrots?
69. How many plates can you eat at a buffet?
Usually 2 or 3
70. Favorite dessert?
71. Do you play any sports?
No, never been my thing
72. Age you learned how to swim?
7 or 8 I think.
73. Tell a funny story.
My boss keep salt lamps in every room of his house "just in case" of rfid waves (???) but refuses to wear a mask when he goes out cause "theres no proof it does anything".
74. What’s one interesting thing about your culture?
How much closer the brown side of my family is compared to the white side
75. What’s one annoying thing about your culture?
All the gossip, man.
76. What job would you be terrible at?
Math teacher.
77. Would you rather watch a TV show or a movie?
TV shows
78. What’s your favorite compliment to give?
Anything that makes someones day a little better!
79. What’s your favorite compliment to receive?
I do not like receiving compliments i always feel awkward
80. Has your opinion changed on something recently?
Not that I can think of off the top of my head
81. Do you always order the same thing at a restaurant or order something different each time?
Usually the same thing
82. What’s something you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t yet?
83. If you could learn to do anything right now, what would it be?
84. Favorite physical feature about yourself?
85. Least favorite physical feature about yourself?
The whole the things
86. What’s one amazing thing you did that nobody was around to see?
Survived 👈👈😎
87. If you could change your height, would you?
Maybe, I feel pretty short
88. What’s something you would rate 10/10?
Holding hands
89. Heels or flats?
Why not platform boots
90. What’s something you wish you had more knowledge about?
91. Would you want to be famous?
92. What’s something you would get arrested for?
Prolly trespassing
93. What’s your spirit animal?
Water bears 🤔
94. What’s the luckiest thing that’s ever happened to you?
Won tickets and got to meet Jonathan Davis so that was pretty cool
95. Are you the type to have an organized mess, or no mess at all?
Organized mess
96. Do you tend to make decisions based on the past, present, or future?
All of the above if able
97. Are you a planner or a more spontaneous person?
98. Thoughts on the oxford comma?
99. What do you hope never changes?
How close the sun is to the earth
100. How would you celebrate your 100th birthday?
I aint ever wanna be that old.
Thank you Audi!!
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