#if yall want movie or anime recs lemme know
zombieella · 7 years
I don't have Netflix, but I do have internet connection and no sense of morality, so a watchlist would be a banger.
Okay Ella’s Depression Tv Show Watchlist can contain but is not limited to:
-Any cooking show
 Good Eats teaches you about the science/technique/culture behind a certain food item. Sounds boring but it’s very Bill Nye/How It’s Made meets food
 Andrew Zimmern’s Bizarre Foods is about a chef who goes to different countries to find signature, traditional dishes. You learn about the culture and the origins of the dish and it’s all very respectful and not like “WOWOWOW THESE CRAZY PEOPLE EAT /BUGS/”
 Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives Have you ever watched a cooking show and you’re like “okay barbara no one cares about your little hockey puck of Pâté served on a bed of organic baby arugula on a weird square plate that you’re gonna charge 100$ for”? This is like the opposite of that. This is a dude going to your favorite local restaurant and explaining to everyone in the world exactly why its your favorite restaurant.
Chopped, a competition of 4 chefs using baskets of unrelated mystery ingredients to make sophisticated, high class food. This is when you like to see talented people doing crazy talented things
Cutthroat Kitchen is exactly like Chopped except they have to do the same thing while buying ways to sabotage the other contestants with their own prize money. 
Guy’s Grocery Games is like a nicer version of Cutthroat Kitchen. It involves chefs being restricted to a regular grocery store for their ingredients while having shifting limitations on what they’re allowed to use.
 Masterchef Junior is adorable kids being way better than you at cooking while beloved chef Gordon Ramsay supervises like a proud mother hen
The Great British Bake-off or Great British Baking Show (in the US) is about a bunch of regular home-bakers coming together each week to fulfill some sort of baking challenge. It’s VERY relaxing. This is a cooking competition for people who don’t want to feel stressed or anxious for contestants. They are all very supportive of eat other.
Assorted Others:
Paranormal Witness and Paranormal Survivor are two different shows about regular people sharing their stories of being haunted as actors reenact events being told. Better than it sounds, couldn’t go to sleep for a day, highly recommend
Wynonna Earp Do y’all miss Supernatural from back when it was all fun and campy demon killing? Do you want that but with a a hot gun-slinging lady, her gay sister, a black leading man, and Gambler McCree? Check out Wynonna Earp. It’s got a slow start but if you don’t mind a show that doesnt take itself too seriously I think you’ll have fun.
Twilight Zone is a classic. You might be put-off by the black and white but it’s a sci-fi classic of one-shot episodes that are wholly original and always come with some sort of philosophical or moral question by the end.
Black Mirror is Twilight Zone’s younger and hotter sibling focusing on a speculative vision of a technological future and the horrors that might come along with it. Great CGI, really unique, individual stories all framed in a universe with some fantastic world-building.
Criminal Minds is great if you just want to slam content into your head and not think about anything else because there’s like 12 seasons on Netflix. As long as gore/violence/serial killers doesn’t give you anxiety, check it out. The cast of protagonists is really fun and all feel like a big weird family.
X-Files is my favorite show of all time with 9 seasons of the original series and a new season filmed in recent years. It’s all about two agents tracking down cryptids and government conspiracies. It has some fantastic writing, super original ideas, doesn’t take itself too seriously– It has GREAT comedic relief episodes, just… watch X-files if you can stand the mid-to-late 90′s camp and dated CGI.
3% is like Hunger Games on steroids. Takes place in dystopia Brazil where every year when you come of age every teenager goes to take a harrowing test called The Process to prove themselves worthy to leave the slums they were born in to ship off to the utopian island called The Offshore. Only 3% out of thousands pass the test. Insane worldbuilding, great cast, super engaging, thrilling story.
The Magicians is like college AU Harry Potter where if you have a specific gift you’re trained in that aspect of your magic at a school. If you’re not accepted to a school you have to illegally train in magic and you’re called a Hedge Witch. It’s very Urban/Modern Fantasy. I didnt get to watch more than a handful of episodes but what I watched was really fun, not too serious. I hear it gets better as it goes on as well.
Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, and Daredevil all feel very well-written with interesting villains, compelling leads, and a good level of grit and grime applied to a superhero universe. They all kinda hit on some really heavy, serious topics so if you already feel down maybe put these on the backburner but their stories are so satisfying I’d feel wrong to leave them out.
Crazyhead is a fun campy demon-killing series about two girls who are completely different coming together because of their shared ability to see the supernatural. The episodes are 40 minutes long with only 6 episodes so the story’s fairly short and an easy watch! 
Face Off is a competitive show about special effects artists turning models into monsters and aliens and shit its lit
Any old VH1 trash show like Flavor Of Life, I Love New York 1&2, Charm School (which is teaching the contestants of shows like Flavor of Love and Rock of Love how to be ladies)
Your Mileage May Vary: RuPaul’s Drag Race has sooo many seasons and most of them are iconic for one reason or another
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