#if this is entirelt out of place im sorry ๐Ÿ˜ญ
gurorori ยท 3 months
as much as the argument of 'aros can still date/aces can still have sex' is important to keep in mind because of technicalities and the people who those stamensts do apply to, something i always felt is it slowly starts sounding a lot like 'hey we're not like totally weird and unlike the rest, like some of us still do The Thing okay? we totally still can do The Thing! not so different after all!' and that always made me feel a bit icky. like as if you're trying to justify the identities even existing in the first place, as if you're bargaining
asexuality and aromanticism are both meaningful identities and deserving of recognition and respect, regardless of if they can still replicate or engage in expected societal frameworks of behaviour
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