#if this dark world had a secret boss in the vein of jevil and spamtom.... it'd be either sonno or jtta mephisto
ok i LOVE your idea of the devildom being a dark world in the store… it feels so wonderfully goofy… so ive been trying to think of what items the characters might be and here are some ideas ive come up with:
lucifer: fountain pen
mammon: loose change thats stuffed all the way in the back of the cash register
levi: an off brand gaming console (like one of the ones that only have 1 or 2 games on them thats 20$ in the kids section at walmart)
satan: ok im having trouble for him so im going with the safest idea of him being a cat toy or a book
asmo: i was thinking a beauty product maybe??
beel: …food crumbs?
belphie: a pillow that sans probably sleeps on in the store
luke: perhaps a baking utensil? like a whisk or something?? cake mix?? bowl????? maybe a chihuahua plush?????
simeon: one of those old timey feather pens
solomon: a random magic trick kit
also another question- would ik eat moss with kris and susie
ooo i like it! for the ones you're not sure about, some suggestions - luke could be a cookie cutter shaped like a dog, asmo's one of those sparkly pink plastic princess combs, satan's a cat-shaped bookmark (specifically an angry cat though), and beel's an empty instant noodles pot that sans repurposed into a tip jar
in terms of their dark world, they've still technically got the rad, but they're the only students there (it came from an exercise book someone left in the shop). the overworld enemies would be little ds, lucifer, simeon and solomon are the main mini-bosses, and then diavolo's the final boss (there's king and queen, and he'd be prince! kinda fitting)
also yes ik would definitely eat moss with kris and susie
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