#if there's typos/some of it doesn't make sense it's cause i'm very sleepy
blanketforcas · 9 months
this whole thing feels like a disappointing reminder that queer castiel on his own will never be appreciated by some people. that without reciprocation his canonical queerness somehow isn't as meaningful. unfortunately paired with the fact that seemingly a lot of people want to ignore the "dean can't reciprocate" literally written in the script AND jensen's consistent non-romantic opinion of the scene from dean's pov, made especially clear at vancon '22
mmm. look, i think cas' queerness was appreciated big time. misha celebrates it with us every year and everyone loves it!
destiel is such a complex thing cause it was 12 years of pining and wb higher ups shenanigans and [insert an insane amount of fandom history]
i think bobo wrote the "dean can't reciprocate" line to mean he couldn't say it because he was still actively processing cas' words and when he finally could, it was too late. which is why, among other reasons, it makes sense to me if cw dean's original "i love you too/and i you" was when he was sitting on the floor crying
now, as for jensen. everyone will have a different opinion on this and will psychologically assess him in different ways lol. i don't think dencon is the best reference here since jared hijacked the whole question, but i feel you in the sense that i'm not a big fan of his answers until jib11 where that changed imo
if you want to see jensen's progression re his views on destiel, here's a video
however ultimately jensen's opinion didn't matter all that much at the time, he's just an actor who had to do his job
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floatybug · 10 months
SPOILERS FOR GO S2 and typos bc I'm sleepy
Okay let me talk about The Evil Genius of Neil Gaiman (tbh i don't actually think he's that evil, but he's Definitely a genius in my eyes)
This is all written after just finishing s2, I'm basing it off my initial emotions and stuff.
So, let's talk about The Kiss.
Obviously my or anyone else's fan Wants regarding the seasons aren't supposed to be made canon, but that doesn't mean we aren't going to have those Wants. I for one wanted them to Touch, in some way that would signify how much they care for each other, like a hug or holding hands visibly. But I wasn't really a part of the crowd that wanted them to consummate their relationship with a kiss or anything else that is considered typical romantic gestures (other than a kiss on the cheek, i think it'd be cute). Not because I hate queers having fun (queers who don't kiss for whichever reason are still queers), but bc I really enjoyed how their whole dynamic is that they so obviously care for each other in a very queer way but I felt as if a Typical romantic affection thing would mess with it. And boy oh boy am I NOT disappointed in what happened. I liked it in a sense that I didn't enjoy it at all. Because that's not how it's supposed to happen. Here's my read on it:
So. The face and noise Aziraphale makes when they part. He DIDN'T LIKE IT. I can't say he didn't maybe want to kiss Crowley, but he Clearly didn't like what happened there. He says "I forgive you" and it can obviously refer to a whole lot of things Crowley said before, I think it does, but it also very clear to me that he's talking about what Crowley did then and there. Because he didn't like the kiss at all. I rewatched that moment and I just can't find it in me to believe the face and noise he makes are happy ones or it's because the kiss has ended. I just don't believe that.
Now here's what makes it Really good: they never fucking talk. Kissing your partner, crush or old friend without asking for consent In Some Way is not very good and is in fact a violation of their private space (one that may not Have to result in a fine and a restraining order, but rather a personal conversation, but it's a violation regardless). What they Had to do was Talk. They both show in that very conversation that they care about each other Immensely, and want to be together. But here's the thing: they never say what actually matters in all of it. They say what they want to happen but they never say why. They never say "I want to be with you because I love you and care about you and want us to be together and safe" or anything similar. I'm also low-key wondering if they might be feeling different kinds of love (romantic vs platonic or queerplatonic) but it doesn't matter really. All of those can include kisses. What matters is that Crowley never said what's on his mind. Aziraphale never Actually did either. They said they want to be "us" or "together" but never say Why. And that lack of clear and proper communication is what causes things like unfortunate kisses to happen. AND they spend the entire season trying to solve romance with tropes , they clearly don't understand yet how it Actually works and what Crowley does there hit me so hard because it's something I've done when writing my own characters, both unintentionally and on purpose: he uses a trope in the hopes it'll solve the problem at hand. That if they kiss it'll all be okay. AND IT WILL NOT, and now it's kinda less okayer than it was before too
Anyway I needed to get this out of my system, if you disagree you don't have to tell me, also I am firm in my "Aziraphale didn't like the kiss" stance so don't fight me on it please be nice
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