#if there are spelling errors plesse forgive me <3
musicalsandbrainrot · 3 years
So. I decided to watch the 2004 Michael Arden version of Bare and the 2013 LA version to compare what I liked best between the two.
(This is obviously just my personal preferences so if you don't agree that's okay!)
2013 LA:
The staging. I felt like they did a really good job at using as much space on stage at once, while keeping it pretty simplistic. I also enjoyed how they separated the rooms!
I felt like the actors for Jason and Peter here had more chemistry than the 2004 version, I was able to connect more with their relationship because of it which added slightly more impact to the overall thing.
The rave scene. From start to end this scene was nothing but a horny and chaotic masterpiece and no version of Bare will ever be able to replicate that energy
The sibling energy was so strong during this version of plain Jane fatass, I found it more believable that these people were eachothers support systems than I did with 2004. I think this version was able to establish that relationship a bit better and because of that I was more connected with the story.
Jonah platt's version of once upon a time. I just. Its so well done vocally and it really really has a significant emotional impact, and I simply don't think any other production will ever compare to jonah's performance of this song <3
I prefer that Two Households and Bare happen before the play starts, it feels smoother and easier to follow
A detail I noticed throughout the show was how intimate Jason and Peter were and how that intimacy continued on even during periods of hardship in their relationship. In the 2004 version during a fight or after a fight you'd often see one initiate some form of intimacy and the other would resist it. But in this version during fights and or after fights when one would initiate intimacy the other would still usually cling to it, as if a moment of weakness? And I think this plays into why this set of actors seemed to have so much chemistry on stage
THE SMALL SCENE BETWEEN NADIA AND JASON AFTER PROMISE!!! This scene is so important to helping go even further in establishing that these two characters are eachothers support systems, and makes the ending so much more devastating for nadia! She was literally BEGGING him to just talk to her, like this scene is the one that breaks me every fucking time dude. Every fuckin time
2004 version:
Lucas as a whole was everything in this version idk
The arrangements were so good, I was jsut having a blast the whole way through while also being deeply emotionally unwell
I really like that they gave us more insight onto Jason and nadias childhood
Cross. This. Everything about the way they portrayed this song was absolutely phenomenal dude. The staging number 1, I liked how realistic it felt for a confessional booth and how claustrophobic it was as well? And godamn the way John Hill started sobbing after the priest voices his disproval of him being gay is AMAZING! not only that, but then the way he tries to turn away from him and get as far from him as he can but he cant because, again, it's super cramped in that booth, and the way he covers his ears too like. EVERYTHING about this scene was fucking amazing. AMAZING!
The slightly different lyrics in this version of bare were really pretty
The fucking scene where everyone slowly catches Jason in silk until he"s trapped in a sort of web like figure. That was. That was so cool and pretty and I replayed it at least 5 times.
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