#if peter ate a candy while dressed as spider-man would he just BECOME SPIDER-MAN (???) whatever that means?????
prieldi · 2 years
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okay so ngl, peter’s kind of a wallflower and he has no close friends so he’s not going to be jumping to dress up and participate in too many of the more party-like festivities unprompted or on his own, but:
picture perfect pixie appeals to him because he wants to see the pixie village even though the pixies probably don’t like him because he is definitely the guy who can’t help himself from curiously touching their things or hovering at the edges of their miniature village and just staring at them. a menace to pixie society. BUT, he’s good at photography!!! so this is right up his alley, AND it means he finally gets to see the pixie village up close. talk about the coolest thing ever!!
aside from that, you can catch peter being interested in some other things unrelated to any of the special activities, such as:
the candy instantly replenishes? OKAY BUT HOW
seek answers by looking under the bowl. and above the bowl
tip the bowl upside down to empty it of contents and then watch it instantly refill
repeat above step until surrounded by piles of candy but still without answers
the candy transforms people into what they’re dressed up as?? HOW
is this also magic??
open up the candy. see how it works. candy dissection???
...he’s not limited to any of these particular things though, as it really just depends on what happens! but anyway, this post also serves as an event plotting/starter call (meaning i’ll message you to discuss ideas), capped at three!
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