#if it’s definitely the latter than i take any oppurtunity since otherwise!!! i probably wont say anything
cozymochi · 19 days
Are you perhaps interested in oc interactions (or just talking abt them) 👉👈
Depends on what “oc interactions” is referring to
If it’s …folk coming into my inbox to pop off about their OCs or have their OCs interact with mine suddenly, then it’s no. Mostly for boundary purposes. (I never know what to do in these situations, I usually have no idea what to say. Being talked at isn’t really fun, and I don’t know what rules other people have especially strangers regarding their work.) Unless we’re like, actually close friends for a good while then this isn’t likely to be received too well.
If “oc interactions” is coming in my inbox to prompt me into talking about my own within my space (i.e this blog) then yes. Though I think any person would want that 😩 SO I GUESS THE ANSWER IS WHICHEVER THIS FALLS INTO
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