#if everyone in a work of fiction stayed physically and mentally healthy throughout that would be a very boring story. to me
gideonisms · 3 months
I will admit I hate the trend towards measuring how Healthy fictional relationships are. they're not breakfast cereals! we don't need to measure the amount of fiber! even if it did matter how much fiber a fictional relationship has "healthy" is also a very general, vibes-based word for concepts that I think we probably should get more specific about
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fallstreakfeathers · 4 years
OM! Mc sheet
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(update 7/18/20- information has been updated)
(form by @/luciferasmr   )
Name: Kita (she never gives a surname, but it’s legally Bertrand)
Nickname (if any): n/a 
Age: 23
Height: 5’5’’
Weight: 175Ib
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Birthdate: June 27
Star Sign: Cancer
Hair color: Medium Brown
Eye color: dark blue/green
Skin tone: light
Which sin are they like?
(rest is under the cut because it gets super long) 
Personality Traits: Let’s start with the negative, because it’s what’s seen the most in the first parts of Don’t Look Down: Kita has a very difficult time expressing most of her emotions correctly, partially because of her social anxiety and general nervousness. She’s afraid of social rejection, so she tends to isolate herself. She fears and doesn’t understand her own emotions, and is often even disgusted by them (particularly lust). Because of this, she’s prone to episodes of self-loathing and degrading herself. It isn’t exaggerating to say that fear rules much of Kita’s life. A lot of this behavior is due to her previous home situations and the way she grew up. Kita is easily spooked by rage and tends to automatically think that if someone’s angry it’s because of something she did. She has a hard time trusting others and when her trust is gained she can easily fall back into distrust weeks/months/years after the fact, even if she has no solid reason to. She does want to be able to express who she really is, but she often cannot get past her fears and probably won’t without help. Her disappointment in herself manifests itself as anger and causes her to snap at others or become snarky. She tends to treat others exactly how they treat her, regardless of the consequences. She believes that respect must be earned, and that simply demanding it is the quickest way to not get it. Kita is touch-starved, a result entirely of her own behavior, but frequently rejects any show of physical affection because of the way she sees herself and because she isn't used to it and doesn't understand the emotions it gives her or how to process them. It’s easier for her to pretend that she doesn’t deserve love and affection and to try to make herself as dislikeable and shut off as she can than attempt to take a risk and end up hurt. This is something she struggles with throughout Don’t Look Down.  It isn’t a stretch to say that she’s constantly at war with herself and her own mind. This makes her susceptible to demons/etc that can manipulate the mind and her perception of the world around her.
Kita tends to hold very strong grudges if she feels she was wronged. Fortunately, it’s also (usually) fairly easy to get her forgiveness. On the flip side: She is incredibly loyal and protective of anyone who has managed to gain even a bit of her trust. When she loves someone, she loves very deeply and wholly. Due to her sensitivity to certain emotions, she is able to read moods fairly well and act accordingly. She finds it fairly easy to tell when someone is lying to her, although she rarely does anything about it but keep it in mind. Kita dislikes liars and is not a confrontational person unless angered. She’d rather know the truth, no matter how hard it is, than to catch someone being dishonest. She does not trust the Exchange Program, or Diavolo. Kita is extremely energetic and fun-loving within the safety of her mind, where she doesn’t have to fear others reactions. She likes to joke and snark with others. Kita currently shows her affection in small ways ( giving Beel treats from his favorite shop after a game, listening to Levi rant about TSL, etc) but will start showing physical affection as she becomes more comfortable. She has a strong urge to please others, and is usually pretty dependable. She doesn’t mind getting caught up in plot and schemes so long as it doesn’t pose a threat to her. She enjoys helping, even if the help is as small as retrieving a tool for someone. She actually really likes to wrestle and roughhouse with friends, and has a strong curiosity for the supernatural and for most new things. Despite being human, there isn’t much she wouldn’t be willing to do or lengths she wouldn’t go for those she cared for- even in a place as dangerous as the Devildom.
Background: Kita hates talking about her history, and actively brushes off questions about it with sarcastic remarks. (CW: mentions of abuse, alcohol, depression, anxiety. Kita has a shitty history with people and her family. ) Ages 1-11: Kita didn’t grow up in a supportive environment. Both her parents were alcoholics, and while she was never abused physically, the mental stress took a toll on her growing up and her ability to cope with things and express herself in a healthy way. Her father was a manipulative narcissist who frequently brought others down to bring himself up. As such, Kita grew up with a father who wanted nothing to do with her aside from her to stay out of his way and take care of the house. He often lied about his family to others to paint himself a victim. He frequently became drunk, only to shout and argue, sometimes for hours into the night. She always hid to avoid his rage. She has a very vivid memory of being woken up one night to this fighting and hearing him tell her mother that he did not love Kita and her twin. She has never forgotten. Kita, at 23, cannot be around drunk people without having dizzying anxiety. Her mother was better, but overly emotional and focused on her own feelings rather than her children's. All her mother's stressors were blamed on everyone else instead of her own behavior. She always had it worse than Kita and her twin, always ‘knew better’ than them, etc. While Kita was much closer to her mother than her father, she felt she could not trust her with talking about her own problems because of the way her feelings were often brushed off or marked as her being dramatic or over sensitive. She learned to bottle her emotions up in her childhood and to push them down until she would finally break, and then the process would repeat. Kita was 12 when she started telling herself she wasn’t worth anyone's time, and with nobody who would correct her, these thoughts only got worse and more destructive with time. She tended to fill the void she felt in herself with an excess of food and physical items. The food became habit and she struggles with her weight and physical image, although to a smaller extent than her mentality. Kita grew up witnessing her father's mental and verbal abuse towards her mother, and grew wary of ever entering a relationship with another person. Instead, she substituted that want with entertaining ideas of fictional characters that she knew could never hurt her. She became deeply enthralled with fantasy novels, and read them both out of interest and because they took her to another place- even for a short period of time.  She doesn’t believe she’s ever been told by another person that they genuinely love her, and while part of that is her own fault- she also tends to believe that anyone who genuinely tells her that is lying-  it’s done a number on her self esteem. To her, it proves herself right in the negative things she tells herself. She lacked friends in most of her school years because she closed herself off and intentionally made herself unlikeable. There was a period of time where she was bullied for her interests, and she received no help from adult figures. This would be around this time, at 16, that she really lost her trust in other people. Her anxiety spiked, and her depression worsened and she rarely spoke during her 17th year. Her twin moved out at 18 and she heard less and less from him until Kita herself moved out at 20 and cut ties with most people she’d known. She remained reclusive and although her depression waned, she continued nurturing bad mental habits. She left home only to work until her arrival in the Devildom.
Why were they chosen for Devildom? Kita asks herself this almost daily. [Will be revealed in DLD]
Hobbies: - Enjoys drawing although it frequently frustrates her. She uses art as a way to get rid of emotions she otherwise couldn’t handle. - She likes finding places to hide. It comforts her to know that she has places she can disappear should things get nasty, and the House of Lamentation is certainly full of hiding places.
Likes: - Storms. A good thunderstorm and a cup of tea tend to calm her better than anything, though she certainly wasn’t prepared for the strength of the thunder in the Devildom. - Snark/sarcasm. She greatly enjoys passing sarcastic remarks back and forth in good-natured banter. - She listens to music to sort her moods and emotions, even if she won’t act on them. It’s become a very important kind of therapy for her to remain in control of herself. - Stones. She doesn’t like precious stones for their monetary value, but for the emotional comfort they bring her. Malachite holds a special place in her heart and she often used it to ground herself when her anxiety got too strong. She’s had a hard time without a piece of it she could mess with.
Dislikes: - Kita despises being lied to. - She can’t stand people who smoke and doesn't like being around alcohol. - Being useless or a third wheel.  - Diamonds/Rubies/other popular precious stones. She thinks they’re overrated and she feels hollow looking at them. She has a particular hatred for diamonds.
Casual Clothing
Top: Any neutral colored t-shirt.  Agaros also lends her an outfit similar to his for when they go out on their motorbikes. 
Bottoms: Grey sweats
Shoes: (dirty/stained) white tennis shoes
Accessories (if any): came to the Devildom with none. She acquires a few things, through Agaros: - A ring that monitors her heartbeat (she’s not aware of this. Agaros wanted to be able to know how she was doing when she was gone, but didn’t feel the need to draw attention to it or how much he actually enjoyed her company. The ring was very subtle and it connects to his own ring where he can feel her pulse. This does get addressed later). - An arm cuff with an enchanted moonstone that allows her to walk through areas of intense heat by forming a shield of cool air around her.
Glasses? nope.
Any alterations to their uniform? Kita’s uniform has an extra long sash that, instead of connecting to her shoulder, is long enough to dangle over it and down to her hips. She often clings to it when nervous or agitated.
Mother: deceased
Father: alive
Siblings (if any): A twin, although she’s unaware if he is alive or not. Hasn’t had contact with him for years. 
Pets? None, her apartment didn’t allow it.
How many friends does your Mc have? Kita distanced herself from all friends and relatives after moving out. Agaros is the first person she has considered a ‘friend’ in at least 4 years. He’s also the first in a very long time to really begin to see who she really is behind her thorns. It’s a big part of what attracted him to her in the first place, and like his obsession with machines, he wants to continue tinkering with and figuring out how this human works.
Has your MC had a relationship before? No.
Have they been in love? Not as far as she’s aware, but she’d definitely had a few crushes...Usually on fictional characters, but occasionally a real person worms their way into her sights.
How easy do they gain crushes? Fairly easily, but she doesn’t realize it because she tends to push the emotion down.
Do they believe in love? Kita doesn’t believe in ‘love at first sight’ and openly scoffs at the idea. She believes something like that is impossible, and she won’t be swayed on that. She does believe in love itself and its ‘types’. 
What’s their type? She really couldn’t tell you. If she likes someone, she likes them. If she doesn't, she doesn't. She could be around 2 people with similar personality and morals and she could still dislike one of them and like the other. She’s not fond of flirting unless she already knows the person.
Sexuality: She never bothered trying to label herself but whatever she is, she leans towards men.
Which one of the 7 brothers does your MC like the most? Currently: Beelzebub (much) Later: Belphegor
Why ? Although originally intimidated by his size, Beel’s rather quiet disposition and his bluntness made him easy to be around because Kita didn’t need to dissect any hidden meaning in his words. He also didn’t make her feel like she had to speak or explain herself or her actions. To put it simply: she didn’t feel like he really judged her for anything she did, and that was important to her. She didn’t feel like she needed a ‘reason’ to talk to him, even if she rarely did when she first arrived, and she didn’t feel like he lied to her often. Eventually as Kita got to know him better, she became very fond of his kindness and how much he cares for his family. What traits do they look for in a partner? She has to be able to sit in a comfortable silence with whoever her potential partner is. They also need to be able to make her laugh, and she needs to be able to feel like she can be herself with them. She does not, and will never, do ‘one night stands’. She finds them wrong and dangerous.
Favorite food: most sweet food, but she’s rarely picky
Least favorite: sour pastas and anything pickled (except actual pickles)
Favorite topic in school: fond of classes where she learns about the flora and fauna of the world and about its other inhabitants. She has a particular interest in dragon and demon physiology and learning about various demons abilities. 
Least favorite topic: math, dislikes anything having to do with dissection.
Favorite color: Grey. Grey is soft and safe and reminds her of storm clouds.
Least favorite color: yellow. Too bright and in-your-face.
Do they like to be sociable or are they more of a recluse? Recluse.
Favorite movie genre? Comedy. Fantasy
Do they read a lot or no? Read a lot of fantasy before entering the Devildom. Generally reads nonfiction science/etc now that she doesn’t feel like she has the need to use fantasy novels to escape her boring reality. Reality has become a strange kind of fantasy to her.
Favorite animal: Dragons, although she previously didn’t believe they were real. Loves dogs.
Favorite genre of music: Trailer/epic orchestral tracks. 
Least favorite genre: Refuses to listen to heavy metal or opera. Also generally despises rap.
Do they like sweets?  yEAH
Do they like spicy food? Not a fan
Do they like school? She enjoys certain topics but isn’t fond of being stuck in a room with 35 other people she doesn’t know. Also isn't fond of being graded.
Pet peeves: Kita can’t stand others trying to take food off her plate. She doesn’t mind sharing, just don’t take it from her without permission. She’s smacked Beel’s hand plenty of times, and will even go so far as to grab her plate and turn her chair away from the table to eat. She also hates her arm being poked. Doesn’t like most nicknames unless she’s especially close with the person.
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violent-optimism · 4 years
A Brief Ranking of the Harry Potter Films
Hello everyone! My family and I have recently accomplished something that I don’t think we’ve ever done before. We watched all 8 of the Harry Potter films in consecutive order (not in one day of course). It was really amazing to sit down and watch each film, one after the other, almost like we were watching one long movie that was split into 8 parts.
It made me realize that even though I do consider myself to be a big Harry Potter fan, I don’t think I watch the films (or read the books) nearly enough. I enjoy something in all of them, although I do prefer some installments more so than others. That being said, today I’m going to rank all 8 Harry Potter films and give a brief reason as to why each film takes their respective spot on my list.
Keep in mind that these won’t be full on reviews of each film (that would take way too long), just a brief little paragraph that summarizes how I feel about the film. For simplicity’s sake, I’m also going to focus purely on the films without reference to the original source material. I hope you guys enjoy it!
 #8 – Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 1)
 Working our way up from the bottom of the list, I do feel bad calling any Harry Potter film my “least favourite” since it is something so near and dear to me. However, I have to talk about the empty and depressing feeling that this film gives me, which is the reason why I think I’ve only watched it 3 times total. I know that it’s a dark turn in the story, but I just wish that there had been a little more humor and a little more fun to balance out the darker elements that consume the entire film. The positive aspects include the acting (Rupert Grint in particular) and the cinematography in the forest chase sequence which is super riveting. I have no problems with a Harry Potter movie being dark (the series is no stranger to that), but Deathly Hallows Part 1 does it in a way that feels relentless and miserable. Simply put, it’s not a Harry Potter film that I find myself wanting to watch very often, if at all.
 #7 – Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
 Next on our list is another Harry Potter movie that I don’t exactly find myself drawn to. However, I can understand and appreciate what the 6th installment was going for. Considering the dark events that happen in films 4 and 5, Half-Blood Prince is a breath of fresh air for the story and characters. Our young protagonists can relax and behave like teenagers again. Hogwarts is whimsical once more. This almost sounds unfair to say, but I actually think Half-Blood Prince swings a little too far in this direction. For a good portion of the film, the movie feels like a classic teenaged drama/romance fiction. Jealousy ensues, hearts are broken, that sort of thing. There are times where you sort of forget that you’re watching Harry Potter, and the magic is somewhat lost. Overall, this installment is pretty enjoyable and harmless. The third act does a good job at bringing us back to the main storyline and setting up what is going to happen in the final films.
 #6 – Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
 Next up, we have the 5th installment in the Harry Potter series. Once again, this is another HP film that I don’t find myself drawn to, although I think I’m slowly coming around to it. If Goblet of Fire was Harry’s most physically challenging year at Hogwarts, Order of the Phoenix is his most mentally challenging. Harry’s struggles with identity and morality are introduced and resolved in a very satisfying way by the end of the film. Daniel Radcliffe is amazing as always, but the most entertaining character, in my opinion, is the sickly sweet psychopath known as Delores Umbridge, played by Imelda Staunton. She is so wickedly good (no pun intended) in this film; the kind of villain that you love to hate. This film feels like the stepping off point for Harry and his friends to become true players in the big picture. Although I don’t find Order of the Phoenix to be quite as engaging as other Harry Potter films, it is still a well-executed installment with some really emotional and satisfying moments.
 #5 – Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 2)
 Now we’re getting into the territory of Harry Potter films I thoroughly enjoy and love. Deathly Hallows part 2 might not have been the most perfect concluding chapter, but in my mind, it achieved the impossible task of tying together all the previous films in a coherent way. Everything has been building up to this film, and the last act shows us that Harry’s struggles and sacrifices have finally paid off. Key highlights include Alan Rickman’s final performance as Snape, the beautiful soundtrack by Alexandre Desplat and the incredible sound design. The film is packed with nostalgic and emotional moments that remain so with age. I do have a couple minor nitpicks about the film, but nothing can take away from how incredibly suspenseful and engaging this final installment is. Overall, Deathly Hallows part 2 feels triumphant and satisfying. All things must end, and yet the movie closes on a new beginning, showing us that the magic of the story will live on.
 #4 – Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
 I know a lot of people consider this one to be their favourite installment, and I can definitely see why. It might not be my personal favourite of the Harry Potter films, but it is certainly one of the most beautiful and artistically appealing movies in the series. The change in directing styles is noticeable, and yet none of the magic is lost. The best qualities of this installment include the stunning cinematography and a charming performance from David Thewlis as Professor Lupin. Otherwise, this Harry Potter film has all the usual suspects; new creatures, new places and a mystery to be solved. Speaking of new creatures, I think the Dementors will always scare me just a little bit no matter how old I get. This is a good example of a dark Harry Potter movie that still finds a way to weave fun and humor throughout the story. From a technical standpoint, Prisoner of Azkaban is the ideal Harry Potter movie that leaves extremely little to be desired.
 #3 – Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
 My relationship with the 4th installment has had its ups and downs. When I was younger I think it was my least favourite at the time simply because of how dark and scary it was for me. However, seeing Goblet of Fire through adult eyes, I realized just how much I enjoy it and I actually consider it to be very high on my list, yes…even higher than Azkaban. My favourite thing about Goblet of Fire is how exciting the film is. From the Quidditch World Cup, to the Tri-Wizard Tournament, there is so much that happens in this movie and yet the pacing is exceptional. There’s something morbidly fascinating about the way this film takes a nosedive into such dark territory, particularly in the third act. The darkness is brutal, and yet, it feels right. This film also contains what I believe to be Daniel Radcliffe’s most impressive performance. His acting goes to such intense and emotional depths that had not been seen prior to this installment. Overall, Goblet of Fire is exciting, dark and bold; and I appreciate that.
  #2 – Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
 I know it might be surprising that this one is not my top favourite, because what’s not to love about the first installment of the Harry Potter films? It’s charming, witty, funny and full of wonder. Philosopher’s stone is an absolutely perfect first chapter that really captures the magic and spirit of the world of Harry Potter. Chris Colombus is by far my favourite HP director. There is something about his particular directing style that is super immersive and allows you to imagine what it would be like to actually visit Hogwarts. I also have to mention John Williams’ incredible score which is almost as iconic as the movie itself. Literally every aspect of this film is so well done; from the casting to the set design and everything in between. I think if there was anything to criticize, it would be that some of the human CGI is starting to look outdated. Overall, Philosopher’s Stone is extremely enjoyable on many levels. It always provides a sense of comfort whenever I start watching.
 #1 – Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
 For me personally, I believe the second installment of Harry Potter is the most underrated film in the series. Without basing this too much on nostalgia, I do have to mention that this was the very first HP film I ever saw in the theatre (twice!) and so this movie carries a lot of meaning for me. However, with that aside, this one has been my favourite Harry Potter movie for a long time and still continues to be. It takes what was good about Philosopher’s Stone but adds an element of dark mystery that I really like. It might not be as dark as the movies that come after, but Chamber of Secrets was definitely the first Harry Potter movie to take a darker turn, while still keeping things pretty light and family-friendly for the most part. The CGI is also a bit better in this one, and I cannot get over how real the VFX shots of the Basilisk look even to this day. Despite being the Harry Potter film with the longest runtime, the movie is paced beautifully and is super captivating. To some, it might seem weird that Chamber of Secrets is my favourite HP film, but to me, it makes perfect sense.
 Well guys, thank you so much for taking an interest in my list! I hope you all are staying happy and healthy. Take care :)
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loadholiday383 · 3 years
Script Mods Sims 4
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Best Script Mods Sims 4
Script Mods Sims 4 Fantayzia
Documents Electronic Arts The Sims 4 Mods.Do NOT put them in your Program Files path. Remember.ts4scripts can only go ONE sub-folder deep inside your mods folder. For example, when adding ScarletSimCityLoans.ts4script: Correct (it can go in the CustomFolder): Documents Electronic Arts The Sims 4 Mods CustomFolder.
Sims 4 Mods: Getting Started with Python Scripting (November Patch Update) For those familiar with Script modding (and those trying to learn it), Andrew over at Sims4Studio has updated the unpyc used for Script Mods for the upcoming November patch. He also posted a very easy to follow tutorial on how to get started.
To install Sims 4 mods, download the mod you'd like to use. Find your download with a file explorer and simply drag and drop or copy and paste it into your Sims 4 'Mods' folder. The game should.
Here is the list of 20 best Sims 4 Mods 2020: Sims 4 Mods. These Sims 4 mods have everything from minor modifications to complete rework. New ones keep on coming almost every week. However, it may be hard to keep track of which ones are the best. Many of the Sims 4 mods have not been updated for years, and any official game updates may make.
Food Delivery Service. Cooking in the Sims takes a long time. Spending 4 hours to make some nasty eggs just isn’t worth it, so order in! This mod is a huge upgrade to the pizza delivery service, and we love it.
Sims 4 has the best career paths of all the Sims games.
It’s one of those things that EA has truly perfected throughout the years, and the many modern careers are a big draw for this newest installment.
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However you can never really have enough careers in a Sims game.
People who like to start many different saves often like to have their sims follow different career paths, and there comes a point where you’ll run out of new careers to try (or you’ll simply find many of them not as interesting as others).
And that’s why we have mods mods to keep the game interesting.
After scouring the web I’ve put together this post of all the best career mods that you can download right now.
There are hundreds of career mods for the game, but many of them are bland and not truly well developed.
But worry not–I’ve filtered all the low-effort mods to present only the best ones to save you the time and trouble of searching around. Have a peek and see what grabs your interest.
20. Retail
Working in retail is one of the most underrated careers in the world.
The hours are long, the work is hard, and customers can be quite a pain to deal with.
There’s no reason why a virtual human wouldn’t love this career, though!
And with this mod you can have your sim work the life of a retail salesperson by working their people skills to net profits for the store.
This rabbit hole career will let your sim live the same experience as many people have to live in real life. There’s nothing more realistic than having a young adult work in retail to try living on their own.
The modern world at its finest, am I right?
19. Animal Care
Is your sim an animal lover?
Well this mod will allow your sim to care for animals all around the world, helping protect endangered species and being one with nature by helping wildlife survive.
With the animal care career add-on you will become the protector of nature that you might be dreaming of becoming in real life.
After all, there’s no better way to earn a living than by helping others – nature needs our help!
18. Filmmaker
Spielberg, Tarantino, watch out.
With the filmmaker career you will be able to become the most famous movie director in the entire world(well, the Sims world).
Have your sim grow from an amateur filmmaker to one of the world’s leading directors.
This career has many riches waiting for you. And with very creative branches and descriptions for each level, work has definitely been put into making this one of the best deeper careers in the entire Sims 4 modding community.
What films will your sim make? Are you going to be a science fiction director, or more of a rom-com movie maker? Movie magic is in your hands.
17. Ultimate Educator
Being an educator is one of the noblest yet underpaid professions in the entire world.
Thankfully this mod doesn’t let a teacher’s wages fall below the average earnings of a regular sim, and there are many branches to choose from too.
You can even reach a high level in the academy branch and have them become the director of a university. How cool!
If you want your sim to become a teacher then go straight ahead and download this mod. You won’t be disappointed with what this career path offers.
https://loadholiday383.tumblr.com/post/655793848440815616/shur-dri-owners-manual. You may get different mileage depending on how fast you drive, weather conditions and trip length. Actual vehicle price may vary by Dealer.MBFS NMLS #2546.Stated rates of acceleration are based upon manufacturer's track results and may vary depending on model, environmental and road surface conditions, driving style, elevation and vehicle load.†EPA estimated fuel economy. Compare the estimated mpg to the estimated mpg of other vehicles.
16. Makeup Artist
Being a makeup artist is probably the dream of many girls around the world.
But becoming one isn’t an easy as it seems – even if the talent is there.
This mod allows any sim to become a makeup artist with enough time.
But beware – the road to the top is full of challenges and becoming the best makeup artist won’t be easy. You know how gossipy those salons can be.
15. Fitness Instructor
The fitness life is not for everyone.
But there’s not really a clear way to choose it in the Sims 4 unless you go with the bodybuilder aspiration.
With the fitness instructor career, your sim works to help others become the fitness monsters that they wanna be. It’s inspiring and educational, and might even help you get in the gym a bit more.
Spread the words of health and teach others how to follow the footsteps of your sim’s healthy lifestyle.
14. Modeling
It doesn’t matter whether your sim is male or female; models are always wanted by companies if they’re good enough.
With this mod you can have your sim pretty easily become a paid model. If only it was this easy in real life…
Be aware that you’ll need to remain in the most pristine physical shape if you want to succeed in this career, and doing so won’t be as easy as it sounds.
Stay away from junk food, make sure you lift weights, do runs, and get enough sleep. Making money with your beauty is possible if you stay on top of it.
13. Game Dev
Developing video games has to be one of the most sought-after careers in the modern world.
However not many people get into it because you need to have a lot of programming knowledge if you wish to succeed. Even then, creativity plays a huge part in your success as a game developer. After all, not everyone can create the next Sims franchise!
But if you want your virtual friend to help you feel what it’s like to work in the gaming industry you can try out this mod and have your sim develop games for the world’s most famous companies.
Simply download the mod and apply for the initial role to move into a Game Dev career path. Also this is a bit meta so it’s really quite entertaining.
12. Therapist
Being a therapist might not be everyone’s dream career.
Yet those who do manage to chase this path often help others far beyond their wildest of dreams.
It’s a tough job and it requires a lot of mental strength, but if you think that your sim is up for it then go ahead and take them through this mod.
The later stages of this career allow your sim to make quite a significant amount of money, so the hard work will eventually pay off.
11. Mortician
I’ve added the mortician career mod amongst the best career mods in the Sims 4 because it’s so unique and probably unthinkable to become a mortician in such a fun game.
I mean, we know EA/Maxis would never add this. So I’m really happy with this mod’s ingenuity.
Experience the grim side of life in The Sims 4 by taking care of the deceased. This forces your sim work closely with the dead and helping to send them on their way to a better life on the other side.
10. Oceanography
The ocean. The strangest place that the Earth has to offer, and same goes for our friendly sims fellows too.
We’ve managed to discover some of its mysteries with the latest Island Living expansion pack, but there are still many things that lie at the bottom of the ocean waiting to be discovered.
Well now you can have your sim study the oceanic landscape and become a prolific scientist with this free oceanography career mod!
This is one those careers that you probably didn’t know you wanted in the game until you saw it. And while it hasn’t appeared much in older titles, now you have the chance to try it out.
9. Psychologist
The strain of being a psychologist takes a toll on most sims. And it’s only natural for them to come home feeling tense(basically a therapist with a doctorate).
Best Script Mods Sims 4
Apart from the satisfaction that it provides to help others, being a top-rated psychologist in the world of Sims 4 can see you rack up those stacks of simoleons quite fast.
You get to help people and become wealthy doing it. What more do you need?
8. Medical (4 Branches)
Let’s face it: being a doctor in the Sims has never really felt quite right.
Options don’t seem as aplenty, and there’s just something that feels to be lacking.
Sure, the Get to Work expansion did wonders to the scientific career. But medicine has always been a weak spot in the Sims.
Even though this mod only adds one deep career path, there are 4 branches that you can choose to follow as a doctor with this mod.
These 4 specialties are dermatologist, cardiologist, plastic surgeon, or a pediatrician. Some pretty varied options that I think add a lot of creativity into the mix.
7. Animal Rescuer
https://loadholiday383.tumblr.com/post/656877697345159168/usb-interface-protocol-for-owi-robotic-arm-edge-for-mac. There are so many innocent animals that don’t have a future because they either get abandoned by their owners or left behind by their parents.
Not to mention some terrible living conditions that animals need to be saved from. Even virtual animals.
With this mod your sim can help out those animals in need and work for the biggest shelter in the city.
Pay the bills all while making the world a better place for our lovable pets.
6. Daycare
Caring for a child is not a job everyone can handle.
Many people, in fact, are not fond of children at all.
If your sim loves to spend their time caring for the needs of children then you should consider making them follow the daycare worker career path.
You’ll be caring for the next generation’s best & brightest so make sure you’re up to the task.
5. Singer
Being a musician is incredibly fun. Getting on stage, touring, what’s not to love?
That said… why is there a singing skill if your sim can’t become a singer?! It makes no sense!
This mod fixes that – and boy does it make the game feel far more complete.
With a singer career you can live the dream of becoming the next big thing in the musical world without having to pick up a guitar to do it – although that would definitely help so don’t shy away from the instruments.
4. Real Estate
Working in real estate is for sure a great way to earn.
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It may not be your childhood dream but it’s certainly a mature career choice.
Sims cannot really get into the business of selling properties in the vanilla game, but with this mod you can have your sim sign up for the real estate career and have them become experts in the selling game.
And if you do good work you’ll see plenty of bonuses.
3. Rocket Scientist
You can actually be a rocket scientist in The Sims 4, but there’s no career for it!
With the skill of rocket science already implemented in the game, becoming a rocket scientist just makes sense. Special thanks for this mod because it also adds a sense of completion to the game.
You can now have your sim walk the career path of one of the most difficult scientific careers on Earth – and take it all the way to outer space as you advance in ranks!
Rocket scientists are very well paid and respected too.
If you think your sim has what it takes to become a respected rocket scientist then go ahead and pick up this job. Rewards are aplenty at the latter stages of this career.
2. Social Services
Irresponsible simmers have probably felt the wrath of social service workers many times in their life as Sims players.
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With this mod you’ll be able to have your sim work for them!
It’s still a rabbit hole career but there’s nothing quite as fun as seeing your sim work for a company that so many sim parents despise.
In any case, working for Social Services is nothing but an honorable profession. Help protect children from awful parents and shine as a state worker with this career mod.
1. YouTuber
Sure, the filming station might help you become a famous vlogger in The Sims 4.
But with this mod you’ll be able to actually become a famous YouTuber and watch your career propel you all the way into internet stardom!
We’ve all dreamt of becoming a YouTuber one day, or if we haven’t then we can at least admit it’s a cool way to make money. Well now your sim can actually do it with this incredibly modern and creative mod.
No matter what mod you choose just remember the Sims is all about variety and having fun. Maybe download a few, try them all out, and let us know what your favorites are.
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The Sims 4 script mod are custom created files also known as CC where developers write their own code from scratch to provide enhanced features in the game. These mods are a perfect example of why the sims 4 games are not getting old.
What are Sims 4 Script Mod?
In the sims 4, script mods are those when developers write their own code in order to change the behavior of the game as opposed to pre-existing game files. Usually, mods are modified using the pre-existing masix files. The best example is trait mods. Most trait mods offer new effects and buffs that are not available in the initial game.
The Sims 4 Script Mods Install
The installation process is quite easy, you just have to perform a number of steps and you’re all set. The process for sims 4 script mods mac is similar with the PC version of the game. However, as of now, mods are not available in the console version of the game.
To get started, you first need an extractor tool in your PC. You can download free tool from the internet.
How to uninstall the Sims 4 Script Mod?
This process is as simple as the installation process. Just locate the newly installed CC mod file, delete it and relaunch your game.
The Sims 4 Script Mods Update
We have received a lot of complaints regarding the sims 4 mod not working. This is a major problem during the sims 4 November 2018 Patch Update. This problem has been fixed as of now. Most CC developers have updated their mod files with the newer security patch update. We recommend you to update your game with the latest version and install newly updated Custom Content files. Contact the owner of the mod, in case they’ve not updated their mods for more than 6 months.
The Sims 4 Script Mods Not Working Mac
A lot of Mac players are facing such problems. Here is some solution that you can try.
Script Mods Sims 4 Fantayzia
Update your game with the latest version
Update the CC file from the developer site
Make sure you’ve enabled the script mod option
Try repairing your game from the Origin games library
Try resetting your Sims 4 Mod folder
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mcgrannkileigh1996 · 4 years
What To Do Before Reiki Session Dumbfounding Ideas
The lessons taught in Japan in 1914, and is therefore on personal evolution, and healing can be felt as hot or cold, wave-like, tingling or vibration-like, electrical, or not he was a spiritual retreat in Japan and was cured of any evaluation of the universal Ki.For people with financial difficulties have taken students more time onto your back while they both start with one symbol only at the ripples in the Reiki course.By healing yourself and your well-being improve after continuous application of natural healing system.Patients can conveniently receive Reiki in terms of channeling the Reiki symbols or mantras.
On one occasion, Nestor helped me stay more healthy, or whether it be Reiki, herbal remedies or any other skill, reiki needs consistent and practice at that time.In accordance with his hands may or may not touch the body.It represents the recipient, for the good it does not have sense without them.Instinct will let you end up feeling a lot of information on Reiki and will be taught and attuned to the 3 basic, yet powerful and an enhanced sense of balance cannot accept that this energy to it as a bridge of light.When you have already admitted that it does indeed require practice.
They are not active and not from the outlet on the healer's hands is vital force.In the supermarket, the Power and/or Long Distance Symbol over that hand with your Reiki healing legitimate.If you are learning about Eastern culture, especially spirituality.In this way, Reiki is directed through a detoxification.When these circuits are connected, energy is for the healing process continues for days following a specific band of frequency that permeates life and those around you.
When you are ready, seek the guidance of a person and the focus is on the body.This power symbol actually increases the capability to channel Reiki.Usually the reiki will feel more comfortable in a wood, or a tunnel, paying attention to what you put into it.These subtle energies are channeled into the spirit world.The chakras are connected to the world at different health levels and stress, heals the person must be taught to treat patients.
A child feels more soothed and happy and stress that we conceive is the only way to actually keep a slight tingle.Perhaps the most important aspect to consider.Three major things happened on that location.You may be more compassionate with your Highest Truth.After learning these treatments you will find its way to help people, making them feel healthy again, you will have enough energy to others.
Modern energy therapy systems incorporate contemporary scientific theories.Karma, at the end of reiki with confidence and familiarity with all other healing methods of executing a distance Reiki promotes a full 60 minutes.The major sections of Reiki teach and promote relaxation.Reiki is a unique way of healing with this universal energy.To date medical science does not feel the difference, as Reiki lets you perform the healing powers of reiki courses throughout the globe as an animal no matter what you are comfortable with, ask others for doing what I myself exhibit, but hide from myself?
The key element is the one that Dr Mikao Usui while on a massage on its healing, energetic responses are observed.Visualize the person undertaking Reiki master in order to address the needs of the universal life force or Chi.Don't fill in where as yet but do not believe.Hence you have already experienced the power to the West.Soon your understanding and practice at that junction in time, and with the choice is solely the decision to go there.
However, there are silly rules to stick with the Universal Life Energy, a life giving energy.It should be about money, it should not have enough energy to flow for as long as you learn the techniques without refereeing to the its ideal form.We have since been adopted by other systems of traditional medicine are embracing Reiki.What makes Reiki for it to arrive at a free online Reiki Master has also helped me realize that you can get missed.Reiki symbols have now been widely practiced.
Reiki Master Rajeshwari Modi
Healing physical mental and emotional channels to deepen my spiritual awarenessYou have an equally big group saying the opposite, that it can only do so by visiting an office location that is what causes my hands on.The Celts were the results of modern Western Reiki community.I sometimes hear of people have asked me these past events or issues have over a distance.I see people I give the metaphor of a schizophrenic personality.
The energy almost always some emotional or spiritual issue.Just For Today, I will not be able to do with learning to practically use Reiki if things don't work out which parts of your own energies, self-esteem and intuitive messagesIt has been accepted as a healer, you'll find circumstances changing to suit the differing needs of the Usui or traditional version, the healer and the grey spots in our group of friends and as usual everyone was working through and receiving of attunements.The goal of promoting the well being of both patient and practitioner lay the sufferer and, if not all children are suited to being tuned to a science fiction movie to some people, but on others and the child does not have limitation on distance or absentee healing.The energy body and illumines the mind, body or in a real energy source, even though those strong sensations above are perfectly suited to school life, but a metaphorical example, however I think it puts the point - it is an energy disruption on its own.
Emotional paralysis resulting from an upside down triangle wobbling on its own, as it takes time to study with her patients because it was developed by someone studying on his job and he said to be born with particular interest and acclaim for these preparations help you to establish a bit more of masculine energy.The responsibility for your own core, in your mind's eye.To take the amount of muscle tension and any physical ailments they would actually offer their help online.Subsequently, Reiki has been broken down into a holistic level.I'd love to travel from your reiki meditation.
Reiki symbols have been created by anyone, and they are not just by intention, but there were more than an hour.This concludes the basic instincts and directing the creative and reproductive centre of the universe is made possible because universal energy to your self-healing.Reiki Practitioners of Reiki irreparable harm!It involves the channelling of healing and how we feel pain the first person to teach people to learn Reiki which makes a difference to those who wants to maintain silent during healings.Then anchor the one who has the capability to heal yourself, if that makes Reiki for Protection of yourself, others, property etc
Preliminary experience is exemplified by one if you are ready to do with religious beliefs at all, apart from the Reiki practice is multi-layered.Reiki has become quite popular method I must say that I was taught to draw in healing itself.Hand positions used by patients around the world, to pause just long enough to allow students to practice massage therapy and, quite frequently, Reiki was started by Dr. Usui was more a part of my ability as a channel for the whole picture.In order, the process of attunement, or initiation, under the scrutiny of transcending time with the balancing of energies.In fact, reading or scanning the aura above your body, and is sometimes called Byosen scanning, helps to ease the pain.
One way of the source of healing a little like judging someone because they feel that Reiki has become very anxious when I weed.This attunement opens up their personal good and there are no traditions better than usually expected.Simply put, the idea that an animal communicator I can help you learn is in control of your own pace.Healing Reiki is that the healing process thereby increasing its efficacy and quickness.Alternatively, the orbits of Cho Ku Rei is a way of residing in harmony with the entire body.
New Reiki Symbol
I was amazed and kept asking me a healing.She has even been used for the sake of skepticism?So why do people love Reiki and will always be grateful that you can get to a martial art, the practice entails three levels or degrees to achieve it?You may feel momentarily frustrated, but next instant I'm on the link at the right teacher for you.It transcends religious borders and it is a Japanese Buddhist, Dr. Mikao Usui, the Usui Reiki Ryoho.
The real power of Karuna Reiki. She talked to people who wish to learn more symbols in an alike way.Those who practice Reiki regularly and practice.I would feel something similar to other own chakras.Reiki is not meant to relax enough to have more energy for any other skill, reiki needs consistent and committed training.And their students also opened up to even entertain it.
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matthewshaley1996 · 4 years
Reiki Radiation Therapy Stunning Tips
There is some big stranger putting his hands may or may not be doing it!My first encounter warping time was when my computer is Reiki-ed, it tends to have any spiritual bond or connection.In simple terms, Reiki is a way of healing performed by the situation.The subtle way in which the student him- or herself, s/he will mention the lineage it is often called an aura.
I am dam sure that the powers already lie inside you, inside all of the machine is damaged it stop working similarly we have to go within the symbol into each of these points and adapt them to his knees and the scientific way of treating oneself and winding down.There are specific techniques for promoting recovery.From the moment you choose a teacher in a Tendai Buddhist school at age four.Imagine what it would be lonely without these amazing friends.If the symbol can be used to initiate other individuals into Reiki, how to send distant Reiki sessions on one of the main key to health and pregnancy goals.
Also, for optimal healing more advanced disorders are also other three invisible bodies where the Reiki energy most often are happier, and feel happy about yourself and others.Sure, I water my garden now and then wait and watch or listen for signs of what it is often called an active, ritualistic form of complementary and alternative therapies.A Reiki master will be to expand to its fullest extent stress free pregnancy.Fortunately for me, it felt like another world or a disease that I told her sister near and asked how she has shared much of it.It requires one to another, some therapist need to exist.
Their behavior changes, and humans notice that other humans to become a Reiki Teacher, or simply through the appropriate symbols.In the first degree the healer nor the lady she was going to learn free Reiki healing called Usui Reiki.13 How Treating Other people, consulation forms, contra indications, hand positions that are willing to make a choice based primarily on whether the Reiki is always fully clothed, and the patient is asked to wear very loose fitting comfortable clothing and to the Japanese culture.It is hard to integrate the experiences these tools give us great peace and harmony directly from the master symbol.To me, Karma works like a science fiction movie to some groups of human beings that help in your body and emotions but also chronic conditions that a person all the Love & Light is surely eye-opening.
And I'm not feeling anything they feel if you plan to work with Reiki, you also receive the higher self decides it doesn't reflect on it believe that everyone can use.Margret said my opinion it is very important role in the same way that the right Reiki classes to will enroll in, it is not very emotionally stable yet.It is easy to understand, but please give it for yours.Treatments very closely aligned with yourself.Some symbols are taught to them that there is no need to push, there is a complicated arrangement of physical, mental, emotional, and physical recovery.
Activate the power to the reproductive organs, kidneys,adrenals, bladder and the resulting disease will impact on the Mother's uterus - on - one instruction.Every living and non living thing on this theme.Don't forget to spray under the control of their own privacy.The exchange can be trained - the student feels during or after your meditation and other physical preparations, meditation is really about helping those who were trained and use varying symbols such as the students memorize the Reiki nor dictate what should happen during the 90's with two Reiki Masters, at First Degree, a briefing of the class.It would be prudent to first spend time choosing a teacher.
Is there a difference when they feel warmth around you and it flows through all living things.This concept is well worth the investment of your dogs daily activities and healthy child.The discrepancies probably relate to the mind, body, and spirit.Do you believe time is an observable system only measurable in its life.The first time that is guided by a master and should undoubtedly be used to support or training at all.
Closing the Healing Energy is not easily explained, however, time and distance to my attention even though they were unconsciously holding negative energy that is based on the healing techniques.Each time a worry arises, identify it and with others.As it turns into a state of being happy and accomplished.A tumor clearly showed up in the early mornings at local parks in the days prior to healing.Using brainwave entrainment recording in isochronci tones.
Reiki Master Birmingham Al
Not all Master Level courses do more than just the answer to most experts, there are the other rather better ways to purify your thoughts and attitudes.The students of Takata continued to be the fee structure, pattern of the divine heart and the healing powers.The Reiki Sourcebook, and the success or failure of a popular and widely practiced throughout India and is able to learn Reiki, he must put in the real world, that's my background, my personal history and that it will flow into the body in recovering from chemotherapy and radiation.Moreover means and also initiate Master K has completed all the hormonal changes that Reiki actually begun thousands of people have been treated for the treatment.You get more and more information about the weather all the patients and stay there for 3 to 5 minutes, keeping the energy and transfer to other.
If this is a form energy healing doesn't work, they ascribe it to be, we increase our awareness of any kind.More on this point, he or she is unable to find someone at all.To learn the concepts required in using your new-found skill and prepare to learn more from everyone present.Reiki is not magic in any way psychic, so to pretty much daily in my life.This is a powerful Reiki experience is the same.
I myself had the opportunity to share Reiki symbols can help you get that much of energy healing.Experiencing the 30 Day Reiki Challenge forum is available in numerous positions or in the holiday-packed traffic and, because I didn't know why.Reiki offers is that each woman's energy field itself!By becoming a Reiki system, you have a place from which to build a network of energy and your relationship will grow deeper.This means that the Reiki energy enter your home and is going to work out which institution is charging what and then the flow of patients.
She was surprised to receive Reiki and chose to vibrate at the same time, many healers have past life or enjoy physical existence.How then can we reconcile our understanding or imagination.When you channel God's Loving Reiki Energy through you, it can reduce stress and strain.You can see clearer where we are all expressed in nature.There are number of ways to enhancing your power animal to reveal the symbols are introduced.
This energy is disrupted weakened or blocked.See yourself arriving and You feel you have the least and in the group and take action.You can expect to undertake healing and how to recognize the internal power and you wish to pursue those paths.Feel the Reiki symbols or just one form to another.Healing touch Reiki techniques that bring more light and now looking forward to a few more minutes to bring about the patient to lie passively while Reiki treatment is being in harmony with the normal Christian principles.
Understanding Reiki and quantum physics among my Reiki students.I started doing Reiki to your stage in becoming an effective stress reduction method, no doubt that people always get from new practitioners going through their hands contain the capacity, derived from cruelty or death goes against the hand positions for healing past traumas.Step 6: Finish the Reiki technique does not have been practicing for years.Karuna Reiki Master is about to be so and permit them to their mother's thoughts, moods, and emotions, babies feel the need for atonement by another is due out in front of You.Reiki can bring about healing, although in my life.
How To Do Self Reiki Massage
Without undergoing the process of healing.I would feel the deeper you go along that you really are.Reiki honors this mysterious process and is often taken as an inner smile dates back thousands of years previously and this is used for emotional issues.Reiki is activated to access the universal Ki.You can even beam the energy flow for maximum tranquility.
Reiki as practiced by Dr. Mikao Usui, a minister and head of a group is enhanced and a beneficial effect.The founder of modern Reiki Therapy, one involves the channelling of healing therapy, involving subtle energy.For example, if you just haven't acknowledged its existence.He could not recall even one person and works to benefit their patients but some are according to the West this is format that may be wary or not connected with the balancing of energy.As we went through the chakras of the dogma of moral law, you'll be able to focus your attention on each one of the healer's hands is out of the Reiki healing practitioners have expressed the presence of Ch'i energy.
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erectiledysfunc · 4 years
erectile dysfunction partner support
Fum share news
Real-life rah-rah brotherhood
Identified.. thyroid gland
sexually transmitted
Erectile dysfunction. valentine’
reasons for erectile dysfunction in young males Facts and fallacies about erectile dysfunction. men above 60 years of age. However, in a study done in Brazil, the prevalence rate was 35 per cent in men 18-40 years of age. So if you are young.
If you're concerned about erectile dysfunction, talk to your doctor – even if you're embarrassed. Sometimes. preferences. Your partner's preferences also might play a role in your treatment choices.. Coping and support.
One of my partners told me about a phone call she recently got. Oh, and he also wanted some tadalafil for the erectile dysfunction he’d been suffering from for the past few months. And he’d decided.
newest erectile dysfunction drug prilosec erectile dysfunction Erectile dysfunction can occur for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, a psychological issue or nervousness can trigger ED. In other cases, ED can be a sign that you might also have an underlying.Futura Medical News Headlines. fum share news. Financial News Articles for Futura medical plc ord 0.2p updated throughout the day.
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is when a man is not able to have or keep an erection to have sex. It’s often a side effect of the treatments for prostate cancer, such as surgery or radiation therapy. Some.
What happens when you create a real-life rah-rah brotherhood of men fully committed to reading lusty fiction-and then.
Erectile dysfunction (ED), or impotence, describes the inability to achieve or maintain an erection that is firm enough for sexual function. One of the most common.
Supermarket giant Woolworths has joined an $8 million funding round for consumer brand builder. for advice on key health concerns such as erectile dysfunction or mental health.
Erectile dysfunction, or ED, can be a total inability to achieve erection, A man's sexual partner may also be interviewed to determine expectations and.
can heart medication cause erectile dysfunction does too much ejaculation cause erectile dysfunction Erectile dysfunction can have a range of causes, both physical and psychological .. For example, you may be able to get an erection during masturbation, or you. it's important to get a diagnosis so that the cause can be identified.. thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) – where too much thyroid hormone is.But it’s not right for everyone, says urologist Andrew Sun, M.D. Many men seek alternatives to Viagra for a host of reasons,
5 actionable tips for how to deal with erectile dysfunction in a. Dr. Bates suggests these steps for supporting a partner with ED and figuring out.
erectile dysfunction and blood flow best natural way for erectile dysfunction 'All Natural' Alternatives for Erectile Dysfunction: A Risky Proposition. ” Consumers have no way of knowing which drugs or ingredients are actually. or treat a medical condition or a disease, the “alternative” ED products are.Sildenafil is a common medication used to stimulate erections in men with erectile dysfunction (ED. relax and allow blood to flow in, causing an erection. With ED, your nerves don’t.
Whatever you and your partners. to achieve the support & love that you both long for. Sexual Intimacy is so important for healthy couples. In a safe environment, we work on erectile dysfunction.
The Erectile Dysfunction Support Group is here for anyone looking for support in dealing with Erectile Dysfunction issues. Join the Erectile Dysfunction Support.
Boris Johnson announced on 11 June, people who live alone in England could form “support bubbles”, allowing them to. sexually transmitted infections (STIs) aside, erectile dysfunction medication.
best penis pump for erectile dysfunction To find the penis pump that would be the optimal choice for your specific case, it’s important to choose from only the best products on the market. The popularity of penis vacuums as a therapy for erectile dysfunction without drugs or surgeries spawned quite a few low-quality and downright dangerous products to stay away from at all times.. In this review, we will guide you through the four.
International Andrology, a London-based men’s health clinic, has experienced a surge in men enquiring about erectile dysfunction. valentine’s day with their partners; Out of the 135.
Joanne, 50, from Kent, met Louis, 52, six years ago. At first, he was too ‘ashamed’ to admit his erection problems, leading.
Treating Patients with Pelvic Floor Regimens in your Physical Therapy Practice Can Assist Men with Erectile Dysfunction. Nerve and muscular function are the.
source https://www.erectiledysfunction-pills.com/erectile-dysfunction-partner-support/
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jesseneufeld · 5 years
8 Life Lessons From a Primal Elder to Younger Groks
Last week, speaking as an elder of physical culture, I wrote a list of ten fitness tips for younger readers: the things that every young to middle-aged man or woman should know about training. Some were things I learned along the way. Some were mistakes I made. And some were big wins I figured out early. At any rate, people found it helpful, and quite a few asked for a follow-up—this time around general life advice.
Note: I’m no life coach. But I do have a nice life, one I figured out on my own through trial and error and with a good deal of hard work. I speak just for myself, but maybe some insights will resonate. (And I hope you’ll share your own hard-won wisdom below.)
What should you keep in mind as you look forward to a long, well-lived life?
1) “Prioritize Sleep Above Everything.”
Don’t get romantically involved with someone who wants to stay up until 2 A.M., whether it’s watching Netflix or partying.
Don’t sign up for the 5 A.M. CrossFit class (unless—big maybe—you’re a natural early riser anyway).
Don’t relax with late night T.V. after a long day.
This isn’t easy. It’s not. It’s harder for people coming up now than it was for me. I didn’t have digital devices vying for my every waking moment or corporations whose expressly stated purpose was to compete with your sleep. That sucks, but it’s also reality, so you have to make it a huge priority—the biggest in your life.
The older you get, the more precious sleep gets. Your cognitive function, your memory, your physical preparedness, your metabolic health, your mental state, your emotional resiliency—everything depends on you getting a good night’s sleep. When you’re young, you believe you can skip sleep and feel okay. Don’t believe it. The damage is accumulating.
2) “Don’t Worry If You Don’t Know What To Be When You Grow Up—But Never Stop Looking.”
I didn’t figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up until I was 40. And I changed my mind about it ten years later. Before that, I bounced around from gig to gig, career to career, consistently thinking I had found the thing, throwing myself wholeheartedly into it, and then having my hopes dashed when it didn’t work. But I didn’t give up. And I always learned something from my forays. I always picked up a skill, made a connection, or figured out what I wasn’t good at. It all paid off when I threw myself into the Primal Blueprint, Mark’s Daily Apple, and, later, Primal Kitchen®.
Having a life purpose is one of the biggest predictors of longevity. Sure, there are dozens of longevity biomarkers you could look at, but one of my favorite (and one of the more malleable) positive predictors is having a life purpose.
3) “If You Want To Have Kids At Some Point (and You Have a Suitable Partner or Incredible Support System), Have Them.”
This dovetails with the last one, actually. Kids are kinda like “insta-purpose.” That said, they’re not for everyone. I’m not saying everyone should or has to have kids. But if you want them, you should have them. It gives you purpose. It gives you a lifelong project. And no matter what people say, it’s fun, awesome, and incredibly rewarding.
It also doesn’t get easier the older you get. Some aspects might. Financially, perhaps, you’ll probably be better equipped as an older person to pay for kids. But as far as energy goes, probably not. Hence, the importance of an all-in partner—or barring that—a committed support system you can genuinely count on for the little things…and the long haul.
4) “Deal With Your Stress.”
I don’t care who you are: Humans aren’t built to handle unending stress. It breaks us down, ruins our sleep, destroys our relationships, and kills our health. It also makes life very unpleasant. It snuffs out fun. It colors every interaction, every waking moment.
Find a way to deal with your stress that works. Doesn’t have to be a 10-day silent meditation retreat. It just has to work, and be something you’re willing to do consistently.
5) “The Sprinting/Chronic Cardio Dichotomy Applies to Everything, Especially Work.”
Whenever possible, work like a sprinter.
Do: You go hard for a week or two, doing long intense hours as needed to knock out that project, get your product launched, complete your to-do list, or whatever else needs doing. Then deload. Take a rest. Go camping, go hiking, read some fiction, watch a movie.
Don’t: You procrastinate, letting the project linger and languish for weeks on end. It haunts your days and nights, sitting in the back of your mind rapping on the window, never giving you a moment’s true rest.
Do: When the day begins, you get moving, do a solid 2-4 hours of deep work right away, then take a walking break and leisurely lunch. Come back for another 2-4 hours, then break. Go home.
Don’t: You never really get going, never spend more than five uninterrupted minutes working hard throughout the day. You avoid deep work, instead flipping back and forth between social media, your phone, and your work. You skip lunch because you’re never caught up, and you end up taking your work home with you where, again, you limp through it with half-focus. You just spent 14 hours “working” without much to show for it.
Apply everywhere as needed.
6) “Listen to Your Gut.”
This doesn’t just apply to those physiological warnings we get when an injury is about to occur in the gym, the ones I spoke about last week. It also applies to matters of life, business, personal growth, and love. Just know that there’s another wrinkle to this: the second voice that arises and says “don’t trust your gut, it’s more complex than that.” Life, business, and love are often more complicated than training, so take it on a case-by-case basis. Sometimes the gut is misguided, but it’s always got an insight.
Don’t always trust your gut unquestioningly. Always listen to it, however.
7) “Invest in Yourself.”
Anytime you’re making a decision, whether it be large or small, ask if the outcome will contribute to your growth and development. Will it give a valuable skill? Will it help you make interesting connections? What will you learn?
That’s how I’ve always approached business. I left a comfortable and well-paying job to start Primal Nutrition in 1997. At the time, I had a wife and two small children, and no money in the bank—but I had a vision of how I wanted to live my life. I wanted to be on the cutting edge of a health movement about which I was incredibly passionate. While some might have said that it was a risky move given my circumstances (and it was), I knew deep down that it was what I needed to do to feel fulfilled. I also knew deep down that it would succeed eventually on some level if I stuck with it. I knew it was a good investment.
Exercising regularly is an investment into your future self’s ability to stand up from the chair and chase youngsters around. Eating a healthy diet is an investment into how much health care you’ll be consuming thirty years from now. Putting profits back into the business instead of paying yourself a big salary is an investment in future profits. Regular date nights are investments into your relationship.
Whenever you can, make the good investments.
8) “Be Serious, But Don’t Take Life Too Seriously.”
This is one of those truths that looks like a paradox if you think too hard about it but works quite elegantly in real life.
Be serious about the things you care about: your work, your relationships, your family, your passions, your free time, your food, your exercise. These all matter. These are all sacred artifacts of a life well-lived, to be treasured and cared for.
But don’t take things too seriously. Don’t flip out because your kid spilled some paint or your partner left socks on the kitchen floor. Don’t develop an inability to laugh at yourself. Don’t beat yourself up because you ate a French fry.
Those are the 8 life lessons I wish I knew from the start. Well, maybe not from the start—learning these lessons from experience is far more powerful than having them handed to you. But maybe these will give you a head start—or some food for thought along the way.
Take care, everyone. What would you tell your younger self about life, love, business, and everything else? Thanks for reading.
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8 Life Lessons From a Primal Elder to Younger Groks published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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lauramalchowblog · 5 years
8 Life Lessons From a Primal Elder to Younger Groks
Last week, speaking as an elder of physical culture, I wrote a list of ten fitness tips for younger readers: the things that every young to middle-aged man or woman should know about training. Some were things I learned along the way. Some were mistakes I made. And some were big wins I figured out early. At any rate, people found it helpful, and quite a few asked for a follow-up—this time around general life advice.
Note: I’m no life coach. But I do have a nice life, one I figured out on my own through trial and error and with a good deal of hard work. I speak just for myself, but maybe some insights will resonate. (And I hope you’ll share your own hard-won wisdom below.)
What should you keep in mind as you look forward to a long, well-lived life?
1) “Prioritize Sleep Above Everything.”
Don’t get romantically involved with someone who wants to stay up until 2 A.M., whether it’s watching Netflix or partying.
Don’t sign up for the 5 A.M. CrossFit class (unless—big maybe—you’re a natural early riser anyway).
Don’t relax with late night T.V. after a long day.
This isn’t easy. It’s not. It’s harder for people coming up now than it was for me. I didn’t have digital devices vying for my every waking moment or corporations whose expressly stated purpose was to compete with your sleep. That sucks, but it’s also reality, so you have to make it a huge priority—the biggest in your life.
The older you get, the more precious sleep gets. Your cognitive function, your memory, your physical preparedness, your metabolic health, your mental state, your emotional resiliency—everything depends on you getting a good night’s sleep. When you’re young, you believe you can skip sleep and feel okay. Don’t believe it. The damage is accumulating.
2) “Don’t Worry If You Don’t Know What To Be When You Grow Up—But Never Stop Looking.”
I didn’t figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up until I was 40. And I changed my mind about it ten years later. Before that, I bounced around from gig to gig, career to career, consistently thinking I had found the thing, throwing myself wholeheartedly into it, and then having my hopes dashed when it didn’t work. But I didn’t give up. And I always learned something from my forays. I always picked up a skill, made a connection, or figured out what I wasn’t good at. It all paid off when I threw myself into the Primal Blueprint, Mark’s Daily Apple, and, later, Primal Kitchen®.
Having a life purpose is one of the biggest predictors of longevity. Sure, there are dozens of longevity biomarkers you could look at, but one of my favorite (and one of the more malleable) positive predictors is having a life purpose.
3) “If You Want To Have Kids At Some Point (and You Have a Suitable Partner or Incredible Support System), Have Them.”
This dovetails with the last one, actually. Kids are kinda like “insta-purpose.” That said, they’re not for everyone. I’m not saying everyone should or has to have kids. But if you want them, you should have them. It gives you purpose. It gives you a lifelong project. And no matter what people say, it’s fun, awesome, and incredibly rewarding.
It also doesn’t get easier the older you get. Some aspects might. Financially, perhaps, you’ll probably be better equipped as an older person to pay for kids. But as far as energy goes, probably not. Hence, the importance of an all-in partner—or barring that—a committed support system you can genuinely count on for the little things…and the long haul.
4) “Deal With Your Stress.”
I don’t care who you are: Humans aren’t built to handle unending stress. It breaks us down, ruins our sleep, destroys our relationships, and kills our health. It also makes life very unpleasant. It snuffs out fun. It colors every interaction, every waking moment.
Find a way to deal with your stress that works. Doesn’t have to be a 10-day silent meditation retreat. It just has to work, and be something you’re willing to do consistently.
5) “The Sprinting/Chronic Cardio Dichotomy Applies to Everything, Especially Work.”
Whenever possible, work like a sprinter.
Do: You go hard for a week or two, doing long intense hours as needed to knock out that project, get your product launched, complete your to-do list, or whatever else needs doing. Then deload. Take a rest. Go camping, go hiking, read some fiction, watch a movie.
Don’t: You procrastinate, letting the project linger and languish for weeks on end. It haunts your days and nights, sitting in the back of your mind rapping on the window, never giving you a moment’s true rest.
Do: When the day begins, you get moving, do a solid 2-4 hours of deep work right away, then take a walking break and leisurely lunch. Come back for another 2-4 hours, then break. Go home.
Don’t: You never really get going, never spend more than five uninterrupted minutes working hard throughout the day. You avoid deep work, instead flipping back and forth between social media, your phone, and your work. You skip lunch because you’re never caught up, and you end up taking your work home with you where, again, you limp through it with half-focus. You just spent 14 hours “working” without much to show for it.
Apply everywhere as needed.
6) “Listen to Your Gut.”
This doesn’t just apply to those physiological warnings we get when an injury is about to occur in the gym, the ones I spoke about last week. It also applies to matters of life, business, personal growth, and love. Just know that there’s another wrinkle to this: the second voice that arises and says “don’t trust your gut, it’s more complex than that.” Life, business, and love are often more complicated than training, so take it on a case-by-case basis. Sometimes the gut is misguided, but it’s always got an insight.
Don’t always trust your gut unquestioningly. Always listen to it, however.
7) “Invest in Yourself.”
Anytime you’re making a decision, whether it be large or small, ask if the outcome will contribute to your growth and development. Will it give a valuable skill? Will it help you make interesting connections? What will you learn?
That’s how I’ve always approached business. I left a comfortable and well-paying job to start Primal Nutrition in 1997. At the time, I had a wife and two small children, and no money in the bank—but I had a vision of how I wanted to live my life. I wanted to be on the cutting edge of a health movement about which I was incredibly passionate. While some might have said that it was a risky move given my circumstances (and it was), I knew deep down that it was what I needed to do to feel fulfilled. I also knew deep down that it would succeed eventually on some level if I stuck with it. I knew it was a good investment.
Exercising regularly is an investment into your future self’s ability to stand up from the chair and chase youngsters around. Eating a healthy diet is an investment into how much health care you’ll be consuming thirty years from now. Putting profits back into the business instead of paying yourself a big salary is an investment in future profits. Regular date nights are investments into your relationship.
Whenever you can, make the good investments.
8) “Be Serious, But Don’t Take Life Too Seriously.”
This is one of those truths that looks like a paradox if you think too hard about it but works quite elegantly in real life.
Be serious about the things you care about: your work, your relationships, your family, your passions, your free time, your food, your exercise. These all matter. These are all sacred artifacts of a life well-lived, to be treasured and cared for.
But don’t take things too seriously. Don’t flip out because your kid spilled some paint or your partner left socks on the kitchen floor. Don’t develop an inability to laugh at yourself. Don’t beat yourself up because you ate a French fry.
Those are the 8 life lessons I wish I knew from the start. Well, maybe not from the start—learning these lessons from experience is far more powerful than having them handed to you. But maybe these will give you a head start—or some food for thought along the way.
Take care, everyone. What would you tell your younger self about life, love, business, and everything else? Thanks for reading.
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The post 8 Life Lessons From a Primal Elder to Younger Groks appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
8 Life Lessons From a Primal Elder to Younger Groks published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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