#if anon is white it probably explains why they dont understand lmaoooo
smitsv · 6 years
hey so i saw the last jedi and i personally didnt think it was too bad; however i see how people arent happy with it and how the characters were written, but im a little confused i suppose on how (in one post u reblogged) these three dimensional characters were stripped away from us? is one example of how poe got demoted in rank? i guess i just dont fully understand what ppl are upset about with it. i agree that there wasnt the best writing but i feel like im missing something bigger abt it??
i’ve posted a lot about this and you can go on my tlj spoiler/anti tlj tag to read more about it but basically rian has written the characters that we loved in tfa (more specifically poe, finn, and rey. p much the main characters and protagonists) to be sidelined throughout most of the plot. none of them really had much depth given to them. we still have no information about finn’s backstory/family, he was heavily sidelined, and stripped from any heroic acts (he tried to use a ship to bring rey away from the first order, and also tried to sacrifice himself to save everyone yet he didnt). it wasn’t like how he was in tfa (whereas he had many scenes, hints to him being force sensitive, and wasn’t treated like comic relief like he was in tlj). he also got slapped by hux who is literally a white nazi parallel???? like??? that’s fucking racist and degrading to finn??????? mind you, the only characters who got degraded or pointlessly hurt were the characters of colour. rey was also rarely explored? (i honestly dont believe the bullshit of her being a random) in tfa she is written as a strong and clever girl but in tlj she’s just. naive?????????? poe was also extremely out of character????? his real character (as portrayed in the comics) is selfless and brave and respectful, yet in tlj he’s written as this brash selfish asshole who doesn’t respect his authorities………… all of these three dimensional characters were just. trashed of their potential and emotional value. it’s personally really fucking upsetting and draining because as you know, finn and poe are two of my most favourite characters. i was hoping for finn to maybe rise in his force sensitivity and even start a stormtrooper revolution–yet he was reduced to a pointless side plot and comic relief. poe was SUPER out of character and that just made me so sad to see one of my many boys done dirty.
tl;dr – all these charas were stripped from their potential and were given nothing interesting or new or uplifting to them
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