#if a 17 year old spots carmen sandiego then. well
acmeofficial · 5 months
ACME is hiring minors?
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smells like malpractice to me
Listen I don't know how we got here but like ACME's been hiring minors since the 90's alright. Ask the other universe
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purplesurveys · 4 years
What Rhymes With “AIR”?
1. Are the walls of your room bare or do you have things hanging up there? I have some things on the wall, yes. A few paintings, Audrey Hepburn wall decors, and a poster of Nam Joo Hyuk. I used to have wrestling posters but my mom, ever the control freak, removed them because she didn’t like them. Sigh.
2. When’s the last time you went outside to enjoy the fresh air? I went out this morning to take Cooper to the vet for his anti-rabies shot. I didn’t necessarily do it to enjoy the fresh air, but that came along with the experience as well anyway.
3. Do you watch the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air? I started watching it this month actually! It’s super fun and Will Smith’s physical comedy is hilarious, but it isn’t really the type of show I’d binge-watch given how old the jokes and some of the tropes already are. I definitely don’t dislike it, but I just take longer to watch the episodes.
4. When’s the last time it felt like you were walking on air? Sunday, when I had my virtual grad and found out my parents and aunt and uncle got all my favorite food delivered to the house :) We had baked sushi, baked samgyeopsal, Pancit Malabon, and pichi-pichi that day, aaaaahhhhhh.
5. Have you ever been on air, on a radio station? Very briefly. One of our field trips in high school was a visit to a major broadcasting network, and we we were brought to their AM radio studio. The broadcaster on air at the time – one of my favorites of all time – welcomed us and gave us a chance to say hi on air.
6. Have you ever felt like all of the air was coming out of your lungs? Sure, but I guess it’s more accurate to say that I’ve occasionally felt the sensation of my chest increasingly tightening.
7. Has it seemed as though anything has ever disappeared into thin air? Have you ever pulled an idea out of thin air? The first one, yes. I have this stupid ability to drop a certain thing and have it disappear forever; I hate that it happens to me all the time lol. 
I can relate with the second situation as well; when I was still in school and had to write essays, reaction papers, anything of the sort, I’d wait till the last possible minute to start working on it since it’s by then that the good ideas start pouring in.
8. Have you ever wanted to be on “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”? Sure. I’ve enjoyed trivia for as long as I can remember, so the show has always been right up my alley.
9. Do you know a billionaire in real life? No. I know a loooot of CEO kids, kids of MNC owners/executives, and kids of political dynasties though...comes with the environment I grew up in and the schools I went to.
10. Would you like to be an heir or heiress to a fortune? I wouldn’t say no to that.
11. Would you be able to successfully get away if you ever came across a bear? The one thing I keep hearing is to stay very still, so I’d be doing my best to do just that. I got no other survival skills though and if there’s apparently anything more that needs to be done during a bear encounter, then I don’t know of them.
12. Where’s your favorite place to go? How long does it take to get there? Hmm I’ve loved going to many places. My favorite vacation spots so far have been Sagada - that’s a 15, 16-hour road trip from Manila; Vigan - 8-hour road trip; and Palawan - an hour or so plane ride from Manila. If we’re taking nearby places, I like going to coffee shops to unwind and have a pastry or two. I don’t have a favorite one; I just go to whichever one’s the nearest to me at the moment.
13. How often do you err on the side of caution? I keep it at a healthy 50/50. There are times I’m okay with taking a big leap, but if I’m not super invested in something anyway and/or if there’s not a lot in it for me, I play it safe.
14. How often do people say they’re angry with you? My life revolves around being a (very cautious) people pleaser and making sure I don’t piss off people. The only people who have told me they’re angry with me are my mom and girlfriend.
15. Do you own any long underwear? I have never heard of these until today. I’d love to live somewhere so cold I need to wear clothes specifically meant to be worn underneath my actual outfit lol
16. How much Tupperware do you own? I’m Filipino, man. Filipino moms practically make it their life’s mission to collect as many Tupperware containers as they can. I’m pretty sure we have a bunch that we didn’t even own to begin with - just magically ended up in our cupboard after all the parties and gatherings we’ve had hahaha.
17. What color is your underwear right now? Green.
18. Do you still sleep with a teddy bear? I never slept with stuffed animals; I preferred pillows.
19. What pair of your shoes has the most wear and tear? In my first year of college the only shoes I owned was a pair of Keds. Used it for everything and it unsurprisingly ended up being super worn out - soles got detached from the shoe and all that. I think we still have it here at home – still destroyed – but it’s been untouched for a while.
20. Do you like to play Solitaire? It was a great boredom buster game for me for a time, especially when phone apps weren’t all that expansive yet. I haven’t played it in many months though.
21. Do you or your family own a full set of silverware? We do.
22. What do you have to take everywhere with you? Phone, wallet, car and house keys. Because of school I’ve also developed a habit of accidentally bringing my laptop nearly everywhere I go – I brought it to the vet once, lol
23. Would you like to visit Delaware? Yes. Delaware actually stands out in my memory because I remember reading in a kids’ almanac many years ago that it was the first to become a US state. Ever since then I’ve kinda bookmarked the place in my head.
24. Last time you received dental care? December. My tooth had been hurting for a couple of months but it became absolutely unbearable by that month so I had to book an emergency appointment days before Christmas. I felt super bad for the hassled dentist (who doubles as a family friend, which made it more embarrassing)... but at that point I was crying myself to sleep every night and would wake up at 3 AM crying in pain, and I would’ve done anything for the toothache to go away. 
25. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Somewhere brutally cold.
26. Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? I’ve never been able to relate to this question, lol soz.
27. Are you satisfied sitting here, taking this survey, or would you rather be elsewhere? I’m satisfied for now. I found more potential leads when it came to job-hunting and I’m not feeling too anxious anymore. I’ve been so focused on looking for corporate communications/PR jobs in the private sector that I forgot about the possibility of applying my skills in something I’m even more passionate about - museums! We have a few government agencies focused on museums, culture, and the arts and I definitely see myself performing in the jobs they offer. It’s even better because it’ll help me get my foot in the door in government positions, and as someone who’s indecisive about law it’ll be a great bridge to start with. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
28. Last time you sat in a barber’s chair? Early March.
29. Do you own any cans of compressed air? I’m not sure...had to look that up. Maybe we do? Idk. Dad will sometimes hoard random grownup stuff from the hardware store so I’m not ruling this one out.
30. Do you have a swivel chair at your desk? Nope.
31. Do you prefer an armchair or a rocking chair? Rocking chair.
32. Would you rather have a beanbag chair or a hanging swing chair in your room? Hanging swing chair sounds so hipster and awesome lol. I’ve had my time with a beanbag chair anyway.
33. What’s the last non-survey related questionnaire that you had to fill out? SSS form.
34. Are there any crimes that you feel make someone deserving of the electric chair? Not really a death penalty kinda gal, but if anyone had to sit in the electronic chair it’ll be people torturing and abusing animals for fun.
35. Do you know anyone who uses a wheelchair? Yes.
36. Do you know anyone who is on welfare? I probably do.
37. Do you play Modern Warfare? Nopes.
38.   Do you ever feel like life is unfair? It is, objectively. I’m a little pessimistic when it comes to this.
39.   Have you ever visited Times Square? No. I dunno if I wanna go there...it seems so crowded and claustrophobic, not to mention super tourist-y haha. I’d love to visit once just to see the bright lights and the giant ads, but I’d much rather be at museums and historical sites.
40.   Do you tell people to “take care” at the end of a conversation with them? Sometimes. I’ve been saying it a lot more often these days, for obvious reasons.
41.   Where is somewhere that you would like to move to? Canada. But I also feel like if I moved there immediately it would be such a culture shock in terms of the weather, culture, how far away I am from family, etc. and I doubt I would cope well. I suppose I can move to either Vietnam or Singapore first, as kind of like a baby step.
42.   What is something in your home that needs to be repaired? One of the stovetop burners stopped working last night and my dad’s determined to fix that.
43.   What kind of sleepwear do you own? I go to bed in just my normal home clothes; I don’t change to anything else.
44.   What skin care products do you use? Water. ;) I’m one of the lucky ones lol.
45.   Do you have any spyware on your computer? Nope.
46.   Do you own any sportswear? What sports? I have athletic shorts from when I played table tennis.
47.   Do you like Fred Astaire? Sure. I’ve only seen one movie of his (Funny Face) and he was a delight in that.
48.   How long does it take you to prepare a meal? I only ever make instant meals, oops.
49.   Do you know anyone named Pierre? Yes, Eva’s youngest sister is a Pierre. I’m just not sure if it’s also the same spelling.
50.   Are you going nowhere fast? I hope not. I’m giving myself a quick break for now after studying for 18 years straight but like I’m not out of ambition or anything like that at all.
51.   How often do you have a nightmare? Not very. They only show up when I’m going through a depression. My last nightmare was two or so years ago.
52.   How often are you able to catch something in mid-air? It’s unpredictable with me. Some days my reflexes are great but sometimes I’ll just be so clumsy.
53.   What do your lawn chairs look like? Brown and wooden.
54.   How many chairs are at your dining/kitchen table? Six; just right for our family of five.
55.   Favorite type of footwear? Sneakersssssss.
56.   When’s the last time one of your senses were impaired? From what? My left eye still gets irritated from time to time. We never really found out what’s wrong with it; my first checkup happened on the day before lockdown, so we never got to go back. When it starts to act up, I usually have no choice but to wait for it to go away.
57.   Have you ever been in a hot air balloon before? No. I’ve been to hot air balloon festivals though. That’s enough for me haha; I’m not desiring to be in one and be up in the sky.
58.   Do you have a good health care plan? My parents do for us kids.
59.   Last time you went to the hardware store? Months ago.
60.   Have you ever played foursquare before? No. I thought that was just a website. Oops.
61.   Do you own any types of eyewear? I’ve worn a pair of glasses since I was 11. I had needed them much earlier but my mom always thought I was being a sissy and just ‘wanted’ glasses to fit in with other kids. It was such a stupid mindset, and it was so stupid of her to not believe her kid WHO WAS STARTING TO NOT SEE. It was only when I took an eye exam at the school clinic and the school wrote her a letter that she finally believed me, but I had been suffering for a while and could barely read the chalkboard for like two years, which definitely affected my grades. 
62.   What brand of cookware do you have a lot of? Not sure about brands.
63.   Nothing can compare to: Having a complete, loving, and supportive family.
64.   Have you ever worked in a childcare center? I haven’t.
65.   Do you have a “beware of dog” sign on your gate? Nah. I usually say it myself. Kimi never got used to strangers.
66.   Have you ever attended daycare as a child? I guess you can say that? It wasn’t daycare per se but some malls used to have play areas/centers and my mom used to drop me off in those while she ran errands for a few hours. Those aren’t too common nowadays because I guess it’s more dangerous to leave your kids now, even with attendants, but they were a fun part of my childhood.
67.   Are you very aware of your surroundings? I’m honestly a little ditzy so no. I always need a more responsible, more street smart friend by my side especially when I’m going somewhere unfamiliar.
68. Have you ever had an au pair or a nanny before? We used to have househelp, but we never saw them as nannies. A vast majority of them never met my mom’s (extremely high) expectations and quit in a few weeks or months, sometimes even days; the few ones who did eventually wanted better lives for themselves and resigned after a few years, which we didn’t stop them from doing. At some point my mom gave up having help around and realized that ultimately, she’d rather clean up and do chores her way.
69. Do you know anyone who has had an affair? Yes.
70. How much are you willing to spend on airfare? I’ve never bought my own ticket so I don’t know how much they’re supposed to be on average...but I imagine I’m willing to pay a lot of money if it means going to the destinations of my dreams.
71. Who do you care about the most? The friends that I count as family.
72. Are you more likely to choose truth or dare? Truth. I’m too shy to do dares and I’ve never had a problem telling the truth anyway.
73. Have you ever seen the Blair Witch Project before? Yes, a few times.
74. Do you like the name Claire? Would you spell it with or without the I? I love it, it sounds elegant and graceful and it’s one of my favorite names. I prefer it with an I – I don’t know any Clares, actually.
75. Last time you went to a fair? Last week of January.
76. What can be done to make life more fair? Ending world hunger and poverty and making education accessible for all. 
77. How much are you willing to spend on cab fare? Not much. Cab fares should be fair after all.
78. Do you have a lot of flair? To some extent, I guess. I’m certainly not dragging myself down haha.
79. Do you own flare jeans? Nopes.
80. Is there a glare on your computer screen right now? There isn’t.
81. When’s the last time someone glared at you? Sometime in the last week would be a safe guess. My mom will sometimes communicate through glares and I’ve picked up the habit from her as well.
82. What type of hair do you have? (color, length, texture, etc) How often do you wash it? It’s black, quite thick, a bit on the wavy side, and has a tendency to get frizzy when it’s humid. Length-wise, it currently reaches just my collarbones. After a rebonding disaster around a decade ago my hair got a bit dry and it never really recovered from that, so I need to wash my hair with a giant blob of conditioner every time I take a shower otherwise it would get dry and hard.
83. Do you know the difference between a rabbit and a hare? I know hares are larger, but that’s about it.
84. Do you like to eat eclairs? LOVE them.
85. What do you consider to be your lair? My car has served as my safety bubble for so many depressing days in college. That’s why I got a little heartbroken when my dad told me he might have plans to sell it to my aunt (his sister).
86. A female horse is called a mare. What is a male horse called? A baby horse? Stallion; foal. Thank you, kid’s almanacs haha.
87. Have you ever used Nair before? Did it work? I used Veet in middle school when razors still scared me. It worked, but it took a whiiiiile and sometimes it wouldn’t even take all the hair off, so eventually I just started shaving. 
88. Has anyone ever told you to “grow a pair”? No, and no thanks.
89. What is something that you own a pair of? Dogs. 
90. What is a rare quality that you have? Other people will have to answer that. They’re the ones who see me and get to decide what’s rare about me.
91. Last food you pared? I don’t think I’ve done that.
92. Do you know someone who is a debonair? Sure.
93. Do you like to scare others for fun? No.
94. What is something that scares you? The idea of being in a plane crash, for one.
95. Do you like Sonny and Cher? Can’t say I’m a fan or that I’ve listened to anything of theirs.
96. Do you know how to share? Do you like to share? Sure. The only thing I’m a little selfish about is my food lol.
97. Have you ever played a snare drum before? A few times before, yes.
98. What do you do with your spare change? I give them to the tambays who help me get out of parking spots. That or I use it to buy food in school, since everything in UP’s cheap enough to pay with coins.
99. Do you know how to put on a spare tire? No. I’m interested to learn though.
100. Have you ever gotten a spare while bowling before? Yep, it’s happened a few times.
101. When’s the last time you wished someone would spare you the details? A week ago.
102. Do you win games fair and square? Sure. I’ve only cheated once and that was on an exam.
103. Do you know how to find the square root of something? Not anymore. I do have a bunch of perfect squares still memorized, though.
104. What are the characteristics of a square shape? Four equal sides that are also right angles.
105. Have you ever been called a square before? No. I don’t know what that means either, so if I got called that I wouldn’t know how to react.
106. Do you prefer the elevator or the stairs? Elevator.
107. Do you ever stare at other people? Only if it’s a bizarre situation. Once when this drunk guy got arrested in BGC and was being physical with the police, I stared and watched the whole thing. I do try to look away for most scenarios though.
108. How often do you swear? A few times a day.
109. Do you ever “swear on your life”? It’s not a saying that I commonly use, no.
110. What do you like to “tear up”? Eh, I don’t really like tearing up things.
111. What type of wares would you sell? Not interested in sales or business, so that’s a pass for me haha.
112. What kinds of clothing do you like to wear? I like wearing whatever’s trendy, as long as I genuinely like the look.
113. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare before? Never. [a-zebra-is-a-striped-horse]
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Crack Movie Wiki
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Former Blackhawks defenseman Brian Campbell has made several trips to London to help work with him on the ice and break down …
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Crack (film). Quite the same Wikipedia. Just better. Crack (film). From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Mar 26, 2018 … Gina Rodriguez will be starring in a "Carmen Sandiego" live-action film for Netflix.
Cette page d'homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Pour les articles ayant des titres homophones, voir CRAC, Crach, Krach et Krak. En hippisme, un crack est un cheval de course performant ayant remporté de très nombreuses victoires.
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You can help The Mad Max Wiki by expanding it. "We don't need the knowin'! We can live here!" —The Tell of Captain Walker The Crack in the Earth, also …
Mar 8, 2018 … EXCLUSIVE: Sony Pictures has closed a deal with Vin Diesel to star in the studio's sci-fi/action movie Bloodshot, an adaptation of the Valiant …
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and DC have put a comedic film based on the character into early development, with writer Amanda Idoko on board. Launched in …
In the film two replicants take the test: Leon (played by Brion James) and Rachael (played by Sean Young). In Blade Runner, Deckard tells Tyrell that it usually …
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The real Lawrence H. Summers called the film's portrayal of his meeting with the Winkelvoss twins "fairly accurate". He went on to say "I've heard it said that I can …
The Mirror Crack'd is a 1980 British mystery film based on Agatha Christie's Miss Marple novel The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side (1962) and directed by Guy …
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after police obtained a search warrant of 8A Rosemary Lane in West Yarmouth and found crack cocaine in numerous knotted bags, …
Crack-Up is a 1936 American film directed by Malcolm St. Clair. Peter Lorre plays a harmless, half-addled aircraft enthusiast who is actually a ruthless spy …
Cracks is a 2009 British independent psychological thriller drama film directed by Jordan Scott, starring Eva Green, Juno Temple, María Valverde, and Imogen …
ARSENAL footballers passed out inhaling “hippy crack” from balloons at a wild champagne and vodka … were at the heart of th…
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Fracture is a 2007 American-German legal drama film, starring Anthony Hopkins and Ryan Gosling, and directed by Gregory Hoblit. It is the story of a man who …
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This Wiki is intended as a repository for information about CRACKED Mazagine, it's characters and subjects. Welcome to intrepid readers and editors Congratulations on locating this Wiki.
Mar 17, 2018 … Almost two years after claiming his massive back tattoo was fake and something he only got “for a movie,” Ben Affleck was spotted showing off …
None of us knew anything about this movie going in other than it had … now, but is mostly just a total mindscrew of a movie with no real purpose or direction.
That’s the best chance for the film to crack a lineup this year. Chalamet is among the most exciting young actors in the busi…
First, there was a 2004 film featuring Jim Carrey. Despite lavish production design, it didn’t go over so well. Netflix took …
Share this Rating. Title: Cracks (2009). I read the book after watching the movie and there were a few things that had been changed – the ending in particular.
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Yes. But again, that’s the joke. In the meta-tastic world of Wayne and Garth, the pair often break the fourth wall to address …
“It’s a tradition that all the photographers in town look forward to getting a crack at,” said Doug Mills … “This is the fi…
Cracks is a 2009 British independent psychological thriller drama film directed by Jordan Scott, starring Eva Green, Juno Temple, María Valverde, and Imogen Poots. It was released theatrically in the United Kingdom and Ireland on 4 December 2009.
From Middle English crakken, craken, from Old English cracian ("to resound, crack"), from Proto-Germanic *krakōną ("to crack, crackle, shriek"), ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *gerh₂- ("to resound, cry hoarsely").
Drug films are films that depict either drug distribution or drug use, whether as a major theme or … Hour Party People (2002) – MDMA, cocaine, heroin, methadone, cannabis, and a mention of the large amount of crack in Barbados; 25th Hour …
Officers found knotted plastic baggies containing crack cocaine on 38-year-old Kelley Keith and cash, plastic sandwich baggie…
after police obtained a search warrant of 8A Rosemary Lane in West Yarmouth and found crack cocaine in numerous knotted bags, Suboxone oral film, five cell phones, and U.S. currency, according to …
And in Saturday’s The Daily Telegraph, Brisbane-born Melina Vidler admitted that trying to crack into Hollywood is tough … …
The game was there for the taking, but Carey Price came up large and the Blackhawks couldn’t make him crack. The Canadiens ev…
Share. Tweet. Share. Share. Email. Comments. Advertisement. Crack Movie release time is 2017. Crack is an Drama, Film Director Name is Neeraj Pandey & Screenplay By Neeraj Pandey.
A crack (クラックKurakku) is a dimensional tear in the fabric of space which connects between the Human World and Helheim Forest . Cracks can be controlled or stabilized by devices of the Yggdrasill Corporation and be used to transport researchers into Helheim.
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