#if I am plz know that I’m sorry for it. fixation’s insane with this one
squuote · 7 months
Realized how often the Narrator anthropomorphizes things in the Ultra Deluxe in order to encourage or bait Stanley. Which is so much different than how he was in the past endings, specifically the apartment ending. The way he now refers to all the different quotable and memorable objects in the game as Stanley’s friends.
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There’s just something about the way the Narrator does at least deeply try to relate to Stanley’s need as a human, understanding more that we are sociable creatures. Giving us the bucket as something to cherish and playing along with the notion (despite getting very obviously upset when Stanley gets too attached to the bucket and then tries to break down that narrative). The attempt made to actually reach out to Stanley in a human-like way.
I don’t know where I’m going with this but the attempt at connection through the similar actions of a person or something like that. Acknowledgement of human needs, even if it's more or less the bare minimum effort.
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Hello! This is my intro post for this Blog! 🎄🕎
This post will cover the fandoms I’m in and what I post on here.
•DNI ❌•
Zoophiles, MAPs, Proshippers, Xenophobes, Racists and Homophobes/Transphobes
Fandoms of these types of media;
Amphibia — I love this show SO much! The dynamics between Sasha, Anne and Marcy are immaculate and play off of the frogs, toads and newts so well; you have to watch this show if you haven’t yet. This goes for the whole list BTW. ^^
Owl House — I love this show, but I feel less of a connection than Amphibia because I watched Amphibia first ;-; THE BEST thing about this show is the characters. Amity, Raine, Hunter, Luz and Gus are the best characters IMO.
Deltarune — OMIGOSH PLZ TALK TO ME DELTARUNE FANS. TELL ME ALL OF YOUR THEORIES AND HC’s. If you cannot tell, I love Toby Fox games. Especially this one. I am Noelle (real) /j. Love all of the characters in this game. Not one I don’t like. (Maybe King -7-)
LOVE UNDERTALE. Don’t think I have to say that since they’re probably connected, (sorry Toby i just don’t trust you when you say that they aren’t ;u;) I will post about Undertale when we get news relating to the game!
Walten Files — Woah, if you’re reading this part this probably means you at least know what this is. Yeah that analog horror videos on YouTube. Also TW if you watch this… Uhh, used to be really into this one, but my interest has faded. I will be all over TWF4 whenever it comes out, but until now I’ll be posting about it scarcely. (SOPHIE AND JENNY KINNIES I SEE YOU OUT THERE.)
Disventure Camp — YES, THIS IS BETTER THAN TDAS, TDPI AND TDA. And yes, that was my opinion ofc. Anyway, more about Disventure Camp… ALLY, TESS AND HUNTER ARE ALL IN A POLY-RELATIONSHIP. Again, my opinion, but it makes so much sense! I’ll ofc respect your opinions. Also Aiden and James all the way.
Also I will interact with some Total Drama content, but not heavily. (Dave, Cameron and Sky IRLS DNI.)
Danganrompa Another — SORA AND YOUROKO IS MY COMFORT SHIP. Respect to Weeby Newz (YT) for getting me into this amazing fangan. So much better than the Source material. I recommend this fan-game for everyone but HUGE TW for the first game and a even bigger one for the sequel. We all meme on Mitch here. (Anyone glorifying Mitch Higa without being ironic DNI)
Danganrompa Edens Garden — OOH THE PROLOGUE LOOKED SO GOOD. If you’re looking for a alternative from the problematic air around the Main Danganrompa games, look no further than this game. ME AND JETT DAWSON ARE LITERALLY DATING. but … if I can’t have him cause he’s not real … he can date Mark. BUT I WONT BE HAPPY ABOUT IT. /j (I’m also a MarkDawson shipper so <: )
Inanimate Insanity — POSSIBLY MY OLDEST AND FIRST HYPER-FIXATION?? Bright lights forever! Anyway,,, Plot and Pacing: 2nd Season. Quality: 3rd Season. Sorry not sorry, the First season is problematic and unfunny. Anyway Cabby can marry me. (/hj) This animated YouTube series is so good!
I also do like other Object Shows! BFDI and ONEhfj are some I love. the ones I will post about will probably II and TPOT
Dead End: Paranormal Park — I NEED THE BOOKS AHHH. Love this show for the amazing Rep alone. THAT ALSO GOES FOR THE OWL HOUSE AS WELL. The story is great. It’s somehow Realistic and Supernatural at the same time!!?!
Omori — I like this game! The story is intriguing and heartbreaking </3 My Omori phase is passing away, sadly.
More Info About me:
If you’ve scrolled this far, you prolly wanna know more.
I’m Gay (MLM) and use They/it/he pronouns ofc!
I’m into Graphic design and MIGHT be getting a vinyl sticker printer soon!!!
I draw on paper and IBIS Paint X. I do have a drawing tablet, however it’s difficult to set up, it doesn’t help that I have a pitiful dell computer that’s on the edge of deaths door ;^; xd
anyway, like just ask to talk! Always open to that. <3
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