#if Bobby's really mad he makes Luke jog all the way to Julie's house instead
innytoes · 11 months
bobby x luke x julie
sports au (which sport? dunno i’m not a sports gay. author’s choice)
(I also don't know a lot about sports but I did watch all of Ted Lasso sooo...)
"Luke, what did I say about running your mouth during interviews?" Julie said, coming into the locker room exasperated. Several guys yelped, and she squeaked, quickly covering her eyes. Her annoyance at Luke had made her forget stuff like, you know, knocking.
"What did he do this time?" Alex sighed from somewhere to her left.
"I may have said that the derogatory chants from the opposite team lacked creativity," Luke said, not sounding too sorry about it.
"I mean you're not wrong, 'Luke, Luke, your goal was a fluke' is kind of low-hanging fruit," Reggie pointed out. "Especially when you're our top scorer. If anything, Alex' goal was a fluke."
They'd never been able to replicate Alex - the goalie - kicking the ball so hard it went across the entire field, dinged a guy in the head, and went into the opposing team's goal. Technically that made it an own goal, but considering the guy had to be carried off the field with a concussion.
Willie was a great sport about it, though, and now they were dating.
Coach Bobby, however, was having none of it. "Patterson!" he barked. "What did I tell you about not listening to Julie? You and me, you're running home!"
"Fiiine," Luke said, dramatically rolling his eyes and dragging his feet dramatically until the other guys all filed out, patting Luke on the shoulder sympathetically. His house was a few miles from the pitch, and Coach Bobby was known for driving Luke's fancy sports car at running pace and shouting at him all the way home.
Still, once the guys had left, Luke grinned at Julie, who finally uncovered her eyes. "See you at home?" he asked.
"You will once I fix your mess," she said, kissing his cheek, then Bobby's. "Make him take the long way," she told him. "And I should be home in time to join you both in the shower."
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