kooksters · 7 years
20 Questions Tag!
aaaah tysm for tagging me @scriptedreams 💕
RULES: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
Name: Lisa~
Nicknames: none ;-;
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Libra :3
Height: Like 165-168cm? ._.
Time right now: 18:34
Last thing I googled: “ear piercings” bc why not 
Favourite band: BTS obv.
Favourite solo artist: Jungkook (ssshh..)
Song stuck in my head: Damn - hov1 (it’s swedish)
Last movie I watched: Moana
When did you create your blog: About a year ago i think
What do you post: I’ve posted wallpapers before but now I basically just reblog stuff :3 (secretly wants to post ff’s but I can’t write)
When did your blog reach its peak: I honestly don’t know.
Do you have other blogs: nope
Do you get asks regularly: nope (would like to tho)
Why did you choose your url: Do not really know it just kind of happened
Following: 101
Posts: 1,325
Hogwarts House: Apparantly I’m Hufflepuff, I’m not really sure what I think about that since I thought i was Slytherin but well well.
Pokemon team: Valor~
Favourite colours: ^Red :3
Average hours of sleep: When I have school about 7 hours but on the weekends somewhere around 12 hours.
Lucky Numbers: 2 and 8
Fave characters: Jungkook (once again, ssshhh….)
What am I wearing now: Ripped jeans and a green sweater
How many blankets do you sleep with: uno
Dream job: Dunno
Dream trip: I’ve always wanted to go to the USAAA!
So, here is the part where i am supposed to tag people but idk how to befriend people or who to tag but, I tag:
@annjunghoseok @lizzy-daebak @jhsxrsq
AAAAAH I REALLY DONT KNOW HOW TO TAG PEOPLE i cant even tag my own followers bc I think the only reason they are follow me is because they pressed the follow button by accident. But i managed to grow balls enough to tag three people (progress..) and one of them is totally not my friend in real life (ssshh…)
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