#idk which one yet i just wanna have a poem memorized
stuckinapril · 4 months
I've decided I'm gonna memorize a poem by heart this month. And possibly memorize one poem a month for the rest of the year
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jojotichakorn · 3 years
i was tagged by the incredible @transtian , thank you so much !!
rule: list 3-5 snippets of literature/media that live in your head rent-free to the point where you have them memorized; write them down from memory, no cheating allowed!
i tag @m34ns @sporadicauthor @bengiyo​​ @morksuns​ @yuhaosturtle  @be-kind-and-peaceful @shenanigansuniverse @italiangirlwithanenglishheart ( obviously you don’t need to do this if you don’t want to !! i hope i didn’t forget anyone <3 )
“i balanced all , brought all to mind / the years to come seemed waste of breath . / a waste of breath the years behind , / in balance with this life - this death” - this is actually a quote from a poem , something about an airman i think ? but i personally know it as a quote that simon monroe from in the flesh wanted on his grave . i’m depressed , idk what to tell you .
the entirety of “сними с меня усталость , матерь смерть” by boris chichibabin . this is my favorite poem , so it is very hard to choose one specific quote , but i think i would go with “я так устал . мне сроду было трудно , / что всем другим привычно и легко” - “i’m so fatigued . and things that others do with ease , / i’ve always failed at since my life’s miserable emergence” . that snippet in english is actually from my translation of the poem , which you can check out, if you want .
“this dream must end , the world must know : we all depend on the beast below“ from that one doctor who episode . i have seen this episode maybe 5 years ago ? and that poem just stuck to me . i have been trying to understand why it makes me feel SO MUCH this whole time , and i still can’t . but it does . it means something . i just haven’t figured out what yet .
“those who love much , do much and accomplish much , and everything that is done with love is done well” - vincent van gogh . anyone who knows me well knows that vincent is literally the ground i stand upon . he means so much to me that i can not even describe it , but i think this quote shows what kind of man he was very well and therefore shows why i love him so much .
“sky above , voice within” from skyrim . if vincent van gogh is the ground i stand upon , then skyrim is a roof over my head , and it has been for the past eight years . since i was 11 , it was there for me , helping me go through a lot of stuff , and ultimately i realized how much i see myself in the main character because i am trans non-binary . and this quote resonates with me a lot because of that . stick around if you wanna read my trans nerd ramblings lkgffdglfdkgdk .
so the main character in skyrim has a body of a human , an elf , an orc , a cat-like or a lizard-like person ( depending on the player’s choice ) . but they have the soul of a dragon . so obviously their physical body doesn’t line up with a dragon , but the rest of them does . and the way that manifests is through the character being able to “shout” . these “shouts” are special powers that dragons have - they say some words in their language , and they can breathe fire , stop time , befriend animals , and do a whole number of other things using their voice . this is something that the main character can also do , because they have the soul of a dragon . something else that is very crucial to dragons , though , is their ability to fly . dragons live in the sky , that’s where they feel right , feel natural . the main character doesn’t have a body of a dragon , though . therefore , they don’t have wings . and therefore they can’t fly , can’t be in the sky . something that feels crucial to their soul they can’t do , because their body doesn’t line up with the way that their soul is . you see where i’m going with this , i’m sure . 
and so “sky above , voice within” is this double-edged sword . on the one hand , it is a reminder that the sky is and always will be above the main character . they will never be able to reach it , to be where a dragon are supposed to be . on the other hand , however , they do have that voice within . that voice that proves - they are a dragon , even if they don’t look like one . 
so yeah , you can imagine why my 11 year old self that was three years away from even beginning to realize they are trans got obsessed with this concept and this entire game ( the obsession is still here btw , i literally played today ksdglsdglgs ) .
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bring-us-back-light · 7 years
ALL the time asks (if you want)
12am: how late do you normally stay up?: 
if i have something i need to do the next day i try to go to bed at 11 or 12 at the latest, unless i have stuff to do then it gets pushed back to 1. if i don’t have to be up early or its the weekend or something i’ll stay up anywhere from 1 to 5 or 6
7am: what’s the most memorable dream you’ve had?:
its kind of funny? cause i don’t generally have dreams. but like, there were these two dreams i had when i was like??? 5??? and they’ve just stuck with me. so one is like, I was scuba diving around this submarine, but all the portholes in the sub were replaced with fishbowls w goldfish in them??? idk that’s all. and the second one i was in some mall, and there was this like, purse display? that was like a ferris wheel
and my mom wasn’t paying enough attention and put her purse on one of the shelves and i had to like, climb up the shelves for some reason to get it back? yeah idk
12pm: how would you describe your personality?:
mostly easygoing? I think i’m mostly easy to get along with? (i didn’t used to be, but i’ve been trying to make a lot of progress in that area) but like, i am passionate, so if something does happen i will f i TE to get justice
3pm: have you been in trouble with the law? if you were to be in trouble with it, what do you think it would be for?:
i can’t say that I have. if I did? probably for like, assault (of some bigoted asshole) or.. tbh media and software piracy oops.
Dawn: what never fails to make you smile?:
THAT ONE VIDEO OF THE CUTE LITTLE BIRB THAT JUST DANCES TO THAT SONG?! BUT ITS WAY TOO SHORT AND LIKE AAAAAAAAAA WOULDNT IT BE NICE IF WE WERE OLDER THEN WE WOULDNT HAVE TO WAIT SO LONG AND WOULDNT NIT BE NICE TO LIVE TOGETHER AND IH ATE THAT IT STOPS,(http://rune-song.tumblr.com/post/159361189655/onlinedragon-vrgnmry-why-did-this-have-to) but also i just... birds and other animals make me smile in general? also people being passionate? and like that one snake post with the whole “boop incoming, i make a prepare” or the dog ones that are like “you gave me a big frighten” or LUCY THE PU G yeah 
Dusk: do you like liminal zones? which ones?:
i mean, i’ve found truck stops to be super useful with how many roadtrips i’ve been on. but other than that.. i don’t really care.
Monday: what do you hate? Are there things you love that other people hate?:
chocolate. mangoes. bigots. being sick. injustice. 
i rlly love language? and ik some people start to get really irritated when i start talking about phonetics and stuff? idk
Tuesday: phrase you often use:
i’m tired.
Wednesday: what do you always laugh at?:
sheep/shoop, who da ho? idaho. bo burnham.
Thursday: if you were a God, what would you be the God of?:
ooh or navigation
i d K
Friday: what are you looking forward to?
graduation so i can get out of this hell hole. one semester to go
also meeting up w my gf but idk when that will be yet sooo yeah.
Saturday: best movie you’ve seen? most helpful one?:
best? oh gosh. uhm.... i rly like Atlantis. i’m not sure if it’s the BEST but it’s really good
most helpful?? bro i dont even know
Sunday: what event(s) in life shaped you the most?:
probably the travel?
Febuarary: what’s your ideal partner if you want one?:
March: what’re your goals?:
i wanna become a competent programmer, i wanna get a masters in linguistics, i wanna run an experiment for selective breeding of crows for language aquisition and see if we could actually get crows that could hold a conversation
April: favorite poem or quote.:
the man who says he can, and the man who says he can’t are both correct. which are you?
May: what’re your pets names? what would be the ideal pet name?:
my mom’s dog is Diva, mine is Panda.
idk. it rlly dependso n the pet and stuff? i kind of want to get a bunch of birds, snakes, dogs, cats etc, and then name them after eachother’s species.
June: do you want kids? do you have names in mind for them?:
just pls ask me about my plans for my kids. they’re so fucking messed up
July: favorite word, dirty, clean, and/or funny sounding:
defenestrate or fuck
August: have you ever had a really important teacher or a crush on one?:
two teachers are super important to me right now. Ms Boze, and Ms Peacock. (also.. sorta have a crush on the latter but objectively, it wouldn’t work out that well)
September: what would you be famous for or make a lot of money from if you could?:
research i mentioned above. (adding to that, dolphin communication would be really cool to study too.) or travel maybe? learning language? idk
October: what scares you? do you think it made you stronger?:
heat. like i can’t reach into ovens it terrifies me. i’m also terrified of rejection. and super self concsious about almost everything. 
no. not at all. maybe it allows me to be more empathetic at times? but no. not worth it
November: favorite date or outing you can think of.:
aquarium, or a zoo, or a library, or a book store, or a coffee shop, or a movie, or sitting in, i’m really not picky i just like doing things
December: what’s your ideal holiday?:
Christmas with lots of people (that all are super close) and presents and a big tree (that i didn’t have to decorate) and a big dinner with fondue and like, a bunch of snow, that some how miraculously melts by the end of the next day.
January: how did the last year go for you? good parts? bad?you’re next then.:
good question uhhhh i guess it was ok? I got my first year of school under my belt? meh it wasn’t that extraordinary for me personally. general events therewere some really shtity ones and some great oens but people already know those.
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