#idk what went through my mind to make plantsims wear this on a green background but yeah
mothy-simmie · 1 year
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Plaid PJ Pants
I am incredibly in love with the original mesh and textures, however, I needed more colours and plaid options! Unfortunately, lots of plaid CC I've come across are a little too alpha-looking for my tastes (and some kinda hurt my eyes ngl). So, I've made these fashionable recolours. Initially just for masc frame, I ended up making matching textures for child and fem frames! If you're in Creator Musings on Discord, these may look familiar bc these were my submission to the gift pile :D Anyways, enjoy!
I used @madameriasims4 's Customisable Plaids resource and made these! Mesh is unedited, but they are indeed 3 different meshes bc I hate the weird stance fem framed sims get when given masc bottoms. If you like these pants, be sure to check MadameRia out! She has high-quality everyday wear for your sims (yes, even for masc sims!!!).
BGC, disabled for random. YM ver is masc locked, YF ver is fem locked, CU is unisex. 48 swatches (16 colours, 3 plaid options each)
Download on SFS [Masc] [Fem] [Child] [ALL] or GDrive [X]
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