#idk if I had a psa tag but another psa thing ig
Hello, I have two Rp questions for you.
Number one: if we wish to RP with you/interact with you. How would you like us to contact you?
Number 2 (and sorry if this is a stupid question): Your "rules" are stated as "guidelines," so that confused me a bit (again, sorry, I'm fr dumb xD). For clarification, if we are of age but are younger than 21, would you still like us to avoid interacting with you? (For context, I am 19, turning 20 in April).
Hi! A direct message would suffice for contact purposes.
And the Guidelines more than Rules is a reference to Pirates of the Caribbean, where Captain Barbossa refers to the Pirate Code as "They're more of what you call guidelines, than actual Rules." So it does mean there can be exceptions.
But, my concern with age is that there is a massive purity culture spike and Victor does problematic things on the daily. I don't wanna sit here and be called a whole slew of names because Victor might dub con/non con someone in a thread. Or when Victor and Logan might be doing fuck all while they're also brothers (if done in movie verse).
I come from the age of ship and let ship, and 'don't like, don't read'. I think this Pro v anti ship thing is fucking stupid. So I tend to gravitate towards people my age who are just as tired of that nonsense.
I'm rolling my eyes and gnashing my teeth saying it, but I am "ProShip". No, I don't like underage stuff, it makes me sick, but all the other icky proship stuff? Soooo on the table.
So that's why I'm hesitant with anyone under 21.
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