#idk hes a closet dork thx
thinger-strang · 4 years
Steve's Character Sheet
(again kind of a what's-in-my-bag type dealio)
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(starting at the bottom right and making an arch)
secret boyf necklace (three guesses who that is)
mini flashlight for emergencies
his lighter
wallet (some fancy rich person shit) (he keeps cash and change, ID, his dad's credit cards, movie stubs, pictures and Polaroids and stuff like that in there)
Steve doesn't collect keychains like Max but he's got a few; Pac Man from Max for his birthday (it's his fav video game), Dustin made him one of those lizard bead things while at camp, and Billy put a fuckin hot wheels on a key chain to "give him better taste in cars" (it's not a Camaro but still some yellow muscle car with racing stripes)
based on a thing I never finished writing, when Steve and Nancy were dating, they used to read the same mystery/thriller novel at the same time and try to figure it out before the other one (I also hc that Steve has dyslexia, so he'd get a head start but like they'd have check points and compare notes every couple chapters and they're pretty evenly tied, I think I had Nancy leading by 2?)
glasses that he never wears bc he's too cool, that's too embarrassing for Mr. Popular Jock (but he gives in and wears them during college or w/e)
the yellow duffle from s1 bc he's a soft jock
extra gym clothes (after a little theft Prank™ via Billy he keeps extras now)
keeps a random assortment of pens and pencils floating around his bag
a Singular notebook (really messy notes and random doodles, I hc Steve as an artist person but he doesn't like Realize he's good at drawing and stuff so he doesn't even have a sketchbook)
his hair stuff
gym shoes (name brand, pristine, he's bratty about his shoes m8)
(in conclusion I love him, let him wear more vests!)
(also idk what happened but I didn't include any Robin stuff? I'll make her sheet next probs)
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