snxwflxwers · 1 year
ic task 004: Interrogations
Jiwon wasn't surprised she'd been called for a follow up interview. She was, after all, Greer's cousin, and they had a very public rivalry that she had severely downplayed to the police. She knew she wasn't believable. In fact, Jiwon was surprised they hadn't called her out sooner. Her steps as she walked in were of a martyr, simply resigned to what was soon to happen. No point in delaying it.
The officer's unkind eyes didn't quite fit his fakely sympathetic smile, but then again, Jiwon's blank expression wasn't right either. It was uncanny scene, with her lawyer sitting right beside her, analyzing the situation. "It's finals week." Jiwon said, simply. "Let's make it quick, shall we?" The officer nodded.
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“Can you talk about your time capsule video? Give us some context for the clip that was leaked?”
Jiwon's eyes were piercingly cold. She had a lot to say about the damn video, and she would. She just had to measure her words to come across the right way. "Well, first of all, I find it ridiculous that the police is asking me that. I've nothing to hide. I'll send you the full video, if you want. I'll submit it as evidence, or whatever." She arched an eyebrow and stole a glance at her lawyer. Being cooperative was good. It'd make her look less guilty. "I would like to know, though, why we're being interrogated about a privacy leak." The detective's eyes mirrorred hers. He didn't trust her, and she didn't trust him either.  
"Were you aware that Greer Morrison had submitted a video at the end of last year?”
Jiwon shrugged. "I'm sure we all imagined it. She might have mentioned it, even." Another glance at her lawyer. They'd talked about the possibility of this question being asked. Jiwon's answer came off as rehearsed, fake, but it was inconspicuous enough to fly under the radar. Or at least, she hoped so. "But if you're asking me if I knew she'd fly off the handle lke that, I didn't." That was true. She was as in the dark as everyone else.  
“Had you ever heard of anything regarding THE NAIVE NEWCOMER using steroids?”
She shook her head. "No. I know very little about him." She could see the office was gearing up to ask a question, but she answered it before he could have a chance. "Yes, I know him being Greer's boyfriend should mean he's close to the family. We didn't have anything in common, so we barely talked, if ever." The detective was running low on patience, she could tell. The lawyer's presence was not helping his opinion of her, but it didn't really matter. Her statement being airtight was.  
“Had Greer brought up breaking up with him ever? Or anything of the sort, like she did in her video?”
Jiwon shook her head again. "You're asking the wrong person. She wouldn't have told me about it, even if she was considering it." She shrugged. It was nice to have a break to tell the full truth. She had a feeling, though, that the detective didn't even believe that. 
“Do you have any reason to believe THE GOLDEN GIRL would want to leave Ogden College?”
The lawyer clearly considered intervening, but Jiwon answered before he could. "No." She said, simply. "She was adventurous. Maybe she just got bored." The officer seemed to buy that one, but there was o way to be sure.
"Were you aware of Greer planning to travel to Portugal this summer?"
Once again, she shook her head to say no. "I guess I knew she liked the idea of going to Portugal, but I don't know why she wouldn't just get her parents money to go." She shrugged, and the officer once again seemed ready to ask another question. "If I had known, I'd have said so during he first interviews. She's my cousin. I'd do anything to bring her back." That one was an obvious lie, but one that'd look good in a court room.
"Were you at the party on June 4th in the Hamptons that Greer is pictured attending on Riley Vanderford’s social media?"
She shook her head again. "I barely know Riley, and Greer rarely invited me to her stuff." Her lawyer watched attentively. Although he'd said more than once that she wasn't there, not even her parents fully believed her. No one was home that day to verify her alibi, though there was security camera outside her house to prove she hadn't left. She had, in fact, been tucked away in her studio, hands busy with melting metal.
"Is there anything you know that you’re not sharing?"
"No." Her voice was strong and confident, a subtle threat that she'd make a scene if they didn't let her go. "Can I go now? I have to study." The detective answered that she could, and in seconds, she had gotten her backpack and was stepping away with her lawyer. "Tell my parents that it went as expected." She said to him, still walking. "I have a feeling there's something off, so it's better to be prepared."
In normal circunstances, she'd never work with her parents to keep herself out of trouble, but there was more at stake here. She was genuinely terrified, even if her face only ever expressed boredom and neutrality.
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sassa-fiske · 1 year
when: december 16th mentioned: @leakywright, @milonavarroo​, @montyrichler​
Sassa was the picture of ease while waiting for the FBI agents to call her into their interrogation room, utterly unfazed by the entire thing. She hadn’t spoken to many people about their interviews - instead wanting to focus on her finals and end of term projects. Which, as the clock ticked into the afternoon on that Friday, were all over for her, and probably made her one of the last people to be interviewed. Which certainly had it’s pros and cons. Which ended up outweighting the other would likely depend on how she played this. 
Luckily, Sassa was well rehearsed for such a moment. 
“Astrid Fiske?” Sassa looked up at the sound of her legal name, her nose scrunching up ever so slightly. 
“Please, it’s Sassa,” she said as she stood up, brushing off the front of her skirt and offering Agent Choi a small smile, sure to keep her demeanor right on the line of composed - demure, tentative, but not nervous. Earnest, but not eager. Collected, but not practiced. 
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“Sassa it is,” he said as he motioned towards the chair set for her, Sassa murmuring quiet greetings to the other two agents in the room. “If you wouldn’t mind, could we start by talking bout your time capsule video? Give us some context for the clip that was leaked?” 
Her hands clasped on the table in front of her, Sassa sheepishly glancing down at them as she pressed her lips together. “Oh, I’m...not sure where to begin with that. It was just a clip, of course. I could give you the whole thing if you wanted?” she offered, looking back up at them with raised eyebrows. Though of course, she’d really rather they didn’t look into it. And if they were suspicious of her, they had access to it through the school anyways. But offering it up of her own free will took the power out of them demanding to see it. She let her expression turn contemplative, lapsing into silence for a few moments. “It was a harsh thing to say, but it was...a performance, I suppose. It felt more like a school project than something I seriously considered as, like, my message? I’m studying film, you see,” she explained, shrugging up her shoulders, the very corners of her lips turning up ever so slightly to emphasize the small dimples in her cheeks. “If I had known it would be broadcast to my own classmates, that’s not at all how I would want them to think of me. Distrustful like that? Certainly not me,” she added, a sigh perfectly placed at the end of her sentence. 
When Sassa turned her eyes up to the agents expectantly, Agent Choi nodded, reaching up to rub at his temple with one finger. “Of course,” he said, though Sassa could tell she had caught him slightly off guard with the supposed vulnerability in her statement. She was sure most students had come in here, abrasive and shut down. She intended to do the exact opposite. “And were you aware that Greer Morrison had submitted a video at the end of last year?” 
Sassa swallowed, her eyebrows turning up in the middle ever so slightly before she shook her head. “No. Not at all,” she said. “Greer and I...we grew up in the same circles. But we were never that close. She was always so bright, the center of everything. And me...” she let her voice trail off, this time turning her eyes towards Agent Murray, waiting for her to look up from the notes she was scrawling before she looked up. “You know how it is, for girls like us. Never quite fitting in with one group or the other. It’s no one’s fault,” she said, smoothly turning to look back at Agent Choi. “Just the way things are.” 
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She had caught the expression on Agent Murray’s face softening somewhat, appealing to the loneliness of being mixed race in a society that loved to fit people into boxes. That had been truthful. Of course, everything she said after that had been a lie. There were people at fault, and people like Greer, who helped uphold such things...well, Sassa would certainly point a finger at her. 
“I can see how that must’ve been hard growing up,” Agent Choi said. “Your family was in the same circle as the Morrison’s, though - correct?” Sassa nodded. “Were you at the party on June 4th in the Hamptons that Greer is pictured attending on Riley Vanderford’s social media?” 
“Oh, no. I don’t know Riley personally, or anything, but...I’ve seen the posts of that type of party. It’s not my thing in the slightest,” she said, letting herself grimace slightly at the end of her sentence. In reality, Greer had often made sure that Sassa wasn’t invited to parties her friends were throwing, though she wasn’t sure of the exact circumstance behind this particular party, even though she had - of course - poured over the posts she could find regarding it, even the ones that didn’t include Greer. Which was all of them, really, except for the one from Riley. All the more bizarre. 
“Do you have any reason to believe THE GOLDEN GIRL would want to leave Ogden College?” Agent Choi asked, his eyes not leaving Sassa’s face.
Sassa made sure to make eye contact, meet his gaze with one of her own, eyes widened ever so slightly, lips pouted out nearly imperceptibly, doing her best to appeal to whatever instinct he may have that would make her appear trustworthy. “Not that I know of. But like I said...we were never close. There are probably many other people who would have a better insight into what she was thinking than me.” 
A small smile flickered over Agent Choi’s face, Agent Murray scrawling something down, Sassa feeling her first pang of nerves. Fuck. Did she say something wrong? Was he smiling because he had gotten what he had wanted from her? “What do you know a student named...Malik Wright?”
“Um...” Sassa started, letting herself appear confused for a moment - she was, in fact, a bit confused that they’d bring up Leaky of all people. There were plenty she’d consider throwing under the bus (Link, came to mind, for instance), but...Leaky?. “Leaky? He transferred in, last year. He’s in Greek life, a football player. I believe he’s fairly friendly with Sebastian, Greer’s brother...Honestly?” she paused, biting her lower lip, eyes darting between the agents as if she was about to confess something, pausing for dramatic affect. “This is...so embarrassing. But he actually invited me and another girl to his fraternity semi-formal this fall,” she said, her voice keying up in pitch slightly, leaning into the scorned sorority girl. “It was the worst. I don’t know if he thought...I don’t know. But...sorry. That’s totally irrelevant,” she said, cutting herself off with a roll of her eyes. “What was the question again?” Sassa asked, letting a hint of embarrassement become visible on her face.  
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“Uh...Malik Wright’s relationship with Greer.” 
“Oh,” Sassa said, her head pulling back slightly. “I don’t...think he had much of one? Like I said, I think he is friendly with Sebastian, but...I only say that because they’re both on the football team. And I’m a cheerleader so...I only really see them interacting in that circumstance,” she said, shrugging up her shoulders. As...frustrated as Sebastian made her, Sassa didn’t want to throw him under the bus. Nor Leaky. It was easier to play clueless, as far as they went. 
“Right. How about Milo Navarro, and his relationship with Greer?” 
That one was harder to act clueless about. Sassa blinked once, twice, before her lips twisted to one side, letting out another sigh. “Milo is Greer’s tennis partner. Or...was, I guess I should say,” she said, frowning as she looked back to her hands on the table. “Wow. That’s...weird to say. But, um...I’ve been playing with him this year, at our coach’s request. I’m not as good of a player as Greer, and I don’t think Milo is very impressed with me because of that. You should’ve seen them playing together. Remarkable,” she said, a wistful tone to her voice as she shook her head. “They had chemistry on the court, that’s for sure. Milo and I...we just bicker. I’m sure he’ll be thrilled if Greer comes back,” Sassa continued, leaning forward a little as if speaking conspiratorially with the agents, a roll of her eyes accompanying the words. “Honestly, I’d be happy to go back to my old partner as well. Hell of a lot less pressure.” 
Agent Choi’s eyebrows arched up on his forehead, nodding a few times as Agent Murray took more notes, Sassa not letting her gaze waver. She certainly wouldn’t give in to any attempts to make her uneasy - it was so transparent. “Regarding Greer’s other relationships...had Greer ever brought up breaking up with THE NAIVE NEWCOMER ever? Or anything of the sort, like she did in her video?”
Sassa’s eyebrows rose, her expression nearly mirroring Agent Choi’s. “I’m surprised you’re asking me that,” she said bluntly. Acting as if there was nothing of note to say would just bite her in the ass if it came out later. Or maybe they were already aware, and wanted to catch her in some sort of omission. Better to put it all out on the table. Well...mostly. “Perhaps no one brought it up. Kit and I...briefly were seeing each other last year, before he ended up dating Greer. So, no. She definitely didn’t mention anything of the sort to me. And he never said anything to me. Granted, he never said much after that. Things were a bit awkward, as I’m sure you can imagine,” she said. “I thought they were good together,” she lied. “But I didn’t pay too much attention to their relationship outside of that. 
“Well, if you dated him, perhaps you can help us out here,” Agent Brown said from the back of the room, finally speaking up. “Had you ever heard of anything regarding him using steroids?”
At that, Sassa actually blanched. “Kit?” she asked, the agent staring her down as his only form of confirmation. “No. But, uh...we also didn’t really date. It’s college, you know. We were both freshman. It was a super casual, quick thing. He definitely wouldn’t have shared any....steroid use with me. That’s....” she let her voice trail off, head tipping to one side, lips parting, as if some realization had just hit her. While she hadn’t been aware of any steroid use from Kit, she thought of his attack on Jesse at the beginning of the year. “You know, he did get into a huge fight with Jesse Hart at a party. It seemed so unlike him. Isn’t, like...roid rage a thing?” she asked, concern - perhaps even fear - leaking into her voice.
Agent Brown just leaned back in his seat, looking at Agent Choi as some sort of signal for him to take over again, Agent Murray making another note - Sassa having to hold back any sort of gleeful grin. “That’s definitely something we’ll look into,” Agent Choi said. “Thank you, Sassa. You’re free to go....unless there’s anything else you want to share?” 
A long moment stretched between them, Sassa considering for a moment - if they were prompting her to see if there was something she would admit that she hadn’t thus far, something they knew they were hoping to use against her. But there was nothing else she could think of...that would allow her to walk out of this room leaving a positive impression. She just shook her head, pushing her seat back before she froze in place, as if it just occurred to her. “Um, yeah, actually. I had...I heard Monty Richler talking about, um...he heard about a supposed suspect. It was forever ago, and I didn’t think anything of it at the time - I don’t even remember who he said,” she lied. “But now I’m just wondering - maybe he had seen the videos. Before they were released. Or, you know, something like that. If there was something about Kit or...anyone else that would make them look suspicious. Maybe that’s how he knew?” she said. Of course, she had heard this forever ago - and it had been shortly after the notes had been stolen from the last round of interviews. But Sassa didn’t want to lead them there. She just wanted to point them in that direction, and if there was something to be found...well, hopefully they could find it. They were FBI agents, for gods sake. 
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“Interesting,” Agent Murray said. “Thank you for letting us know, Sassa.” 
It was a clear dismissal, and Sassa’s lips pressed together in a shaky smile, nodding before she stood up, exiting out of the room. She was pleased enough with how that went - and though she had nothing against Monty, she hoped dangling a name in front of them would be enough to trust her, to believe she might share anything she heard otherwise. Which...she would. If it was convenient for her. 
As she was walking down the hallway away from the room, she felt her phone buzz, Sassa reaching into her pocket to pull it out. Unlocking it, her steps stuttered, reading over the texts once, twice, thrice before she began walking again, eyes still on the screen. 
g: well, it looks like the cops sure trust you. let’s not get into the merits of whether or not they should, and instead let’s figure if i should. or if greer morrison should.  g: did you ever hear anything about greer going into the planned parenthood in town? g: think about it. even try to figure it out. what you do with that info? well, i guess that’ll let us know if the cops were right for believing what you said. 
What the fuck was that about? Sassa didn’t have the slightest clue - but she couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face anyways, because apparently - the interrogators had bought it. Hook, line, and sinker. 
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ash-morse · 1 year
when: december 16th
Court’s first questioning had gone by utterly unremarkably - it had only been a few minutes long, having answered the questions with nothing to note, and going about his day. In all honesty, he hadn’t thought much of it since he had walked out of that room. It was easier to put the entire situation out of his mind then think about something having actually happened to Greer, only really facing the fact when it was brought up to him again - which, fo course, made each time he recalled the fact that THE GOLDEN GIRL was missing feel like another gut punch.
Which surely wasn’t helping with the nerves he was feeling as he was waiting for his questioning this time around. 
“Mi - uh - Courtney Mills?”
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He looked up when he heard his name called, standing up from the seat he had claimed while waiting, lips pressed together at the agent who had stumbled over what to call them. “Mister is fine,” he said politely, the smile on his face undoubtably tight - or it would be to anyone who knew him, familiar with how easy his grins usually were. 
It wasn’t the greatest omen. Court was aware that gender was...complicated, and was perfectly fine with going by he/him pronouns - preferred it even, most of the time! Though he did have to wonder how much of that was due to his constant desire to not rock the boat. But he definitely wasn’t going to examine that with FBI agents - they could call him whatever the fuck they wanted.
But anyways. 
He followed the tall (attractivelikeholyshitwhydidhelooklikethat) agent into the office they had commandeered to interview people out of, gulping as the door shut behind him, sitting into the chair Agent Choi motioned towards, eyes darting between the three agents in the room. 
“So, Courtney,” Choi began as he sat down opposite them, leaning back relaxed in his seat, the exact opposite of Coco’s ramrod straight spine, knee bouncing up and down underneath the table. 
“Court’s fine,” he said, attempting to offer a smile - again, anyone who really knew how freely the smiles on his face usually came would recognize that it was strained. 
The agent paused, glancing over at the dark haired woman, who scrawled something down on her notepad (probably just his name, right? It had to just be his name, there’s no way he had already fucked up in his first two words, like that was impossible...right?) before looking back at him. “Right. Court,” Choi said. “To start, can you talk about your time capsule video? Give us some context for the clip that was leaked?”
That was not the direction they had been expecting them to start in. Court’s head angled to one side, his smile faltering for a second. It’s not that he had anything to be guilty over. Sure, he had been in a weird head space, but it was just...ranting in a state of vulnerability. Not that that made it any easier to talk about. “It’s a bit out of context, to be honest,” he said. 
Court paused, letting out a deep breath. “Honestly, I was sorta, like...it gets better-ing. Talking about how things had changed for me since high school. I wasn’t the most popular, you know-” at that, the female agent’s eyebrows raised, Courtney catching it out of the corner of his eyes, a flush coming to his cheeks. “But changes like that are hard to get used to, you know?”
Agent Choi nodded. “So do you...consider yourself popular at Ogden?” 
The heat on his cheeks only deepened, Court glancing down at the table. Was that a loaded question or what. “I...guess? I don’t know. I have a lot of friends, I guess, but I’m not like...part of the popular crowd,” he murmured. He had a lot of casual friends. But sometimes it seemed like no one really knew him - but that was something to unpack with a therapist, not with FBI agents. And...well, awfully close to what Greer had said in her video, which couldn’t be a good thing to admit that he related to. 
“Like Greer.” 
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Court’s eyes just darted back up to Agent Choi, glancing between him, over to Agent Murray, and to Agent Brown sitting in the back, eyebrows furrowing so a crease appeared between his eyebrows, missing where the question was in that. As a few seconds ticked by, he just nodded, unsure of what else he could offer them. 
"Were you aware that Greer Morrison had submitted a video at the end of last year?”
Lips parted, tongue pressed against the roof of his mouth, confusion only deepening. “No?” he said. Why would he know that? How would he know that? “No,” he said, more firmly. “I, uh...I didn’t really talk about anyone’s videos with them.” 
The agents nodded, a few notes scrawled, Court’s blue eyes widening as he waited in the silence, a nearly audible swallow as he tried to beat down his nerves. 
“Some other students have brought up your relationship with Greer’s boyfriend. Why do you think they thought it was relevant?”
His eyes got so round, the whites were nearly visible around the entire bright blue iris. Shit. Were people talking about him? Oh, no, why would they do that? What he had done...
“Uh, um...” he stammered, shrugging up his shoulders. “Kit’s one of my best friends, you know? And he was, uh...Greer’s boyfriend? So that’s probably why people...thought it was relevant?” Coco said, his voice rising into a question with the end of every sentence. 
Agent Murray finally spoke, her dark eyes inscrutable as she leaned forward, her demeanor nowhere near the easy-going one of Agent Choi. “Had Greer brought up breaking up with him ever? Or anything of the sort, like she did in her video?” she asked.
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Coco’s eyebrows turned upwards in the middle, his lower lip ever so slightly jutting out. “Not, uh...no. I mean, not to me,” he said softly, shaking his head. That had made him sad - thinking that it had probably made Kit sad. And he hadn’t even gotten a chance to talk to him about it before he had been kicked out of school. Which was even sadder. 
Agent Choi glanced over at Agent Murray, some sort of communication apparently going on between them with just a few glances, something Court would’ve noticed if he had looked up from where his hands were clasped on the table, though he was still wallowing in the reminder of his best friend. “And...did you ever hear of anything regarding THE NAIVE NEWCOMER using steroids? You’re on the same team, correct?” Agent Choi asked.
 That had Courtney’s head snapping back up right, mouth hanging open. “No! No,” he said. “Absolutely not. He...he wouldn’t. There’s no way,” he said - no, insisted. He knew he had things he didn’t talk about, things he hid from his teammates to be able to play, things people wouldn’t suspect of him - but Kit wouldn’t have. There was no way it was true. 
The scrawling of a pen has their eyes shifting back towards Agent Murray, who didn’t look up from her notes, causing Coco to swallow again, his adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. 
“Do you have any reason to believe THE GOLDEN GIRL would want to leave Ogden College?”
Court just shook his head, curls bouncing. “No,” he said in a whisper. He couldn’t exactly admit the truth, could he. That no matter how good things seemed...there was always a reason.
When it became clear that was all he was going to say, even with the silence the agents let drag out for a few moments longer than were comfortable, Agent Choi spoke up again. “Were you aware of Greer planning to travel to Portugal this summer?”
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What? Where did they keep getting these questions from? How were they all related? Coco felt like they were jumping around from question to question just to get his head spinning, wondering if everyone’s questionings had seemed this disjointed, or if he was missing something. “No. Did she go to Portugal?” he asked, nose slightly scrunched up.
Agent Choi offered him a small smile, giving his head a shake. “We can’t disclose that,” he said, leaving Courtney’s lips parted, looking at the agent in ever deepening confusion. “Is there anything you know that you’re not sharing, Mr. Mills?” 
Court just looked at him, still trying to figure out where they were leading him with these questions - because he had no idea what they were looking for with this. “Uh. Um. No,” he said, pushing his chair back. “Am I, uh...good to go, then?” he asked, barely waiting for them to dismiss him before he exited the room, looking like a dog with his tail between his legs as he fled. 
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davshinwara · 1 year
Character Task 004: Interrogations
Davika wished she knew why she was called on by the police, honestly. Maybe they were looking for witnesses for a specific event, and had heard that Dav might have been there? Maybe they were extending interrogations to everyone, involved or not? She had been briefly brought on during the first batch of interviews, but had been kept mostly unnoticed. A sense of dread filled her. Maybe they knew about it. Maybe they'd figured it out. Maybe someone tipped them off, even. Maybe...
Maybe nothing. This wasn't the time to crumble under pressure. The officer finally looked up from his file, a deviously sympathetic smile dancing on his lips. She relaxed her body, and tried her best to look confused and scared. She was so, but they needed to perceive it as a true, deep emotion.
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"So, Miss Shinwara. It says here that you got released after a brief period of questioning beforehand. Why is that?"
Dav looked down at her hands, naturally enough, then looked up. Making eye contact was important, and she made sure her eyes met the officer's. "I have no connection to Greer. We bumped a couple of times, but that was it." She shrugged. "There was simply no reason to talk about anything in depth." He didn't look convinced, which worried Davika. She had repeated that line pretty frequently.
"Some other students have brought up your relationship with Greer. Why do you think they thought it was relevant?"
She froze. Who had even brought that up? Dav was nothing. No one. She was a fly in the wall, at least as far as Greer and her posse were concerned. She cocked her head and wore a concerned, confused look. "I... I don't know?" She pretended to think long and hard about it. "Maybe they misinterpreted something. We did bump into each other a couple of times, but I don't think she liked me very much." She pretended to let that slip, hoping they'd buy the small information she gave them as the entirety of what she was hiding. They didn't seem to.
"How could she not like you if you didn't know her?"
Once again, Davika shrugged. Although she pretended to not really give it a second thought, the follow-up question made her think that maybe, just maybe, they had more intel on her than she thought. "I- I- Maybe she- I don't know that." Oh no. She was losing composure. "How would I know that? Maybe she just didn't like me. I don't know." As she felt control slipping, the words escaped her lips before she could think about it. "She was bullying that girl, Mimi, for no reason. She has a history of being like that." Dav cursed herself. Throwing people under the bus would not look good. And she could tell that they agreed. Fortunately, they moved on to the next subject.
"Were you aware that Greer Morrison had submitted a video at the end of last year?” 
Dav's eyes widened. "Why am I being questioned about that? I wasn't even involved. I didn't send a video." Their cold eyes conveyed that avoiding the question would only make her look worse. "I didn't know, but I would've guessed. So would everyone else on campus." Again, she felt like crumbling under their uncaring eyes.
“Had you ever heard of anything regarding THE NAIVE NEWCOMER using steroids?” 
She shook her head profusely. "I didn't even know him. I knew of him, because of Greer, but I didn't know anything about him." She sighed deeply. Was there anything weird about what she just said? Was she crumbling even more?
"I thought you didn't know Greer. How would you know him through her?"
"I- I-" She had to keep her composure. Dav was a much better liar than this. What was happening to her? Was this her guilt eating her up? "She was popular. Everything she did and said always ended up as gossip. He was good-looking, too, I heard." Was she playing too dumb?
“Well, then, had Greer brought up breaking up with him ever? Or anything of the sort, like she did in her video?” 
She shook her head. "Like I said, we weren't close." This time, she held her tongue. She shouldn't say anything else, and she shouldn't know anything else.
"What about the gossip? Were there any rumors that she was considering breaking up with him?"
Dav could hear it in his voice. They didn't buy it. They knew, or suspected, that... "No. I mean, yes, there were some rumors that she was cheating on him." She shut up after this, now slowly regaining control over herself. It was too late, though. She could see the look in their eyes. The distrust.
“Do you have any reason to believe THE GOLDEN GIRL would want to leave Ogden College?” 
She slowly shook her head to say no again. "Again, we weren't close. I'm sure she'd have reasons," she stopped herself. It was time to be brief. "but I can't imagine the specific reason. Maybe she was just tired." She took a deep breath. That was good. Finally, she was able to stop herself before spilling all the information she had.
"Were you aware of Greer planning to travel to Portugal this summer?"
She could see in their eyes that they expected an answer from her. They already had a guess that she knew. Giving an answer felt like locking herself into a lie that they'd eventually find out. She shook her head again, feeling defeated. Davika was scared. Terrified. They were onto her, somehow, and she had to be smarter than she was here. No more panicking. "No. I thought she just left." They had to at least believe that.
"Is there anything you know that you’re not sharing?"
One last time, she shook her head to signify that she didn't. It felt hopeless. They didn't believe her, and she didn't know why. Was there something that she said that hadn't matched the information they had? Who had thrown her under the bus? A handful of names appeared in her head. Mari. Link. Maybe Alethea. Maybe it was someone else entirely, who had picked up on the vibe between them. "Can- Can I go now?" She asked, trying to remove herself from that situation as fast as she could.
Davika was close to tears, and although the officer looked as if he was containing himself not to scoff, it was genuine. She didn't know when the tears started to flow, all she knew was that she was scared, and that her feelings were very clear on her face. The little control she found at the end of the interview could never be enough. She'd have to work harder to appear as inconspicuous as possible from now on. Most importantly, though, she had to find out what they knew. Soon.
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dantebsinferno · 1 year
mentioned: @rileyvander4rd​
The tapping of feet echoed in the hallway as an angry Dante stood next to whatever lawyer his family hired, Eric or Ethan, something with an E. Whatever games these so called agents were playing was working as he began pacing up and down the hall. Any attempt by his counsel was met with a harsh glare from his client. The door swings open as Agent Murray walks out. “Took you long enough.” Dante retorts. “You find her yet?” She shakes her head and gesture for him to come inside. Dante stomps as he goes and takes a seat. He immediately crosses his arms as he scowls at those involved.  
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“We appreciate your patience, Mr. Baro.” Agent Choi says with a smile. Dante groans. “Call me Dante. That’s my dad.” Choi continues to smile while his cohorts keep a neutral expression at the younger man’s attitude. “I understand you were close with Ms. Morrison. We are doing everything in our power to try and find your friend.” Dante snorts at that. Sure, you are. It was obvious from how they were wasting time on him.
“Can you talk about your time capsule video? Give us some context for the clip that was leaked?” 
“No.” Dante hisses, glaring at everyone in the room. The video was self-explanatory. “What part did you not understand? The me liking dick or how being outed works.” His lawyer speaks up about how the matter is private and should be kept as such. Agent Jones in particular looks irritated while Murray and Choi look at him with sympathy, which to Dante looks more like pity. 
“I am sorry that happened to Dante. It’s not fair-”Life isn’t fair, now is it?” Dante interrupts before closing his mouth. He grits his teeth as he stares down the agents, clearly done with the question. 
"Were you aware that Greer Morrison had submitted a video at the end of last year?” 
“Yeah, Greer did whatever shit the Dean asked of her. She mentioned participating, but not what she said. I guess we weren’t as close as I thought.” It killed him inside to say it aloud. Seeing her face on the video sparked a little hope in him that maybe she was fine, and out there, alive. It was soon crushed by the fact that if that were true, Greer was just another person who betrayed him, left him. He gave up on people long before her, but she was suppose to be different. How foolish he was. His eyes meet Agent Murray’s who’s own never left him. Dante can’t help but radiate the hurt and anger he feels. 
“Had you ever heard of anything regarding THE NAIVE NEWCOMER using steroids?” 
Dante laughed at the question. “If that kid was taking steroids then he got a shitty brand. I’m bigger than him.” The agents glance at each other. “And no, I’m not taking steroids. It can ruin your dick game and that’s my whole own gimmick.” Agent Jones scoffs. “Is that relevant?” He asks with a sneer. “We both know it was going to be your next question.” He responds with a shrug. 
“Had Greer brought up breaking up with him ever? Or anything of the sort, like she did in her video?” 
Dante shook his head. “I always told her she could do better. That hick didn’t deserve her.” He shares, rolling his eyes. The day he met Kit was not a good one. Dante promised Greer that he would be nice, but the guy was clearly not gonna last. It didn’t help when he told the guy that he would just be another notch on her bedpost.
“Why did you think that?” One of the agents asks. “He didn’t fit in with our world. Typical small town guy falls for a big city girl and wouldn’t have been able to provide the life she deserved.” They call frown at the question, writing something on their notepads.
“And you could? You cared for her, and she wasn’t giving you the attention you needed.” Agent Jones states, with a knowing smile. Dante smiles back arrogantly. “I never had to beg for her attention. I’m saying I’m not shocked she dumped him.”
“Do you have any reason to believe THE GOLDEN GIRL would want to leave Ogden College?”
“No, Greer liked this place. It was our playground and she wouldn’t leave without saying anything.” Dante explains.
“And you are sure about that?” Agent Murray speaks for the first time.
“Positive.” He asserts despite the waver in his tone. The video rattled him. She knew everything about him. Was this some sort of revenge for his bad attitude? He would’ve toned it down, not very well but he would’ve tried. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do for her and this is how he is repaid. When they find her, Greer would have a lot to answer for.
Were you at the party on June 4th in the Hamptons that Greer is pictured attending on Riley Vanderford’s social media?"
“Yeah, I was there. I drank and was merry. Greer had a great time as far as I knew. I left the next morning for Barbados with three Victoria's Secret Models. You can check my flight logs if you want.” 
“We will.” Agent Jones promises, scowling. Dante chuckled. It seemed officer pretty boy wasn’t too fond of him. “Did you see her after the event?” Agent Choi asks, still being friendly. Dante didn’t appreciate it, a nice smile wasn’t going to break him.
“No, we took a photo for social media. I told her to wrap it up and be safe and we split. I was going to call her after I landed, but it went to voicemail. I got distracted,” he smirked, winking, “I’m sure your detective skills can figure out why.”
What do you know about Riley?
“We grew up together. I’ve known her all my life. She's one of my best friends.” Dante sat up straighter from his slouched position, his eyes narrowed. “She didn’t have anything to do with this if that’s what you’re implying. Her only brush with crime would be her podcast, and that’s stretching it.” The agents continue to write. His lawyer attempts to pull him aside, but Dante scoots away from him.
“It’s sweet that you care about her.” Agent Choi remarks. 
“Never call me that again.” Dante threatens. “She’s innocent.” He asserted. There was no way Riley would be involved in this. The thought is laughable yet a deep sense of dread grows at it. He didn’t want to deal with another friend lost. She was one of the few people he cared for and she wouldn’t be lost without a fight, not to some idiot agents.
And her relationship with Greer?" 
“I don’t know.” He replies, yawning. Agent Choi asks. “You don’t know or you’re not telling us?” Dante glances at the lawyer who nods for him to answer. 
“I don’t know.” 
Agent Jones groans. “I don’t have time for your bullshit answers.” Jones pushes, leaning on his hands that are resting on the table. 
“And I don’t have time for our bullshit questions. You’re supposed to be the last resort and I am not seeing much from you.” Everyone kept making promises from the police of Portsmouth to these so called agents. They were all liars. All the agents frown, but none look more angry than Jones. “Do your fucking job and find her.” With that, Dante stands to leave. 
“Mr. Baro, we are not done.” Agent Jones starts, but Agent Murray waves him off. Murray and Dante’s eyes meet and for a moment, she smiles sadly. 
“Have a good day, Mr. Baro.” She says. “We’ll be in touch.” 
“Just find her… please.” Dante mumbles, leaving the room while the lawyer trails behind him. 
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aceofportsmouth · 1 year
mentioned: @rileyvander4rd​ @ironlvngs​
The strong chorus of He’s Mine by Rodney Atkins echoed in the empty hallway as Booker waited for his name to be called. He quickly answers one of the dozens of calls he received from his parents over the last few days. News of the FBI being brought into Greer’s missing case and interviewing students was not only for students. The town caught wind of it. There were already whispers of who was involved. Not Booker though. He was the pride of Portsmouth, no reason to be suspicious of him. However, his nerves did not trust that. Booker found himself clenching every part of his body to remain calm. He had to be his charming self, like any other day. 
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“Hey Dad.” He mumbles as he holds the phone by his ear. “Contreras told us you’re getting interviewed today. Do we need to get a lawyer?” “You need to be careful, honey. They may try to twist your words.” His mother and father’s voice overlap as they talk to him. Booker pinched the bridge of his nose. He didn’t need this, not now. 
“It’s fine. This is all just a formality.”
“But we don’t want anything-“I SAID ITS FINE!” Booker shouts into the phone. Regret instantly fills him. He rubs at his face. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to shout. It’s a lot right now with finals and now this.” A sliver of moment catches his eye. Booker finds a dark skinned woman staring, more like scrutinizing, at him. He offers a quick smile before saying a goodbye and I love you into the phone. Booker offers a charming yet embarrassed smile. “Sorry about that, worried parents, you know?” He explains. The woman nods, but doesn’t say a word, gesturing for him to enter the room. 
Inside the room, Booker takes a seat. The four agents and the familiar face of the sheriff introduce themselves. The latter is just a formality, but everything has to be official. “Booker Wells.” Agent Choi reads off a paper in front of himself. Booker sits up straight at the mention, smiling proudly. “You are quite the name around town. I hear you are a great pitcher.” Despite it being said as a statement, it feels like a question. 
“What can I say, born and raised and I’ve loved every minute of it. It’s a great town.” He says earnestly. Agent Choi smiles while the other two don’t look convinced. Booker continues to smile though. He couldn’t crack under pressure, not with his future on the line. 
“Can you talk about your time capsule video? Give us some context for the clip that was leaked?” 
Booker grimaced at the mention. “Not one of my finer moments. I was stressed out while making the video. Words just came tumbling out.” His attempt to laugh it off is met with curious stares. “N-nothing major or anything, just the whole work to life balance. Before the clip in question, I was complaining about something trivial, that’s where the line came from.” The agents begin writing, which dims his smile a bit. It wasn’t a good sign. 
"Were you aware that Greer Morrison had submitted a video at the end of last year?” 
Booker shook his head. “Greer seemed like the type to be involved in everything here. If she recorded it before all this,” He gestured at the agents. “I wouldn’t be surprised.” The agents nod, continuing to write. Booker moves his jaw to ease the tenseness forming there. He couldn’t recalling holding a fake smile this long. 
“Had you ever heard of anything regarding THE NAIVE NEWCOMER using steroids?” 
The question stuns him for a moment. His mouth drops in astonishment. “No, I hadn’t heard anything. That’s awful. I mean Kit seemed like a good guy, good athlete. I wouldn’t have guessed he needed a boost.” Agent Murray’s state is unnerving. His insides feel unsteady as he shrinks beneath her gaze. 
“Were you two close?” She finally asks.
“Not really. We met during fraternity rush and became buds but it wasn’t deep.” He said quickly, attempting to nonchalantly cross his arms. His association with Kit just had to come back to bite him now. Murray nods, glancing at her fellow agents. Booker gulps. 
“Had Greer brought up breaking up with him ever? Or anything of the sort, like she did in her video?” 
“Like I said in the first interview, Greer and I didn’t know each other well. I spent a weekend with her on campus and texted some during the summer. It was a typical recruiter-recruitee relationship. She never disclosed to me anything about their relationship.” 
“Do you have any reason to believe THE GOLDEN GIRL would want to leave Ogden College?”
His mind flashes to the note Leaky shared with him. Greer’s plan. Did her leaving about something to do with it? A loud bang on the table wakes him up from his daydream with a jump. Agent Brown’s fist laid squarely on the table, staring at Booker intensely. 
“I don’t really know. Greer never mentioned anything to me specifically.” He said quickly with a placating smile. There was no reason to be aggressive; he was answering their questions. 
You have a relationship with Riley Vanderford, correct?
He squints. “Sort of. I upset her recently so I wouldn’t call it that at the moment.” 
“What did you do?” Agent Choi asks curiously, his hand still writing. Booker stares at his hand, trying to gauge what the man is writing. “I might’ve called her a friend when she met my parents. It was a bad call on my end, but we hadn’t discussed labels. I didn’t want to assume.” Both male agents let out an audible oof sound. Booker frowns, crossing his arms tighter. 
Were you at the party on June 4th in the Hamptons that Greer is pictured attending on Riley's social media?
A bitter laugh and snort comes from him as Booker shakes his head. “Never been to New York, so no.” The agents nod.
“Are you jealous?”
“That I wasn’t invited to a party?” He says incredulously. “I didn’t know Riley at the time nor were Greer and I close enough that I could ask to join her summer in the Hamptons.” If they were, he may have asked. It wouldn’t do anything for him now. 
Is there anything you know that you’re not sharing?
Booker glances at the sheriff with a ‘can you believe this?” expression. Contreras stares back at him with a blank expression. Booker frowns, looks like home field advantage wouldn’t apply here. “No, I’ve been forthcoming with what I know. I’m a freshman. There’s some upperclassmen I would recommend talking to.” 
“Such as?” 
“I would look more closely at their inner circle. People she was close with. Link Crawford was a part of her inner circle and he’d be the one to have information.”
“You’re awfully quick to throw their name out there.” Agent Jones offers, distrust evident in his eyes.
“Just trying to assist with the investigation, sir.” Booker says with a friendly smile. Why don’t they believe him? He glances again at the Chief, who doesn’t return his stare. “Link is the type to attach themself to people that they think can use. Unfortunately, it was me for a time and when I realize what he was, and what he’s capable of, I became his enemy. I have no doubt he brought my name up in the interview.” Their faces betray nothing, but Booker’s gut was rarely wrong when it came to his rival. “I won’t say I’m perfect, but I have a good, clean, record where he does not. If Greer decided to end their friendship, I would be worried. He’s a vengeful sort. You know he tried to attack me a few days before our interview.” All the agents frown. He isn’t sure if they believe him or not, but the seeds are there. It was only a matter of time before he could prove it to them. 
“I believe that covers everything we need, Mr. Wells. We will be reaching out for more in the future.” Officer Chio offers with a kind smile, offering him a handshake. Booker accepts. A feeling of being watched creeps up his neck as he exits the interview. His fears are confirmed when he turns to see all of them staring at him with unsure expression. He was in a pickle.
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pi-mimi-for-hire · 1 year
mentioned: @charfletchh @n8-shaw​​
Nothing about this right. She should feel safer with the FBI around, with her lawyer sister walking in with her as she faced yet another interrogation. From the mystery notes to the leaked time capsule videos, it was clear that something bigger was going on than a some threatening text messages. A part of her wanted to spill everyone as she sat in front of the agents, to tell them everything she knew. Laura Madison-Bhatt, her sister, shot her look that made her shut her mouth. 
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“Thank you for coming in, Miss Madison-Bhatt.” Agent Choi says with a kind smile. Mimi returns it half-heartedly. 
“You can call me, Mimi. My last name is a mouthful.” She offers, glancing at Laura who nods approvingly. Mimi’s eyes catch Agent Murray’s. Those dark eyes analyze her in way that has Mimi shifting in her seat. 
“I imagine this must be fascinating to you. I hear you are a budding detective.” It would be fascinating if she wasn’t the one being interrogated. “You ever thought about joining the bureau? Like your parents?” Mimi smiles shyly, avoiding the handsome agent’s eyes. Agent Choi was the perfect person for the I can help you if you work with me angle. “One day, maybe. Have you met by dads?” 
“I’ve consulted with them.” Agent Murray speaks up from the corner of the room. “They are good people.” 
“Our parents are not relevant to the matter at hand.” Laura cuts in. She was the picture of cool and collected compared to her little sister’s obvious discomfort. “I request that you ask your questions so my client can get back to her finals.”
“Fair enough. Can you talk about your time capsule video? Give us some context for the clip that was leaked?” Agent Choi asks gently. 
A frown comes to her as Mimi bites on her lip. “I made that video the summer before this semester. I wasn’t sure if I would be coming back to Ogden. My freshman year had been rough and all I could think about was how it wouldn’t get better.” She shared. Her eyes became blurry at the thought. Agent Choi offers her a tissue which she quickly takes to dab at her eyes. “It was supposed to be positive. One of those keep going type messages. Whoever leaked it kept that part out.” 
“Were you aware that Greer Morrison had submitted a video at the end of last year?”  
Her face scrunched at the question. She had reiterated many times that Greer and her were not friendly and they still asked the same question. The effort was applaudable. If you ask the same question enough times, a slip can occur. “No, I do not.” She had to stay firm, stay confident.
“Had you ever heard of anything regarding THE NAIVE NEWCOMER using steroids?”
Mimi blinked. “Is that true?” They don’t answer. It didn’t make sense. Kit had the look of a poster boy for an anti-drug campaign. No, there was something wrong here. The agents had to be fishing for information. “Kit did not seem like the type. He wouldn’t do something like that.” It wasn’t plausible. 
“Are you confident?” One of the agents asks. “Yes.” No. 
“Had Greer brought up breaking up with him ever? Or anything of the sort, like she did in her video?” 
“Greer would never share her relationship problems with me.” Mimi explained. “I thought it was an odd pairing. Kit seemed sweet and genuine and Greer was...” Cruel, conceited, a mega bitch. A ton of different words came to mind but a sharp stare from Laura stops her from saying anything damming. “... not that.”
“Do you have any reason to believe THE GOLDEN GIRL would want to leave Ogden College?”
Mimi snorts, shaking her head rapidly. “She ran this place and unless she has another kingdom out there, no, I can’t see her leaving.” The agents nod. They seem to be silently communicating with one another as their eyes meet. Did she say the wrong thing? 
"What do you know a student named Charlotte Fletcher?"
Mimi tilts her head in confusion. “Charlie is my roommate. She's okay, I guess. We aren’t friends. She ran with Greer and her crowd and I had my own.” A  fake smile crosses her face as if she recalls something funny. “She pretended I didn’t exist for the most part, but she’s been really nice lately. It’s a complete 180. I don’t trust her.” The words slip out and the agents are quick to write something down. Oops. Laura, meanwhile, smiles. 
“And her relationship with Greer?" 
“It was… tense from my observations. It was a very fake friendship. In front of people they were besties but I could hear fights between them. I’m pretty sure she’s trying to take Greer’s spot. Someone has to be on the Iron Throne.”
A smile escapes Agent Jones. “Do you think that’s a fair comparison?” 
“Only thing missing is some dragons and white walkers, which would make things more interesting.” She replies. The formerly frowning agent chuckles, before going stoic again. 
"How about Nathaniel Shaw? His relationship with Greer?" 
Of all the names they could have brought up, Nate was not one she expected. “He worked for her family. He was the pool boy, I think.” She knew. It was one of the first things she looked into before approaching him about a side mission. “I am not too sure what their relationship was. They hung out and it seemed friendly.”  
“It’s been great talking with you, Mimi.” Officer Choi says, standing from his seat position. “I hope to see your name on the list at Quantico someday.” Mimi smiled, thanking each of them for their time. What would it take for this to be over?
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idaclarke · 1 year
ic task 004: interrogations 
maybe she shouldn’t have done that line of coke in her bathroom before walking over to the faculty building for this ‘interview’, but what did she have to lose? not much it seemed. time and time again ida had been able to smile and wiggle herself out of tough positions, and today was no different. 
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“could i possibly have a cup of water? i forgot my water bottle and i am parched.” ida laughed as she looked over at the agents who led her inside the room. “certainly, just one moment.” one nodded, before stepping into the hallway. she settled into the seat, crossed her legs, and gave a bright smile to the agents left. “i’m ida by the way.” they give her blank stares. until the one guy moves, first pointing at himself “agent brown.” he states and then points the pen at the woman to his left. “agent murray.” and then turns to the door where the very handsome man is returning, a cup in hand. what were the ethics of sleeping with an fbi agent? “and that’s agent choi.” he smiles, sliding the cup toward ida before taking a seat, leaning into his chair in such a causal yet assured way. it was hot. 
“so ida, how’s it going? you’re a…” choi looks down at his notebook, “senior right? so almost graduating? what’s next for you?” ida cocks her head to the side as she thinks. do they all have notes on the students? keeping track of them for a case? 
she should have a lawyer here. but she sure as shit can’t afford one. maybe she should have seen if she could have borrowed someone’s family lawyer for the time being. 
“yes sir that’s right, in my senior year, tryin’ to fight off that senioritis.” she laughs, but is met with only still silence. tough crowd. “but i’m applyin’ to graduate and phd programs. apparently i actually do like school.” they only nodded, with brown clasping his hands together as he watched ida. “school’s a good thing to like.” he mumbled. 
“so ida, can you tell us about your time capsule video? your clip kicked off that whole leaked tape. wanna give us some context?” choi asked easily, smoothly, as if it was nothing. as if the leak wasn’t a total violation of privacy. 
and as if the leaked part of her video was the most interesting part. which was what annoyed her the most. it didn’t even make her seem fun. “well, what can i say?” she shrugged, leaning back into the chair. these were far more comfortable than the metal ones during the last interrogation. “this place ain’t always your friend.” they gave her a quizzical look. “can you elaborate on that?” 
she sighed, people didn’t just get it did they? “look, i’m from a small town in eastern tennessee. i grew up on a farm, it’s a miracle my parents had more than one child go to college. institutions like these? ain’t always kind or meant for people like me. and there’s actually a lot of students here like that. but it goes ignored. and really…” she pointed her finger, now on a roll. “institutions like ogden, don’t wanna be anybodies friend. these institutions are built to uplift the already rich and privileged, pour money back into their own pockets, and have a miracle student every now and then so they can pretend like they do a good job. so no, this place ain’t your friend. but that don’t mean you can’t make the most of it. which is what my entire video was about.” 
there was another pause of silence as one of them scribbled away, and brown just looked at her. maybe it was confusion, but she thought she saw some admiration in his gaze. “sounds like you’ve got some strong feelings there ida.” he finally noted. “it runs in my family.” 
“speaking of the time capsule, were you aware that greer morrison submitted a video at the end of last year?” brown glanced back at his notes. 
“now agent brown…why would i know that?” she looked at him quizzically, meeting his stare. “i honestly didn’t know nobody was submittin’ anythin’. i thought i might just be the only one doin’ it so…it was a bit of a surprise.” that was the truth, a shock across campus it seemed. ida hadn’t been immune to that. and the little threat against her boyfriend…it was an interesting twist. ida liked it. but she wasn’t going to admit that much. 
“so…had greer brought up breaking up with her boyfriend before? or anything like she mentioned in the video?” he carried on, barely giving ida the attention she deserved. 
“not to me. we weren’t best friends or anything. maybe she told some strangers in a bar? you know like you do when you’re contemplating somethin’, spillin’ all your secrets to a stranger so that they can’t actually get back to you. but no, greer didn’t tell me anythin’, sorry i’m not much help.” there wasn’t much response, and ida leaned forward. “is that what you do ida? spill your secrets to strangers? what kind of secrets do you have?” agent brown continued, eyebrow quirking at her. 
“i mean, have you ever met drunk women in a bathroom? it’s all ‘break up with your boyfriend’, and ‘should i quit my job?” and ‘i think my boyfriend is a cheatin’ sonofabitch’. those kinda things officers - agents.” she corrected herself with a nod, clasping her hands together. “and i don’t got any secrets agent brown. my momma taught me better than that. i’m a good christian woman.” brown just shook his head, hiding a chuckle. “yea, okay there.” briefly she narrowed her eyes at him, crossing her legs now and leaning back into the chair. 
“on the subject of secrets, were you aware of anything regarding the naive newcomer and steroids?” 
“holy shit? he was usin’ steroids?” her jaw dropped, in actual disbelief. this was definitely a ripple in the water cause damn, she hadn’t seen that coming. but should she actually be surprised? considering where she was? shit people did that stuff at home because they had nothin’ better to do. and here? the money and pressure was insurmountable. no worries. 
“so did you know anything?” 
“no, nothin’, kinda wish i did though. makes life more excitin’.” the last part slipped out and she shrugged, the coke definitely lifting her spirits now. it didn’t matter right? she’d get out of this scotch-free. 
“mhm…alright then.” brown just nodded, glancing over at the other agents as they jotted some things down. that had to be good right? “some other students have brought up your relationship with greer, why do you think they thought it was relevant?” 
now this was interesting. ida made sure to glance upwards as she thought, biting her bottom lip. why would it be relevant? “honestly, i don’t know.” not that it really mattered to people, or others, what her relationship with greer had been like. no one actually knew the truth. “i don’t know why they would have thought it was relevant. we were friends her freshman year, my sophomore year, but it fizzled out as things go. we had some other friends in common too, so we weren’t totally isolated from each other. there’s not much more to add there.” 
another scribble into the notepad and ida shifted yet again in her seat. she was getting antsy now. “were you aware of greer planning to visit portugal this summer?” 
“and she couldn’t have packed me with her?” ida gave a small laugh that was met with silence. so she cleared her throat and nodded, straightening up. “no, i didn’t. but her goin’, me not knowin’, neither is very surprisin’ ain’t it?” her pointer finger flicked back and forth to emphasize her point. choi just nodded, but offered not much more to comment. which was disappointing to ida. 
“do you have any reason to believe that the golden girl would want to leave ogden college?” brown jutted in again, pulling her attention back to him. 
of course there was reasons. and ida was happy for it. ogden was better for it. “i mean…can you imagine the kinda pressure she was under? she’s a morrison, her name means somethin’. people looked to her for guidance, for friendship, out of jealousy. all of that hog shit sorta thing. wouldn’t you wanna break from this?” she waved her hand her hand, looking between choi and brown seriously. “not sayin’ that’s why she’s gone. but bein’ a young woman ain’t easy. not like you two would have any idea.” she nodded her head, turning to meet the woman’s eyes with an easy smile. once again she was met with stares and silence. fine, they definitely aren’t as easy to please as her hometown cops. 
“right, thanks for the ida. one last question and then you’re free.” brown spoke again, leaning back in his chair to look over at her, studying her. she met his gaze with a raised eyebrow and small smirk. “fire away agent.” 
“is there anything you know you’re not sharing with us?” 
“absolutely not.” she answered a little too quickly, placing a hand on her chest in feign offense. “i respect the work y’all do, and i worry about greer. i want to give you all,” her eyes panned across the agents faces, “the information you may need, and to help you in any way that i can.” her eyes settled back on choi, and then to brown as she spoke. 
“that’ll do, thank you for coming in ida, and good luck on your finals.” brown nodded, moving to stand up and indicated for her to do the same. she grabbed her cup of water with a smile. “thank y’all! we’re glad you’re here!” she lied, before sauntering out of the door and down the hallway, wondering exactly what greer was up to, and what the agents had on everyone. and how could she find the same notoriety?
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leakywright · 1 year
ic task 004 - interrogations 
during the last interrogation they had left leaky alone for a while, working to calm himself down under their supervision he figured. now he was brought straight to the room and let in, the agents looking up expectantly as he entered. there was no time to struggle, no time to think, no time to collect himself, he was thrown right into the midst of it all. which was probably the worst scenario for leaky, attempting to hide his shaking hands as he shoved them into the pockets of his jacket and took a seat where one of the agents indicate. “thanks for coming in malik.” 
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“it’s leaky.” 
“ah, yes we have that note here. leaky. did that nickname give you a hard time growing up?” the man leaned forward and smiled, leaky just shrugged. “no, not really.” he nodded and leaned back. 
“well, i’m agent choi, this is officer contreras, and agent murray. we’ve only got a few questions for you today so it shouldn’t be too painful.” he smiled again, but leaky just let his gaze drop instead, it was harder to look people in the eyes as the winter months neared. he knew he should have a lawyer, don’t trust cops, don’t talk to them without representation. he’d been taught it all his life. experienced it first hand from time to time, seen his friends get fucked over by the judicial system. but the thing is he couldn’t afford an attorney, a lawyer to come in during interviews, and it was certainly difficult to come by one from the public defender's office, especially when nothing was technically happening. 
so leaky just stared at the table instead. 
“can you talk about your time capsule video? give us some context for the clip that was leaked?” leaky just shrugged. “ha, wait, leaky was leaked. nice play on words.” officer contreras spoke up with a low chuckle, which only caused leaky to look at him with confusion. he’d heard it all before. 
“i mean what is there to explain? it was just a dumb way to end my video. did dean zuko ask you to berate me about it? being one of the faces of the school and all?” he huffed with a roll of his eyes, bringing his hands out of his pockets to now cross them over his chest. “it’s a common saying, meant in good faith honestly. and completely different from the rest of my video so, it seems irrelevant.” he didn’t have time for this stupidity, he didn’t want to be here. “the rest of your video? what do you mean?” 
“i mean like…most of my video is good. just talkin’ bout life at ogden. nothing crazy at all. and i thought it was a funny outro i meant to cut out.” besides leaky was most definitely not fucking bitches nor getting money. he thought that was pretty obvious. “besides it seems others had more to say than me.” he shrugged with a huff. 
“others? like greer? were you aware of her submitting a video?” contreras looked up, eyes meeting leaky’s with a level of suspicion. something burned inside of his chest. 
“no, we weren’t best friends or anything. why would i know that?” contreras shrugged, leaning back in his seat before looking over at choi. “just trying to figure all this out leaky.” 
he huffed, “well you’re doing a shit job.” he mumbled, and immediately winced at the words. he definitely shouldn’t have said that. choi looked back over at contreras who only snorted in response. 
“alright there buddy. what do you know about the naive newcomer using steroids?” contreras asked, giving leaky a nod as if he would know anything. 
but the dude was using steroids? what the fuck? “huh?” eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he looked between the three agents, eyes finally settling on murray’s. she made no indication of her thoughts. “steroids? i didn’t know about that…shit.” should he have known? “listen we were friends but i had no clue. he didn’t seem like the type…though there are others who definitely seem like it.” he paused, with a shake of his head. “others? like who leaky?” there was a pause. “like you?” 
now this got under his skin, all the emotions he held tightly within himself bubbling under his skin. “no, what the fuck. do you think i could afford steroids? why do you think i would even want them huh? i got here on my own talent and merit. i don’t need some bullshit…besides these kids here can get away with that kind of shit. i can’t.” which for the most part was true, leaky had already used up all the luck he’d been given in life. if you would even call it luck. “what kids?” 
“you know the kind of kid who comes here. rich, hot, showing up with the family attorney. barely having consequences, thinking they’re hot shit. people like greer, and milo, and sebastian.” the names trickled out without much thought and leaky was already kicking himself. “what about them leaky? that they’re doing steroids? drugs?” but all leaky could do was shake his head. he was in deep shit now and for some reason he couldn’t get his mouth to stop, to think clearly and just answer and leave. “no, no. not like that. they’re good people, i just…there are just students here who are clearly more privileged than others. that’s all.” murray was scribbling furiously, which only sent his heart rate up. god, he was so fucked wasn’t he? 
“you transferred here didn’t you leaky? from…alabama? how was that?” agent choi seemed to soften just a touch, as if working to empathize with leaky. which was impossible. no one knew what it was like to be him, and even if they did they certainly wouldn’t empathize, he was sure of it. 
“it was fine. ogden had tried to recruit me during high school but i had my heart set on alabama. and well, didn’t get to play my first season and things weren’t looking good. so when transfer portal opened i put my name out there and ogden came back with a better deal. and better education. can you blame me?” murray was writing again and choi gave a nod. it was sensible enough. not that alabama was a bad school, but there was something to be said about ogden. 
“and it must have been hard, losing your best friend and girlfriend too.” the voice was sympathetic. instantly the tears welled up in leaky’s eyes and he ran his hands across his face, trying to will them away and calm himself down. “yea, i…it was easier to move away.” he answered honestly, wiping the tears from his eyes at the memories of jackson and iona. murray kept writing, and contreras cleared his throat, looking back at leaky. “sorry for you loss man.” he only nodded in response, closing in on himself now. 
“so back to the naive newcomer, did greer ever talk about breaking up with him? or anything like she did in her video?” choi asked, his look turning neutral again, fingers tapping on the table. 
leaky just shrugged. “not to me.” greer definitely wouldn’t have told him anything like that. 
“were you aware of greer planning to visit portugal this summer?” 
leaky couldn’t help the snort that left him, his hand going to wipe his nose again. his heart rate still hadn’t settled down, and he was glad they weren’t hooked up to lie detectors. because his readings would be off the charts. “no, but that’s not surprising. isn’t that the privilege of people like her?” fuck his anger was seeping through and he was fumbling this. and the thing was that leaky hadn’t actually resented greer or the other students like her when he first arrived to ogden. there were rich kids at alabama, those who were bought in because of their parents. but it didn’t take long for leaky to realize just how different it was here. 
“and why wouldn’t you? some other students have brought up your relationship with greer. why do you think they thought it was relevant leaky?” officer contreras leaned forward again, eyes boring into leaky in a way that made his skin itch. he shifted in his seat and shrugged. 
“i don’t know man, why don’t you ask them?” though it was puzzling, why would anyone really care about his relationship with greer? they hadn’t been enemies, they hadn’t been best friends, or secret lovers. why did their relationship matter to anyone else? 
“why don’t you elaborate on that relationship then?” he prodded, pointing a leaky before his heavy hand tapped against the table, palm flat to it. leaky winced again at the sound, more startled than he liked to be. 
this was not going well, and guilt was eating him alive. “look, there’s not much to our relationship okay?” despite leaky’s relief with her being gone. “we hung out with some of the same people, ran in the same circle and all that. but there was nothing really there. not of like substance anyway. i wasn’t like…secretly sleeping with her while she had boyfriend like others. or had some weird jealous rivalry or something. it was just normal. though that may be hard for y’all to wrap your heads around.” he chuckled again, not out of humor, more of a protection of himself. murray was writing again, while choi and contreras traded looks. looks that leaky didn’t like. 
“do you have reason to believe that the golden girl wanted to leave ogden college?” choi asked sincerely. making leaky’s stomach tighten as he shifted, yet again, in the chair that was becoming increasingly uncomfortable. 
“i don’t know. we all have reasons to leave right?” he tried to smile, but it fell flat and he broke his gaze again. whatever the reason was, it was good enough for leaky. “but no, i thought she had it all here. but apparently i was wrong. wasn’t like we were super close you know?” he didn’t mention that he thought ogden might be a bit better without her. 
with a final hum of acknowledgement, choi leaned back and nodded at leaky. as if he was thinking through everything that he’d said, and leaky wondered if he believed him. if his truth was enough to be the truth. “well that’s about it for us leaky, hope finals don’t treat you too badly.” he smiled and leaky nodded back before pushing out of the chair, heading toward the door. and when he was about two steps away from escaping, he was interrupted. 
“oh, one last question before you leave leaky. is there anything you know you’re not sharing?” 
he paused, back still turned, eyes on the door. he could not answer, just keep walking and disappear down the hallway. but he swallowed, turning to look at the three officers who were staring quite expectantly at him, waiting for an answer. 
“no, not that i know of.” they nodded, though he could tell they weren’t buying it. and why would they? leaky wasn’t going to be the first to lie to them, nor the last.
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aletheapierce · 1 year
ic task: interrogations 
they had been the only one in the hallway, and alethea wondered if that was on purpose. to make students feel small and alone as they brought them in for their questioning. she was seated in one of those dated chairs with the hard backs, pressed against the wall as she picked and pushed at the cuticles on her thumbs in anticipation. growing up her mother had told her time and time again to stop picking and biting at her nails, that she was ruining them. the woman even resorted to bi-weekly nail appointments with a baby pink polish that tasted disgusting, all to break alethea’s nervous habit. because looking nervous only made her look weak, only sold all the secrets she didn’t have. the words bounced throughout her mind as she tore at the now large hangnail, a small drop of blood forming at the corner. 
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but that’s where their mother had been wrong, alethea was full of secrets. some worth keeping, and others so tiny they were laughable. yet she still held them all, and sometimes it felt like they were trying to eat her alive. 
“alethea, you can come in, thanks for waiting. i’m agent choi.” a handsome man with a surprising smile stepped out from behind the door. their mother would certainly smile back and say something kind or flirtatious to break the ice. alethea just nodded, rolling her hands under her sleeves before tucking them under her armpits as she stepped inside. 
the other agents just gave her a small nod, the woman leaned up in the back, the other shuffling through some papers. agent choi introduced them as agents brown and murray. alethea made no effort at small talk. 
“so uh, alethea, how are you today? you hanging in there? i know finals are a rough time, boy i don’t miss them.” agent choi laughed as he settled into his seat. all words were lost in her mouth as she opened it and nothing came out. so she just shrugged and the agents looked at each other. 
“well let’s just get right into it then. were you aware that greer morrison had submitted a video at the end of last year?” agent brown looked up at her expectantly. 
they had never been the particularly talkative type. it was easier to skate by when you were quiet. and the shitty thing was, most people in their quietness and smallness learned to observe and pick up on everyone else. to notice them. alethea had missed the memo, all too caught up in her own self it seemed. “no.” is all they could answer, taking a deep breath. the first interview had gone fairly well it seemed, but now alethea was grasping for anything to bring her back down. to place them back in reality. a struggle for them these days. 
“just no? okay then...” choi sighed, giving them a small reassuring smile. it did nothing to open them up. maybe they should have called their dad after all. “can you talk about your time capsule video? give us some context for the clip that was leaked?” 
their first instinct was to go ahead and say no again. but instead she sighed, moving to place her hands under her thighs now, anything to keep her from picking at them again. “uh, i don’t think there’s much to add.” her voice was soft, and she felt like a child again. getting lectured by her father, investigated by her mother for something she couldn’t even remember. there were few things alethea came to resent more than feeling so small in such a way. and it was overwhelming all over again. “just that everyone is going through something, and maybe we should all be a bit more mindful about it.” what else was there to add? that she was thinking of her missing best friend? that maybe if alethea had been more attentive, they could have seen it? that greer wouldn’t have betrayed them in such a way? 
they didn’t seem to love the answer, but accepted it with a small sigh and shrug. “you’re not giving us much here alethea and i...” 
“there’s not much to give you.” 
“alright, alright. had you ever heard of anything regarding the naive newcomer using steroids?” they all looked at her expectantly. 
alethea’s mouth went dry with realization. was that why he’d been kicked out? escorted off campus? that seemed like a dramatic show and completely unnecessary for something so...almost trivial? he wasn’t the first and certainly wouldn’t be the last. “no? i...wait what the fuck?” the words sputtered out in confusion. “he was doing steroids?” there was no answer to her question, just another glance across the table, the soft scribble of a pen and a nod to confirm her. just ever so slightly. “so you know nothing?” 
“why the fuck would i know if he had been doing steroids? he wasn’t my boyfriend.” and despite him being greer’s, alethea hadn’t known him well. another realization for them over the past few months. how little alethea knew of not only greer, but her people too. just how little alethea knew altogether. this drew a raised eyebrow from agent brown who now looked at her more directly than before. 
“had greer brought up breaking up with him ever? or anything of the sort like she did in her video?” he asked, a bit sternly. it seemed to contradict agent choi’s smile. 
she shifted in her seat again, fingers now gripping the back of her thighs. “no.” it came out slowly, softly, her gaze shifting away from them as she chewed on her bottom lip, willing the tears to stop. how stupid right? to start crying over the idea of your best friend breaking up with her boyfriend? but greer never mentioned it, and in fact despite the times alethea asked, never offered nothing more than a single sentence and her knowing smile. it was all so fucking stupid that alethea didn’t know what to feel. “she didn’t tell me a lot apparently.” that felt like an understatement. everyone always leaving poor little alethea in the dark. 
“really? weren’t the two of you close? in fact…” agent brown check his notes again with a tsking sound. “some other students have brought up your relationship with greer. why do you think they thought it was relevant?” 
now alethea turned her attention away from them, watching the corner of the table dig into the carpet. she briefly wondered if the table had always been there, creating a space for itself among the threads of fibers to call home. or if it had been dragged into a new position, disrupted by the fbi’s presence like most of campus was. “alethea?” agent choi called again, leaning in to place a hand across the table and near her. her eyes cut to it, trailing over the way his knuckles protruded from his skin, the soft tan line of a ring on his finger. was he married? divorced? did it matter? “she was one of my best friends, so i’m not surprised someone thought it was relevant.” she answered to his hand before looking up at them both. in the back of the room the other agent shifted, alethea had forgotten she was there. “i didn’t see her all summer, so i don’t know anything. but i like to think were significant parts of each other’s lives which is maybe why…” her voice broke and she bit down on her lip again, trying desperately to keep it all inside. her hands freed themselves from under her to then cover her eyes. she wasn’t even really sad in that moment, just embarrassed for her own stupidity and lack of attention. 
“it’s okay you can cry.” alethea didn’t even pay attention to who spoke that time. instead she breathed in deeply, counted to five as she held her breath, and then let it out slowly. she repeated this motion a few more times until she dropped her hands back to her lap and looked up at the agents. it was a few more moments before anyone spoke again. 
agent choi opened his mouth, and then closed it, eyes studying alethea intensely. they didn’t move, just stared blankly back. “were you aware of greer planning to travel to portugal this summer?” he finally asked. 
portugal? what the fuck. “what do you think i’m gonna say?” she mumbled, feeling more than defeated in that moment. their right hand slipped into their left sleeve, picking at their thumb again, flicking the hangnail back and forth. a small spark of pain with each movement. “you have to answer the question alethea, only you can.” he nodded, as if trying to coax the truth out of them. it only made them want to retreat further inside of themselves, to quiver away from the world and sneer at anyone who came too close. “no, i wasn’t. i don’t know what portugal would have there for her.” 
“do you have any reason to believe the golden girl would want to leave ogden college?” 
yes. their mind flashed to that night in spring semester. everything they had thrown out, words frantic and desperate. greer remained so calm and collected, direct with alethea in a way that felt harsh. and now look at them. “no. i thought she might have it all here but…” they shrugged again. “like i said, you don’t know what people have got going on inside of them. even the people you think you know better than yourself.” 
both agents nodded thoughtfully to this, brown leaning back with a sigh as he glanced back at the stack of papers and then straight back to alethea. his eyes bore into hers, like lasers, like they were trying to read her mind. they shifted in their seat uncomfortably, finally picking off the hangnail completely with a sudden poke of pain. “is there anything you know that you’re not sharing? you can trust us alethea.” 
alethea looked up as he stated her name. something felt like it could rupture inside of them, and they weren’t sure what it was, or what the consequence would be if they investigated it. “no, i don’t know much of anything apparently.” 
with a dissatisfied sigh, agent choi looked back at brown who just nodded. “thank you for your time alethea. we really are sorry that you have to go through this. we just want to find the truth, so that we can find greer.” he stood up, indicating for them to follow. they only nodded turning back to the exit, daring one last glance at the agents before the door was shut behind them.
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