#iapetus talks 40k
iapetusneume · 12 days
so i don't go here, but you seem really into warhammer right now, so tell me about your favorite wh40k fic you've done. pick something you are particularly proud of.
For this, I went only with my one-shots.
I was torn between Actions Speak Louder Than Words and The Gift of the Rope. I'm going to go with the former, as I think the story behind writing it is probably a bit more interesting.
This story is my most... well, pretty much everything of my 40k fics, besides subscriptions. Most kudos, most comment threads, most hits, most bookmarks. It has since been translated into Chinese (with my blessing). And let me tell you, I had so much anxiety writing this story.
See, the 40k fandom has an exchange at Christmastime, and it's named after a holiday in canon that happens around the same time, called Sanguinala. It's a really wonderful time because it's one of the few 40k-exclusive exchanges, and a lot of people participate who don't usually do exchanges. Among the many amazing writers and artists, participating in this exchange is one of my favorite artists in the fandom. And I thought to myself "Becky, what are you going to do if you get them for your assignment?" And I was like "haha there are like 30 people participating, what are the odds?"
So you can guess what happened. I got them for my assignment.
For the prompts, they had three options. I was only really familiar enough with one of the prompts, so I knew immediately what I was going to write.
So in canon you have these 18 demigod-like characters, called primarchs. And they had a civil war (the sides referred to Loyalist and Traitor) and some of them died and some of them turned into daemons and some of them have gone MIA.
And since you don't go here, I'm going to give you the extreme cliffnotes version of why their prompt was a big deal.
Fast forward 10,000 years. There's only 1 known Loyalist primarch in the current canon for a while who is awake and active... until very recently. A second one is no longer sleeping MIA, and these two primarchs have a history. They are, in fact, 2/3rds of my favorite triad, and the triad is one of my absolute favorite romantic relationships in the fandom.
And whether or not one ships them, so much of the fandom is looking forward to them seeing each other again. We don't know when it's going to happen - but we're hoping that it'll be in a novel in the near future.
40k, in terms of writing fic, is a fandom on the smaller side. There have been a few fics written about this supposed reunion, but I think there were only two when I wrote mine? And the ones written were not smutty, and my fic was going to be smutty.
And my anxiety was getting really bad, and I had writer's block. I'm not as current about a lot of the events in "the present" of 40k. I was afraid to get something wrong.
So, in my last ditch attempt to get inspiration, I picked up the novel that had recently been released that talked about the primarch who recently returned. And its one of the best books I've read for 40k. And I found out later that the author is queer, and it is obvious that he crammed as much queer subtext as he possibly could.
And the very end of the epilogue was what I needed to start writing.
My anxiety didn't vanish because I was writing, but at least I was making progress. Which at this point there was less than a week left before assignments were due. I did not have time to second guess myself. Two friends in the fandom were pre-readers for me, and reassured me it was good.
And I submitted my assignment on time, but it wasn't a version I was super happy with. But then I had a week more to come up with a better ending and edit my submission.
Christmas came around, and the recipient loved it.
This fic deals with aging, and I compare and contrast what we-the-readers once saw them as, to their new reality. How it might manifest. And as their bodies have changed, so have they. They've been through so much, and no one really understands what they're going through but each other.
This fic also gave be a massive confidence boost in regards to my writing, and how I engage with the Canon. 40k is hundreds of novels, with plenty being contradictory. And then there are the things one ignores because its dumb. And then all the AUs one writes because one's favorite character died, and yes I understand the narrative significance, but I love him and want him to be happy. ANYWAYS. My knowledge of current events in the canon were not great, and I knew the recipient knew a lot more than me. That didn't stop them from loving my story.
40k is really unlike any series I've written for before. When I wrote for anime/manga, I could say "this is based on [x] version." When I wrote for Dragon Age, I could say "this is only off of the games," and people would understand the scope. 40k is so nebulous, I'm still honestly figuring it out. And I sometimes wonder if the desire to "know the canon" is a barrier to entry for other writers.
I took a giant chance with this story, and I'm still feeling the benefits.
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iapetusneume · 7 months
For all of my followers who are not into 40k, I need y'all to understand:
my favorite character just died in canon.
Now, due to some of the peculiarities with the canon, we've known that this was going to happen for, like, 30 years. But it hasn't been addressed in the novels in the specific way it went down until now, with the book that just came out.
So yes, we knew it was coming. No, we are Not Okay.
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iapetusneume · 5 months
So, by the end of the year - including the Sanguinala assignment and treat - I will have posted over 50,000 words of fic for 40k. And I did that in 6 months.
I've written more for 40k in 6 months than I did for Dragon Age in 3 years. (Posted fic was around 33k words.)
And because I was comparing older fandoms, I did have to check out my wordcounts from previous fandoms:
Sorcerer Hunters: 90,000
Inu Yasha: 100,000
Saiyuki: 125,000
I realize that one of the things that throws me off is posted stuff vs unposted stuff. I feel like RPing should count towards wordcount, but because there's absolutely no way for me to measure any of that (so many logs have been lost), it's hard to get a real idea.
I RPed for both Saiyuki and Dragon Age a lot. I did a lot more longer-form RP for Dragon Age, which would really shoot up the wordcount. I feel like the magnitude of my previous obsession with Dragon Age is not properly expressed in that wordcount, lol. (I do RP for 40k too, but it'll take awhile to get that far.)
Also, I have like 30,000 of fic for 40k that haven't posted yet, since most of it is for later scenes in current WIPs. Or, in one case, a shorter chapter fic that I'm planning on waiting until it's complete before I post it.
To think I wrote 80,000 words this year for 40k. Absolutely mind-boggling.
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iapetusneume · 3 months
Last Line Meme + WIP Wednesday
This goes to the last line if what I've written, and is not the whole scene.
(From an unpublished work that was originally supposed to be 6k but now its 24k and still not done-)
Also, while the fic itself is Explicit, this scene is not. Set between Unremembered Empire and Pharos, this fic goes AU and this scene takes place on Baal. It is going to be a lighthearted story.
There was a lull in the attentions being shown to Sanguinius, and so the Lion leaned in to whisper. "So, is it true that your sons not of Baal have your tolerance for spices?"
Sanguinius grinned, and it seemed that he had also been paying attention to the conversation between the Astartes. "Oh, none of my sons - of Baal or otherwise - have my tolerance. However, it is greater for them than most other Legions I've seen."
"What have been your observations?" the Lion asked.
"Kano might be onto something," Sanguinius said. "Some of us can have a great tolerance. Not all. It served those of us well whom were gifted with it, as well as our sons." Sanguinius took another sip of his mixed drink. "The Word Bearers and Salamanders have similar spice tolerances to my sons."
There was the awkward moment of the feeling akin to a sharp bit of fiber stuck in one's teeth after a meal - to talk so casually about one of the traitor legions - but the truth of the past was still the truth.
"I have noticed the Salamanders at Macragge enjoy dining with the Blood Angels," the Lion said, "and tend to do so with more frequency than any other legion."
"I've noticed that as well," Sanguinius said. His smile softened. "They had precious few seeds of their peppers from Nocturne. What we share from our greenhouses, and what Roboute imports is a help, but it's not the same as home."
Anyone can consider themselves tagged. :)
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iapetusneume · 3 months
The real reason that Lorgar is bald is that GW knew that everyone would fall to Chaos if he had long hair. Because long-hair!Lorgar is so goddamn gorgeous. He'd be unstoppable with long hair.
As he is, he's only barely-contained gorgeous.
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iapetusneume · 4 months
What about "5 + 1 Sanguinius Hair Fic"? <3
Ok. So, Sanguinius has the ability to change the color of his hair and eyes. It can be debated how much control he has over this. Canon says its based on his moods, but Canon is also very strange, so I liked the idea that he has a bit more control over it. Or, at least, he could get some more control with practice. My other theories are that
If Sanguinius wants to practice some of his magic psychic powers, he should definitely ask his brother where that's his whole bag (Magnus the Red)
This is a generally-known fact among his brothers. But at one time it wasn't known, right??
The 5+1 part is the typical fanfic convention. I don't have a great title or description to this fic yet, but it would be something along the lines of "5 times Sanguinius surprised his brothers with his color-chamging hair, and 1 time he didn't.
The Snippet!
It had started harmlessly enough, over a glass of wine. The wine was delicious, but nothing close to impairing the judgment of a primarch. No one quite believed Magnus when he said it was Sanguinius’ idea, but that was fine with him. His only regret was not being able to see the reactions himself.
Bringing the Blood Angels' most recent target into compliance with the Imperium had taken quite a bit longer than Sanguinius would have liked. Within the first 36 hours of engaging with the residents of the target, he realized that the intel the Blood Angels had received was… incomplete. It was rare that an engagement would have zero surprises, but this was almost embarrassing. He would have word with the scouts that brought him this information.
The Blood Angels had been fortunate enough that the Thousand Sons were close by, and in between engagements. They were able to come and assist, and that was the extra push that was needed. And while Magnus would need to leave soon to get back to his own expedition, they did have time to spend at least an afternoon together.
Seeing himself as the ‘host,’ since this was originally his campaign, Sanguinius invited Magnus to the Red Tear, to his private chambers.
It was only an hour after Sanginius had sent the invitation that Azkaellon sent him a message. “Sire, Primarch Magnus has arrived. Shall I show him in?”
“Yes, thank you.”
“Of course.”
The doors to his private chambers slid open, and Azkaellon walked in. He stepped to the side, and bowed to Sanguinius. He held his bow as Magnus walked in.
Sanguinius gestured with his hand for Azkaellon to rise. “Thank you, Azkaellon. Now, I would like to spend some time with my brother alone.”
“Yes, my lord,” he said, and walked out.
Sanguinius rose and walked over to Magnus, giving him a hug, which Magnus warmly returned. “It’s good to see you in the flesh and not over a hololith,” he said. “When was the last time we were in the same room?”
“Altogether too long,” Sanguinius said.
“Correct, but not very specific,” Magnus said, chuckling.
“This is not a battle report, I can forgo a little precision,” Sanguinius said.
(Want to play? Here is the original post.)
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iapetusneume · 5 months
listen, idk what a sanguiness (sp?) is but i know you like them, so go!
I want to let you know I have tried several times to write this and not have it be long. It is very hard because I love him so much.
So, I technically first encountered him in my wives' FATE game that is set in the 40k universe. And without getting into the 20 paragraph explanation of set up for everything that it kept threatening to be: essentially my character (who is a vampire from another universe and has been to other universes) was talking with Sanguinius, and was extremely relieved to find out he wasn't going to have to deal with a Vampire vs Werewolves war. They actually get along! It was a breath of fresh air.
In the canon, early on Sanguinius is having a conversation with best friend and fellow primarch, Horus. This is from the first book in the Horus Heresy, Horus Rising:
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From what I had heard previously in the fandom, I hadn't been expecting to see him throw fruit like that. I giggled so much.
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iapetusneume · 1 year
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Oh my God, the Space Wolves are so full of shit.
I knew that the Librarius orders had been dissolved, but for the Rune Priests to remain? Especially after everything they did to the Thousand Sons?
I am aware that Horus changed the orders of the Space Wolves when they went to Prospero, BUT STILL.
I've heard that there's some interesting discussion about the difficulty that Leman Russ and the Space Wolves have with being the Emperor's executioners... but jeez. Its so hard for me to have sympathy for them right now.
Like, I was about to read Prospero Burns, but just couldn't get into it because they left such a bad taste in my mouth from A Thousand Sons. Its why I went for a Blood Angels book. If I was going to read about dudes having a bad time, I wanted to at least like them.
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iapetusneume · 8 months
...today in "that escalated quickly," I am now organizing a 40k Kink... event? 'Fest? Challenge?
Unsure of the proper terminology. But I am excited about it.
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iapetusneume · 6 months
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So, I changed my lock screen and display.
I keep forgetting I've changed it, so each time I go to use my phone I'm very (pleasantly) surprised.
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iapetusneume · 6 months
An exchange with my wife:
IAPETUS: So it looks like that exchange i wrote for is going to go live this weekend. [There had been delays because not all the requests had been filled.] The current count of works is 941, so it was suggested that we try to shoot for 1000 by writing Treats.
NAVONA: So, are you going to try to write something?
IAPETUS: Yeah. And I'm not going to sweat it if I can't finish it.
NAVONA: Is it gay?
IAPETUS: Extremely so.
NAVONA: Is it Sisters of Battle smut? [This is one of the main factions she plays]
IAPETUS: No, its [redacted]. I don't know much about Sisters of Battle.
NAVONA: Then learn.
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iapetusneume · 6 months
I have gotten to the point where I have made my lockscreen and background 40k fan art.
(Fulgrim for the lockscreen, Sanguinius for the background.)
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iapetusneume · 6 months
IAPETUS: Well, I've gotten to the point where I've referred to a space marine as "my baby." NAVONA: Ok, I need to ask. What is his rank? IAPETUS: ...First Captain. NAVONA: I think he can take care of himself. IAPETUS: I must protect him at all costs.
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iapetusneume · 7 months
It's truly cruel that there are so many Warhammer novels, and I have to do things like "go to work" and "sleep."
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iapetusneume · 8 months
So, since my current blorbo-obsession has wings, I've been spending a lot of time considering how they move, what they look like, how they would interact with him in his day-to-day life, etc. I thought that it would be helpful to follow the #wings tag to help with that.
And there are certainly a lot of pictures of wings! There are also posts about:
Wings (the music group)
Wings (chicken wings, cooked, recipes, etc)
Good Omens Season 2
Religious things (both actual religions and stuff from novels/table top/video games)
It's been really amusing, and a lot of fun. I feel very much like "what am I going to get today" when I go to check the tag, lol.
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iapetusneume · 11 months
Oh great now I can’t help but think of Sanguinius having the ability to have his appearance change to look like a biblically-accurate angel. He doesn’t like to use it too often because people usually are already scared shitless of him when he gets scary or ready to kick ass. Also he doesn’t want to get mistaken for a daemon.
(Inspired by this post about possible Warp Forms for the Loyalist Primarchs.)
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Thank you for having my back, Google suggestion.
I like the idea of these, but also somehow involving lots of swords. Or maybe cutting with the feathers.
“The problem that arises by using my Warp Form is that no one looks at me the same way afterwards.”
But yeah, on the first page I found one with wings covered in blood. Like Sanguinius was just in a fight:
(biblically-accurate angels under the cut)
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