#i've also got a week off soon so i'll start the legacy then
buglaur 2 years
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cillian calloway
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gorgosim 7 months
Hey guys! I miss y'all 馃ズ鉂わ笍 I know I haven't been posting a lot lately, but if you're curious as to why, read below the cut. If not, I hope to be much more consistent very soon!
So just to start this off, life has been extremely crazy for me. In a good way, and a bad way. Let's get the bad out of the way first, without going into too much detail!
I've been dealing with a very repulsive individual at work who, for some odd reason, my boss and director refuse to deal with in a legal, or morally correct manner. So because of this, I have been very protective of my colleagues and stepping in whenever they need me to act as a barrier, for lack of a better word.
I bailed one of my now ex-bestfriends out of jail in early October. After doing that and her living with one of my other friends, we started to notice how much of a pathological liar and manipulator she is. She was spreading rumors at work, threatening people, etc. Long story short, we cut her off shortly after she finally paid me back. October was just a very rough month for me, as I hate being and feeling betrayed.
Now for the good stuff!
I got promoted a couple of months ago at my job, to an assistant manager! I'm a lot busier than before and my schedule is all over the place, especially because of the holiday season. However, I'm super glad that my work ethic was seen and I was given the opportunity and trust, to help run a bakery.
I was lucky enough to FINALLY get approved for an apartment officially as of last week! I'm moving in late this month. I've been looking for something that I could afford, and really looking for anything to become available (Apartments are very slim pickings where I'm at.. and expensive) for years. On top of this, one of my best friends of an entire decade and also fellow simmer @citruswhim is moving across the country to be my roommate in said apartment. 馃槶 I'm very excited and grateful that my life is finally heading upwards and everything that I've worked so hard for, is starting to pay off.
I'm hoping to post again consistently very soon! I miss my sims and I promised to myself that I would finish the collector's legacy challenge this year, or at least finish it for now until more collectibles are added. I also just miss this community a lot and interacting with all of you. 鉂わ笍I'll try to keep you all updated, but I'm sure I'll be back sooner than what I'm expecting.
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palidoozy-art 1 year
EDIT: We've gotten a lot of requests, so I'll have to close this for now, just to make sure I don't overwhelm and hurt someone by inviting 34083048 people in when I can only effectively cycle between two groups of 5. But thank you everyone for your help!
Hey, this is kind of a weird ask, but I'd rather go to here than Reddit or another group finding website first (I like it here better, I like the people here more, and I know I have a cluster of people who like D&D here).
Me and two of my current players (Ellerian and Kelogul, if you were curious) are looking for more people to play with in some one-off sessions. We thought about this back when the whole OneD&D debacle was going on, but we wanted to try looking into some other games with different people.
Current games we're looking into trying just as various one-offs:
Pathfinder 2e
13th Age
Shadow of the Demon Lord
Worlds without Number
I'd also like to try running an Out of the Abyss campaign again. I began running one with Kelogul and Ellerian where we went hardcore survival (everyone started naked and you had to find your materials/craft your own stuff/find your own material components) and it was a lot of fun, but we wound up dropping it because I got too busy. One day I'd also like to run Rime of the Frostmaiden as well, and I wouldn't mind running CoS again... but all of that is extremely long-term. There's also joining From the Mist/Into the Horizon as well, but again, I'd like to just try things out with one shots first.
General information about us and how we run things (below the cut, because this is already long enough):
We don't use voice. We could if it's a huge hurdle to get over, but we've been just text based for 3+ years at this point so we're used to it. If you want a kind of example of what that looks like, here's a screenshot of one of our sessions of From the Mists.
We use Foundry VTT. I've already paid for it and you connect to it similar to roll20, so it should involve no extra work on your part. I also already have all the books and a google drive to share them, so there should be no additional costs there. If you need help learning how to use Foundry, we are more than happy to teach.
We tend to be higher on the RP and story side than average, though I'm not sure how much of this would really come across in one-shots where characters are more throw away.
We're located in the CST time zone. The date would likely be on Sunday, as it's the only day other than Saturday we can all get together (and Saturday is when From the Mists/Into the Horizon happens). We're flexible to run anytime from 11 am CST to 11 pm CST.
We are in our late 20s/mid 30s.
We are LGBT+ friendly (I'd hope so, I'm a dude married to a dude)
We've been playing for 3+ years (almost) every week at the same time on Saturday. The only time we've missed sessions have been family tragedies, medical issues, and planned vacations, so between the three of us we're pretty stable and consistent.
In general we're looking for 2-3 additional people (4 players total would be perfect, 5 would be stretching it but I could manage). If there's a lot of interest somehow, I'd also be more than happy to cycle people around so people get a chance to play. I would likely be DMing, but I'm also not hardcore bent on it so if someone else wants to dip their toes in it I'm more than happy to step aside.
If you're interested, message me or send me an ask and I'll give you my discord so we can talk about it. Into the Horizon (legacy campaign of From the Mists/CoS) happens at 5:30 CST, so I'll be busy around then but I'll try to get a response as soon as I can.
Thanks for reading.
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thedorklegacy 1 year
The Dork Legacy 1.4 part 4
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And expensive and not very attractive teenage whore.
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And apparently an expensive, not very attractive, and also boring teenage whore. This is how he spent the last hour of their date.
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Oh God, how old is that muffin?!
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At some point Caed became an Ithorian got his gold gardening badge. I love when he talks about birds to his plants.
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On her day off, Tara cleaned the WHOLE HOUSE.
Gee, that was a funny caption. If I didn't have to have this up soon...>.<
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Caedmon brought a Spoony Bard, the Demon Chef of Sim Street home from work.
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"You stay the hell out of my house."
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I get really sick of hearing this all the time. Seriously, I'll stop one of them from playing it, only to have someone else start up seconds later.
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See what I mean?
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"You know, I think you'd look really good in makeup!"
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"Hmm...you know, I think you're right?"
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"You know...my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard."
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"But you don't treat me very nicely. You don't buy me all these iceys."
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"Maybe you should get get get me drunk, get me love drunk off your lumps?"
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My Grump, my Grump my Grump my Grump, my lovely little Grump!
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Well...that's an interesting dog. The first thing she did was start growling at Tara. I guess Grump was a good name.
Anyway, that's as far as I've played so far, so I apologise for the short update. I'll see you again next week!
Originally posted at katu_sims.
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zak-shit 2 years
another night where i need to make an entry but do not feel like pulling out the journal. I should, but its been way too long since I've pulled it out. It's quicker for me to quickly pound my computer to get out whatever I need to.
arriving home, wanting to talk to my mom, but having to push my patience sooo thin because shes drunk and that can be like talking to a brick wall! my patience was boiled over when she told me the 6th time to take a quick shower. I told her I wanted to wash my hair. but still "dont take too long" not because of a water waste or anything. she told me " youre off tomorrow, you can do that tomorrow" *eye roll* its because willow is laying in her bed. I mean literally shes dead asleep snoring like?? you want me to hurry up... its just selfish in my eyes. i just say "okayyy" no problem, whatever. I bought my favorite body wash, really wanted to wash my hair. but its fine. I'll hurry. she then wants to start saying things like " you know how long its been since I took a long nice shower???" It took alot of me not to ask her aggressively why she wants to make me feel bad?
I've worked all week, doubles the last two days. Skipped a shower the night before, and just washed my face in worry she would be some type of way about it.
I took a 6 minute shower.
honestly my showers normally only last about that long. maybe an inch longer. I dont wash my hair often. so its just a scrub of the body and a quick wash of the face.
anyways im ranting about it because I want to get it out of my system, today has actually been a good day. I've been gone alot more, working and at Alyssas alot. and ive had a few moments of like, wow I really dont need meds, like things are gooood! until I'm home. and then its time to pop a fucking pill and be dulled tf out. its sad.
but work was chill todayyy, i finally got some time with my ruby and it was so nice, she gave me a new set of nails, we got starbucks. I got my first matcha! and it was to DIE for! also got my first pair of slides today! they are PINK! like r u KIDDING
kinda in the mood to hop into the sims and build a lil bit, I have no idea what this new "legacy" mode exactly does to my game.
Willow may be getting her first period soon, I've got diapers on hand incase needed... lil girl is going to become a WOMAN. Once I get all my finances settled, and priorities taken care of, I would like to get her in some obedience school <3
I'm hopefull tomorrow will be a good day, filled with laughs and calm loving energy. hoping to have a productive morning and a super enjoyable evening with my girl gang <3
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