#i've already queued up a few drafts
noses-in-winter · 1 month
my bday is on Thursday and I've always had some internal issues with people thinking I want to be "celebrated"? I've already unpacked all of that in therapy so NOW I'm reclaiming what it means for me to have a birthday, okay! I just want it to be a day where *I*, personally, make the day as positive for myself as possible! I want to wear my most comfortable outfit and get my favorite food for dinner and have a super long hot shower while blasting my jams (nobody in my house understands my recent need to have Summer, Highland Falls by Billiam Joel on constant loop!). I get this ONE day a year where I can eat a whole box of GoGurt and be okay with it! Tomorrow night, I'm going to clean as hell/change my sheets/do my laundry/ etc so that Thursday is the most comfortable day of my goddamn year! Anyway, I'm probably gonna queue up a bunch of posts in my drafts throughout the day!! Cute ones! Weird ones! Posts that I'm typically too nervous to share with the eyes of another human being! :D I also have a few fics/drabble compilations I'd like queuing up throughout the day....I am MAKING plans, people. I'm allowed to enjoy my birthday! Take that, shame!
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countlessrealities · 5 months
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So, since I'm still tired from last week and since this weekend I didn't manage to get done the things I had planned on writing, I've decided to set aside queued threads for a few more days and focus on my ask box instead, because it's exploding.
I have a couple of threads queued and I'll let them post spread out through the week, but for the rest I'll be answering asks and, at most, back and forth short interactions.
I apologise to the people who are waiting on me, but I don't have any energy left for long threads right now =.= Also, I don't want my drafts to pile up even more than they have already, because I'm starting to feel overwhelmed.
Thank you in advance for your patience!
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chevvy-yates · 10 months
Alright, I thought about it last night a bit.
I may just stop forcing myself to do the usual 'male v monday' 'shippy saturday' 'thirsty thursday' 'wip wednesday' stuff (I mean I can't even manage to keep up with that either) and instead post whenever I want, like I do on Friday already when everyone is posting their gorgeous females but I (if I post) do post my boys since I do not have any female oc.
I don't know if I'll completely abandon the tags for it or not. it's gonna be more: if I manage to post on that day, I'll add it, if not, I'll reblog and then tag it with the tag or sth like that.
I will still try and take my at least 30min of time a day (mostly after work around 6pm German time) to browse tblr. Queue often makes noe sense to me, sometimes I use ib when I feel I've reblogged to much in a row already but I do not tage anything that will come from my queue so you won#t even notice that it was queued.
I've also set a few blogs on receive notifications so I do not miss any new posts. I love that feature! But sometimes I have to stop using it if a blog keeps posting like every 1h through the day which will give me 24 notes a day on my phone - forcing me to look and I can't do that. I need to find some balance somehow. Still a thing to figure out to have it healthy.
I do not want to abandon looking at content because you all create so many cool things, but in this fandom, as I already said it so many times: it is just so hard to keep up with it. So please do not be mad about me or think I do not like your stuff (anymore) because I've not liked/reblogged a thing lately of your content. I often feel very 'unmenschlich' (inhuman?) when I can't find time to give some love to others work bc I receive so much from all of you, therefore I want to give it back as well.
Idk how you manage having 4+ ocs btw. I with my 4 boys feel like I abandon at least one for too long (rn it is Vijay - and it makes me so incredibly sad, no one will probably understand). But I have to keep telling myself, he will receive a whole lot of attention and love again. However, this month is for Thyjs, because he's having his birthday soon (13th) and so I will focus on him in the first place.
I decided to slide in Jaysen for something else yesterday (because spontaneous things still happen) and I'll hopp in to take a bunch of pic of him as well once my writing here is done, bc he's modeling for some new real cool pants. And then I go back to my soldier boy doing the same (if I can manage bc taking pic … takes time xD).
What elese?
I'll just need to find a balance when I do at least answer roleplay or do story writing because this also I feel very bad about It gets neglected the most, mainly because I've never been a writer. But I find such joy in it and I feel like a bad person that my rp partner always has to wait such long time until I answer. Some days I'd just love to thorw literally everything aside and just do rp 24h nonstop (we all know this doesn't work) because I love love love this story that developed in the past year and when I think about it I'm just so hyped to share it one day but it's a lot of work to do. It's gotten something like a lifetime project by now?
And I need to stop hording my drafts. Its getting ridiculous …
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lynnedwardswrites · 1 year
Find the Word Tag
Tagged by @writernopal!
Tagging (oh so gently, I've queued like 6 of these, so sorry) @zmwrites @justnerdy15 @captain-kraken @ceph-the-ghost-writer @thatndginger @indecentpause @vcaudley and anyone else who wants to participate!
My words were: prismatic, anchored, seek, shield, & northern.
Your words will be: church, emphasis, disk, decision, impression
Snips from The Hare and the Jackal as usual
content warnings: gore (injury)
prismatic crystalline
(Draft 10, Ch 18, POV Creed)
A guttural warcry from behind me blends into a high-pitched, glassy squeal, and I nearly slam into a wall of pale blue crystalline energy that seems to bloom from the ether, rolling up over me like a wave. The vitalist’s lightning bolt rips along the whispers of rusty brown smoke still flowing between us until it hits the shield and dissipates against it in a blinding flash of warm light. The shield is disintegrating into black smoke along massive fissures the lightning bolt left behind, but it’s so thick that it hasn’t shattered yet. “Run!” Isabella groans, staggering on her feet, still clutching her belly. Her illusory uniform is pristine, but I don’t miss the glisten of dark liquid dribbling down her hands.
anchored frozen
(Draft 10, Ch 11, POV Isabella)
“WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP?!” Creed jumps, then turns to me, looking surprised. “Are you talking to me?” “Of course I’m— talking to you, stupid!” I’m panting still. Each inhale is a ragged wheeze. “You blew— our cover!” Creed stays frozen in place, brows knitting defensively. “I didn’t blow our cover. Winter could tell it was me through a seele!” “After you tried intimidating them!” He leans back. “They wouldn’t leave us alone!” My neck feels oddly tight, like my clothes are shrinking. “The Sergeant was turning away when you got up in— Kautner’s face!” I gasp, lacing two fingers into my collar. “Why couldn’t you just stick—” I break into a fit of coughing as I struggle to catch my breath. “—to— the plan?!” “Hey, I’m not the only one who decided to improvise tonight,” he says sharply, raising both arms to display torn and bloodied sleeves. The flesh beneath is gorey, but already knitted whole.
(Draft 9, Chapter 1, POV Isabella)
Holman nods and scampers away, sufficiently distracted for the next minute or two; Creed watches him go.  As soon as he rounds the corner, I exhale unsteadily, suddenly remembering my panicked prayer to Wissen a few minutes ago. I curse myself for drawing the Gods’ eyes just to flaunt my abominations in Their faces: treasure-seeking, theft, lies. But even more damningly, the audacity to slip my fingers into an inner pocket under my arm; to touch a small glass disk hidden there (one of those heretical lenses); to invest a sixth of the tiny sliver of vitality I have left through it, giving myself the darksighted eyes of a cat. 
(Draft 10, Chapter 8, POV Creed)
Isabella sits across from me. Now that she’s wearing her own face, I notice again the differences in her appearance that have just started to show in the last day or two. They’re subtle, but not invisible to the man who’s seen her nearly every day for a decade. She looks… fresher, maybe. Like she’s caught up on a month of lost sleep. “What?” she asks, noticing my stare. “Oh nothing. All that vitality is starting to look good on you, that’s all,” I say, taking a mouthful of fluffy Ashkani-style wheatbread and winking at her. She shields the side of her face from the room with one hand, grimacing. “I know. I don’t want to find out how long it takes for people to start recognizing me again. I’ll have to start wearing a disguise all the time.”
(Draft 10, Chapter 5, POV Luther)
I fetch a key from my pocket to open the desk’s central drawer. The stack of reports Lord Weller, my Secretary of Intelligence, left me a few days ago is waiting for me inside. One of them details a particularly messy encounter with two fugitives—a human woman and a feran man—outside of Ballinford in East Traisonhall, including both the local and Inquisition documentation. The other summarizes Xiani movements north of Romfurt. My fingers slip past them, though—past the note I received a few days ago, too, the one with a message I’ve hardly allowed myself to believe—to pull out a sheet of paper and an inkwell. I’m still at the desk an hour later, writing a missive to Lord Weller, when Alrik, my personal steward, enters the room in his long, customarily beige suit. “Pardon, Sire. A young lady would like to see you about a rabbit.” So it is true. I keep writing, trying not to let the wild ache in my heart show too plainly. “Yes, yes,” I mutter. “She’s free any time. I’ll cancel anything.” He’s quiet for a moment, before saying, “Apologies, Sire. Perhaps I should have said, ‘A young lady is here to see you about a rabbit.’” My pen slips as I catch the difference, spattering my fingers with ink. I look up, meeting Alrik’s eyes dumbly. He’s smiling at me, eyes bright. My voice is hardly audible. “Now?” He nods. “Now.”
Whew! Thanks so much for the tag again! These games are so fun!
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filminah · 1 year
work experience (pt 2!)
on my third day i had three new supervisors! the main one was the owner of the law firm who turned not to be not very intimidating like i thought he would be! he was very fun and nice! and he bought everyone in the office food which was really nice but i couldn't eat it because it wasn't halal :( he offered to go out again and buy me something but there was no way i was making my boss do that. he knew everyone in the magistrates court and i was supposed to see some of the clients with him in the cells but they denied me because i'm too young :// thursday i wrote letters to clients, did some general paperwork, looked at case files and made everyone tea and coffee. the main task that day was a review from a teacher at school which was generally favourable! and my supervisors gave us good reports aswell! i had also gone to youth court that day but it was mainly sitting around since i wasn't allowed inside the court - there was lawyer who was 70 years old who i spoke with in the waiting room, he was actually not far into his career as a lawyer as he decided to become one around the age of 40 which i thought was really coolll. then once all the youth cases were handled my supervisor and i got locked out the office so we played squares in the rain on my notepad, then i drew phoenix wright and thumbtacked it to the main board on the wall!. friday i went on a trip to leamington with another supervisor! leamington is really different to my town, i almost walked into a police station because it looked so done up i thought it was the crown court building! they had soo many good songs on the radio that day, i think i spoke a bit too much though, my supervisor was quite sad from something personal that had happened to her so i just kept talking and trying to cheer her up because she looked like she was constantly on the verge of tears, i think she's really amazing for still coming into work despite everything happening to her. the crown court in leamington is really different to the magistrates court where i live - in the magistrates court the public viewing place is just a few chairs at the back of the room but in the crown court, its a whole seperate place with microphones and a tv screen - i got let off early that day because there quite literally nothing for me to do, i wish i had just stayed there anyways for a few more hours because i kinda miss it, i'm really thankful i had such a good placement! sorry this post is a week late, i thought i had queued it but it turns out it's been sitting in my drafts, since that was the most eventful thing that happened in feb i think i won't make a february roundup since i've already told you everything until next time! Amina
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ceneid · 1 month
Hello, it's me, the anon who wanted to start a writing blog, again haha (istg I feel like I'm the only nice anon today /srs; anyways, I hope you're doing better and ignore those others cowards, they're just jealous of your kind personality and have no brain)
I had a teeny tiny question about posting something that's rather long. I've got into writing some months ago (again lol) and wrote a few things out in my notes app & on my laptop. There I realised that some of it (like things I planned for multiple characters) are pretty long, about 6k words. Now I know about the "read more" feature to not clog anyone's dash but I was thinking, what if someone clocked on "read more" on accident or it later turned out it's not what they wanted/expected so then the 6k+ words are still clogging their dashboard. :/
I was thinking about if it's multiple characters to separate them and link them to each other but I don't know if that'll be too confusing/messy. I know it's really just a personal preference but since I really really like your blog (I hope it doesn't come off as weird lol) I wanted to know your opinion on it. <3
Oh and also, as I mentioned, I've now got about 6 works or so already typed out and proofread in my drafts, so I was thinking about writing ALL of the ideas on my list whenever I have motivation/time and only starting a blog and publishing them one by one (with a week difference or so) when I've got all written down and edited. So it's not really an active writing blog but more a "publishing-whatever-I-wrote-several-months-ago-from-my-notes-and-word-documents" kinda thing.
I've got no idea tho if people would enjoy that or if I'd even find mutuals like that if I only come on there to post my prev written stuff :/
Sooo I'd love to hear your opinion about these things. <3
I apologise that it's such a long message and probably messy and full of confusion as well as typos. You don't need to reply if you don't want to, please don't pressure yourself! <3 I hope you're doing good and have an amazing day/night🫶🫶
ahh helloo !! welcome back to the chaotic land of me being me :) (haha thank you !! but I think the word kind is better suited for you, tbf <33)
mm well, i would say that if your work wasn’t turning out to be what they were wanting / accidentally clicked on ‘read more’, then they’d more than likely just continue scrolling - no need to worry too much about it !! it’s what i usually do when i accidentally click read more ahaha 😭
thank you honey !! bet your blog will be prettier :)) and, for multiple characters, i personally prefer to put them all in one post and then if you have a masterlist for your works, then you could put the work like this (example ofc haha) :
- a typical night out w/ them !! (ft. xiao, lyney, kazuha, venti, and wanderer)
or, like me where you have a lil column in each nation for each character that I’m willing to write for, then you can link the work with them in it for each one (example coming up ahead) :
-> - a typical night out w/ them !! (ft. xiao, lyney, kazuha, venti, and wanderer)
-> - a typical night out w/ them !! (ft. xiao, lyney, kazuha, venti, and wanderer)
if you know what i mean? it’s completely up to personal preference ofc, but if you’re asking me, i would say to just put them all in one singular post so it wouldn’t be as confusing lol. but then, if you want to do them in separate posts for each one, go on ahead !! i’ll support you either way <3 + don’t worry, i don’t find it weird 🫶🏻 😭 thank youu <33
mm as for the queue - ing ( I’m sorry i have no idea how to word this ), i would say that overall, this is your blog. and so, what you do / post is completely up to you, no matter what anyone says. some blogs run completely off of queued posts ( no matter ff or not ), and they’re perfectly fine. + i think it’s good that you have pre written stuff !! for example, if you’re planning to post something one day and you don’t have the time to start a new story or something like that, the you can just copy n paste from word lol 😭 but, try to take some time to try to organize it out a bit haha - maybe some dividers here n there and also a quick synopsis of the story ?
it’s completely fine, no need to worry !! you’re free to visit me anytime, promise. on that matter, there’s not much typos or anything like that, hehe. also wish you a nice day / night + lots of luck for your blog !! <33
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rosezemlya · 7 years
This is like, the 6th time I've seen that video on your blog this month Rose, are you trying to tell us something?
Context would be helpful here, but I’m assuming you meant he botw one with Link getting beaten up repeatedly?
If yes, it’s more like twice.  There’s usually one of three reasons that happens (at least in cases where I didn’t tag it with an acknowledgement that I’ve reblogged it before):
The tumblr mobile app has some issues, and an update a few weeks ago made it such that sometimes when I queue a thing, it queues twice for some reason I have yet to figure out.
Sometimes I queue a thing, and then I save a copy in my drafts to show to a meatspace person later.  If I forget or am too lazy to tag it “already queued just delete” for myself, and it takes me a while to be in a position to show it to said meatspace person, I might forget and put it in the queue a second time
During times when my queue is quite long, I might actually forget whether or not I queued the thing and wind up queuing it again
No secret messages just a glitchy interface combined with laziness and inefficient systems.
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