#i'm very normal about metalcore bands
biblicalhrt · 1 year
i'm so normal about bands i like (if i dont get to see them in concert at least once a year i will kill myself)
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handsofdarkness · 3 months
WITHIN TEMPTATION To Release New Single, 'A Fool's Parade'
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Dutch metallers WITHIN TEMPTATION will release a new single, "A Fool's Parade", on April 5. The track features a guest appearance by the Ukrainian alt-rock/metalcore artist Alex Yarmak, who has been steadily growing his fanbase since 2021.
In a fall 2023 interview with Metal Kaoz, WITHIN TEMPTATION singer Sharon Den Adel spoke about the band's decision to release its latest album, "Bleed Out", independently, having parted ways with the Vertigo label. She said: "I did this participation with [Dutch trance DJ] Armin Van Buuren once — I wrote a song together with him — so we tasted a little bit of the dance music and we saw that they were doing things so differently, knowing him, knowing the scene and starting to watch what they were doing. They were actually just doing it so not traditionally, as in rock music is known for and metal music. So they are way more fluid in when they can release something. They say, 'Oh, I'm gonna write a song and I'm gonna release it two weeks from now.' They can do that. It's because they think differently and it's a different ballgame. And we felt, like, 'Why aren't we doing that? Why are we always restricted to writing a complete album? And then writing certain songs that you feel are essential or in the moment that you have to release now, because if it ends up on the album, three years later, everybody has talked about it; it's not important anymore.' And they're, like, 'Oh my God. Are they still talking about that? That was three years ago.' That really feels stupid to me. And so we told the record company, 'Can we please just release some songs? Because the album's not going to be out there yet, and we're going on tour with EVANESCENCE. And they said, 'No. We can't do that, because we're traditional. We don't know how to cope with that different way of releasing.' And they still had an option for a new album. And we said, 'Well, then we would like to break up the contracts and go our own way.' And they said, 'Well, maybe you should, because we don't see how we can do this with you.' And we were happy they let us go."
She continued: "[2019's] 'Resist' [album from WITHIN TEMPTATION] was very successful for [the record label], but still, I think that they would not have had happy campers in their company with us [being around]. [Laughs] We're not the easiest maybe also. But in the end, it was the best way and I'm really happy it went the way it is. And it gave us the opportunity to do it our own way. On the other hand, it is more work, because we have to hire now people to do the job that a record company normally does. And you have to think about budgets and stuff like that. Who are you gonna do interviews with? How many interviews? Organize press agents all over. It's, like, oh my God. It's a company on its own. But, luckily, we have a management that does take most of that away. Of course, we have to come up with the ideas and give the goals and everything, but they work it out for us. And so we are not involved in that part, because it takes so much energy away from writing music and being creative, of course, which, you as an artist, never want to [deal with]. You just want to [be], like, 'They do that.' And I'm so happy they do that, because they're good at it. And I don't wanna do this. But then, now it's forced upon us again to do those things as well. And it gives you more freedom, and that's what we wanted."
"Bleed Out" signifies a bold leap forward for the band. From contemporary, hard-hitting, and djenty riffs to soaring melodies displaying their symphonic roots, WITHIN TEMPTATION has created a sonic journey that fuses diverse musical styles and thought-provoking themes. This is an album that is as epic as it is unflinchingly outspoken, and now more than ever, this is a band who isn't afraid to make a stand on issues the members care about.
Since the start of the war in Ukraine, WITHIN TEMPTATION have shifted their focus from writing about personal emotions and societal subjects to tackling global injustices and reflecting the tumultuous state of the world in a way that other artists seem unable or unwilling to do.
While songs such as "Wireless" and "We Go To War" examine the authoritarian aggression on display in Ukraine and other warzones, the title track itself addresses the plight of women fighting for their rights in Iran after the murder of Mahsa Amini.
The album also grapples with the complex issues around a woman's right to choose in recent single "Don't Pray For Me" and throughout, this impassioned and political focus is reflected in the intensity and heaviness of the music. Embracing a new era of musical exploration and lyrical depth, WITHIN TEMPTATION have pushed boundaries and showcased their artistic evolution, delivering a fist-in-the-air proclamation of both their moral convictions and their fearless approach to music.
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numetaljackdog · 11 months
what i'm listening to 7/6/2023 (song notes under cut)
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Laura Les - Haunted: haunted. by laura les.
Radiohead - Hunting Bears: have you guys noticed that i like amnesiac. links to this post. this is one of the best album interludes of all time
Tallah - No One Should Read This: HRHGGHRHGHHH. fucking crunchyyyy this is one of my favorite albums ever. it's corny as fuck but also really dark and heavy and just ahhhh i love it and this is such a good opener. despite any of the band's faults i will always be a shill for this album. i was talking to violet (hi violet heheh oops i dropped this) about the album a little bit and i decided i simply had to include this bc well frankly i'm jamming to it as i type this :3
Cypress Hill - I Ain't Goin' Out Like That: there's a lot of 90sishness going on in this list. lovvve cypress hill and this whole album. the hook is super catchy but also kind of ridiculous, and there's so many good lines. if you dig harder rap stuff definitely give black sunday a spin, i think it might have been one of the first rap albums i ever bought a physical copy of
Polaris - The Remedy: okay i've been going through my whole giant playlist on account of this business, so it's only fitting that i feature the song that's at the very tippity top of the thang. polaris is a damn solid progressive metalcore type band, and i remember when they broke out in 2017/18 with this album everybody in the scene was talking about them as rising stars. they didn't disappoint, imo, bc the album that came after that was pretty solid too. they did get a lot of comparisons to architects, who are much more seasoned in the scene, and i definitely hear it: the pitchy false chord screams, the djenty riffs, big but not poppy choruses. BUT i think two things worked out for them in that regard. one was that architects were white hot around that time because they put out holy hell, which was very well-regarded (because it good), so it wasn't too bad a thing to be compared to them. the other was that after holy hell dropped, wage war put out a single (low) that had basically the same riff as the architects' big single (doomsday). so they kinda caught all the shit on that one lol. ah the old days (<does not miss this time period)
Girls Rituals - Babe of the Abyss: ummmm.hi 😳
Bloodhound Gang - The Bad Touch: stupid dumb dumb dummy dumb stupid ass blppppt dumbass fuckin song. it's kinda awesome though. a large part of my interest in this one is to do with its pertinence to rap rock, or rather, its lack of pertinence. in my obsession with the timeline of rap rock, i like to be able to sort as much as possible into neat little categories. east coast hip hop, funk metal, nu metal, emo rap, etc. but what's also interesting is when something comes along that doesn't fit any trend at all. it's a total anomaly, a hit only on its own merits, whether those merits are musical strength or just being weird as fuck. in this case, it's definitely a bit of both. the bad touch isn't even really much of a rock song, it sounds more like dance beats, but the bloodhound gang are a rock band, and regardless you can tell just by listening to it which side of the music sphere they originate from. ughhh fascinating fascinating fascinating. and gross, if you listen to it. but mostly fascinating. 1999 babey. and that's the other thing - this was the age of nu metal. this isn't a nu metal song, but one has to wonder how much it was helped by the normalization of crossovers between rock and rap that nu metal was creating. okay moving on
Snoop Dogg - Gin and Juice: more 90s! but in this case? idk what you want me to say. it's fuckin gin and juice. no-one is immune to the d-o-double-g
Epic Rap Battles of History - Alexander the Great vs Ivan the Terrible: come onnnn you knew i was gonna put some erb on here i feel like i've been mentioning them all month. this is a real good battle, very catchy. the first two verses from pete and zach, respectively, are definitely my favorites, and indeed alexander the great might be my favorite zach sherwin performance on erb. but the flute on the beat for frederick the great's part is a lot of fun, and catherine the great's verse is catchy as well. just overall solid and easy to rewatch. please save me from epic rap battle hell i am trapped here and they won't let me out until i recite every erb bar in chronological order
Vylet Pony - Constellation Cradle: vylet pony good. reallll good. this was one of those songs that i had heard however many times and been like yeah cool song :) and then at some point recently heard again and for some reason it just like. hit right. it had the right crunch. i was feeling it. i was loving it. i was chewing on it. vylet pony good
Bob Marley & The Wailers - Is This Love: another simple case of "heard it on the radio, got stuck in my head." at the same time, it's representative of the fact that i want to know more about reggae, considering my current knowledge of it is effectively 0. so what better place to start than the name that most people outside the reggae sphere most associate with the genre? so many good hits from bob marley, as we likely all know
Pearl Jam - Even Flow: pearl jam good idc. not my favorite of their songs but probably the catchiest. moving swiftly onward
Twenty One Pilots - Implicit Demand For Proof: i was inspired to revisit some of my favorite tracks from a formerly beloved band to me. despite the many issues one could take with their first album, that's the one i would feel most confident in standing up for. and, since i'm an opening track kinda girl, this one hit for me the most. iiii knowwww you're not a liar, and i knowwww you could set fire this dayyyyy. idk. definitely a christian song but like, not in the sense that we all kind of agree is shit. like it's a christian song but it's still actually a SONG, that's. ABOUT THINGS. just give it a shot maybe, if you like kinda indie rock. or don't. i can't tell you what to do i'm just a bunch of text on a screen
Beastie Boys - Intergalactic: did you guys notice that i like the beastie boys. like with even flow, this isn't my favorite beasties song but it's the one that's stuck in my head this month. and it is a damn good hit! some classic lines in here. look at this post
Zombie Girl - Creepy Crawler: i don't know shit about this song or artist!! this was an everynoise.com find on uhhh industrial metal i think. it sounds good :)
Steve Miller Band - Take The Money And Run: i'm so obsessed with that trainwreckords episode on run-d.m.c. i literally have just absorbed every song that todd even mentions in the video. i won't put that episode in the youtube playlist like i did last week but if you haven't watched it you should still do that
Epic Rap Battles of History - Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton: i know. i know. i know. stop looking at me like that. i know. i know, okay? i do. i'm sorry. but it's true. there's a lot of good lines and (more importantly) very catchy parts in this one too and i find myself bopping my head to them while i'm in the shower or whatever. if you don't like it, you should have saved me from the pit when you had the chance
Vanilla Ice - Rollin' In My 5.0: the ice-man just dropped a live video for this a little while ago so it's been on my mind. it's mostly interesting for two reasons. number 1 is that it's our only real insight into what vanilla ice album two might have been like if not for the rapid shift of popular trends. number 2 is that it has been deemed significant enough to be counted in the handful of songs that keep vanilla's music alive, despite being unknown to most people. i'm initerested in the idea of like a vanilla ice canon of Songs That Matter, and it contains like, ice ice baby (obviously), play that funky music, ninja rap, i love you, cool as ice, and so on. but there are just some more odd additions to that, and 5.0 is one of those
rawr - If Peppa Pig was a RAPPER: can i ask you guys for a favor. like, i realize that this list has 19 songs on it one way or another, bc that's the number of songs i use for every WILT. but can we all agree that this time, there's only 18 songs that are *formally* in the WILT, and this youtube-exclusive is like. a bonus track? great thanks. love you. anyways, have you noticed how these days youtube seems to recommend random 10-view videos that have just been uploaded? idk what's up with that, but that's how i found rawr, and frankly i've been having a blast with their videos. weird, silly little songs about wanting to marry various cartoon fathers or popular characters as rappers. this one is the latter, but honestly all of the ones i've listened to have overcome me with a feverish humor. it's not very tumblr humor imo but ultimately idek if my enjoyment of these could be described as comparable to finding them "funny." i just think it's beautiful that a channel with very little attention on it is uploading these ridiculous songs just for fun. just something to do. we could all take a lesson from this. or maybe not idk. i need to post this now good god
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anotherghoul666 · 1 year
7:A song to drive to
19:A song that makes you think about life
7:A song to drive to As I mentionned before, I don't drive so I have no clue what makes a good driving song hahaha XD The first time I answered this question I provided the type of song I listened to when my dad drove me places. Now I shall provide a public transport song, a very clear memory in my brain from 2010-2015 when I was in university, which I rode the metro to for over an hour each way, every day. I had to keep myself hype and ready to tackle the Horrors of Socializing XD And this album was a regular spin to wake myself up at 6 in the morning while glued to people's backs in the metro.
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Of Mice & Men - Second & Sebring Some good ol' easy metalcore to whip you into shape at ungodly hours in the morning!
19:A song that makes you think about life Previously when I answered this question, I talked about how the death of an artist I never met or saw live but that meant ther world to me put life in perspective and made me ponder its meaning. Some fun lighthearted answer! XD So let's say equally lighthearted and talk about depression and anxiety weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Life, when you're a neurodivergent person like me, when you have mental health issues and trasuma like me, is often about those differences or those disorders taking over. And if you get through that period of it taking over, then life becomes a reflection of what you've traversed and sucessfully conquered. In that same university period, you got me reminiscing today uh? xD, I dealt with some of the most intense bouts of anxiety I remember having. (Now that I know I'm autistic it was probably also autistic meltdown because of how overstimulated and strung tight I was in uni, but I digress). By 2015-2016 it got to the point where I could not leave my apartment to go grocery shopping, and I lived across the street from a grocery store. I could not feed myself I was so fucking terrified of having to interact with neighbours in the hallways and elevators; the thought of crossing the stress and maybe doing it wrong or not going at the right time or dropping something in front of cars of tripping in front of cars and getting ran over paralyzed me so I couldn't walk the few meters to the store; and don't even get me started on the store itself, the other patrons, the cashiers, people looking at the food I bought, etc. I was stuck in a cocoon where I was miserable and in profound pain and anguish 24/7. Music of course was one of the few things that kept me going. And I clung furiously to bands and artists that put the pain I felt in lyrics and songs. I just wanted to be seen and told what I experienced was normal. Artists who shared my pain were my buoys in the seemingly endless sea of anxiety paralysis. One of those core artists that kept me alive was Lunatic Soul with their Walking on a Flashlight Beam album.
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Lunatic Soul - Gutter Specifically this song, Gutter, felt like it held space for me and how I felt. Those lyrics. That felt like the description of a panic attack to me. That's how I felt all the time. "The fear is what I need, what I need to believe. The feer is what I need, what I need to feel." I lived on fear, and it killed me just as much as it kept me alive.
Nowadays I look back on this artist and this record and I still love them dearly, but they don't feel like words are taken out of my mouth anymore, thankfully. My live's done a full 180 since and I'm better than I have ever been. But Gutter is still a track that I made my life partner listen to when we met. Within a few weeks of getting together we were in her room and we traded meaningful songs of our lives back and forth, to get to know each other better. I played this one and another Lunatic Soul track about being terrified to be loved. We cried so fucking much. We knew, we saw each other, and things were alright. So yeah, Gutter I've used to summarize my life before. I feel it qualifies for the question haha.
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numetaljackdog · 1 year
what i'm listening to 3/5/2023 (song notes under cut)
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Laura Les - Haunted: haunted. by laura les.
Foo Fighters - Everlong: links to this post. this is one of the greatest songs in the history of popular music, i believe that genuinely. this song is reaching out and grabbing a loved one and pulling them close and saying "i know it all hurts a lot and this life is cruel to us and it will keep being cruel to us but i'm here with you. i'm here with you and we can live in this moment for as long as possible and it makes it all feel worth it. i would go through every minute of hurt, past and future, another thousand times over if it meant i got to share this moment here with you for just a little longer." anyway i'm normal
100 gecs - Hollywood Baby: did you guys see that laura is wearing a limp bizkit shirt in the music video. crazy stuff. i'm holding off on posting my march album ranking just so the new album can come out and i can put it on there i love this shit
Little Richard - Long Tall Sally (The Thing): if it strikes you, i would really recommend checking out the video for this one that i've put in the youtube version, it's a live performance from 1955 and he's just absolutely electric, it's tons of fun
Paramore - Running Out Of Time: the new album is really good and i'm shocked they were able to bear holding onto this single until the full record came out because this one is golden. hayley williams late queen 2023
Crush 40 - I Am... All Of Me: I LOVE YOU SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG!!!!!!!!!!
Butthole Surfers - Pepper: this song is basically if "loser" by beck was evil and fucked up, although these guys were doing weird shit way before beck. i was going back and watching some old one hit wonderland episodes and the one about this band came on and i was very intrigued, i'd like to hear some more of their stuff. i've noticed something about myself, which is that a todd in the shadows video is perhaps the single quickest way to trick me into engaging level 11 autism mode about any given band/artist/genre/whatever. guess i'm just lucky like that
Robert Johnson - Love In Vain: king of the delta blues babey. the melody and playing technique on this is nuts with a capital nuts. no wonder he was one of the many blues pioneers that the british invasion bands knocked off stole from admired greatly. i don't really have that much to say about these old blues tunes it's just Good Music
Twisted Sister - I Wanna Rock: twisted sister is so fucking goofy and awesome i love it. shoutout dee snider for being one of the coolest motherfuckers of the entire 80s. i listened to this whole album because as i mentioned i've been fucking w the hair metal and it's honestly a really solid record, surprisingly legit in a lot of respects. this is one of the silly pop singles, of course, but damn is it charming and just fun
Green Day - Longview: literally just a song about jerking off bc you're bored. heard it on the radio and said "oh i haven't thought about this song in years" and it proceeded to be stuck in my head for weeks. i grew up on green day so i definitely feel soft for them anyway but man why this song lmao
Paramore - Crave: one of my favorite album tracks. the mix is a little rough here (arguably that's true for a good portion of the record) but the lyrics really hit me big time. like yeah! i AM constantly pining for what once was! even when it was shit! what the hell! so real basically
Parkway Drive - Boneyards: every once in a while i have a moment that's like ohhh yeah... THAT'S why i loved metalcore so much for so many years. and this song gives me one of those moments every time i hear it because that breakdown is IN. SANE. greatest of all time possibly. in fact this whole album is such a landmark for this era of core it's crazy. shoutout parkway drive i hope they make good music again someday
Elliott Smith - Figure 8: first time hearing this song i just about fell out of my chair. the performing talent to take an innocent little educational song for kids and make it just absolutely and totally different in its meaning without changing a single word is staggering. i've always been fascinated by the idea of taking a song meant for kids (or just any song that has that sort of shallow quality to it, which kids' music often possesses in order to make it easy for them to enjoy) and recontextualizing it to actually have countless hidden layers of depth, and elliott smith did that flawlessly. fucking wild. i know some of his music but i need to listen to more
Weird Al Yankovic - Hardware Store: this is just one of those songs that crops up every once in a while to say "hey, remember me?" that video going around with all the cats definitely helped too lol. weird al was probably the first musical artist i could have ever been described as a "fan" of, and i'm continuously surprised by how much of his work holds up and remains just really good and honestly funny. goat
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Simple Man: good song but i'll be honest i mostly included just because i thought this story was kind of funny: i discovered this song by hearing the shinedown cover of it and, without knowing beforehand that it was a cover, immediately having the thought "this is a really great tune..... too great even. let's see who actually sang this originally." no real hate to shinedown they had some decent stuff but this would have definitely been above their level at any point in their career
The Beatles - Maxwell's Silver Hammer: whatever. fuck you. it's catchy and silly
Bill Withers - Lovely Day: i love bill withers but i'll warn anyone who intends to listen - this song is really quite annoying and repetitive. however it also has one of the most loaded hooks i've ever heard, the type that really just drills down deep into your brain. other than that it's just good vibes
Carpenters - All You Get From Love Is A Love Song: i've decided that i love this album actually and also karen carpenter's voice. this song in particular is just a nice little pop song but they really bring everything they've got to it, it's wonderful
Jamiroquai - Virtual Insanity: brought on mostly by paper-mario-wiki posting the video on here. you guys know me, i can't resist weird lyrics about the dangers of a digital future over a funky beat
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