#i'm probably not even going to p*rate it because i cannot be assed to wait for all the same expansions all over again
softpine · 11 months
i feel like i’m going crazy because what is the POINT of sims 5 if the aesthetics, gameplay, the sims, and even the worlds look the same as what we’ve seen before? this is turning me into a full on hater like what is the POINTTTTTTTT
(don’t answer this, i know the point is $$$)
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Lookit patrick scramble to recover this narrative now. Look at him skittering around Profound Bond telling people to Message Me. Nono, he won't say it on main where people can correct them. He corrals people into DM to fill their heads with lies and anxieties.
Patrick, you just saw, actually, what happened. You saw your own plans backfire. Everything you claimed about me being fake just got proven *wrong.* *You* are the irrevocably dumb motherfucker that didn't know what was going on here for the last FIVE YEARS.
But since I know Shatner and Mark P are STILL hate crawling my blog, I wanted to let them know that @/tfw2point0 is a huge factor in this. If you guys wanted that to stay quiet, you probably shouldn't have had him in your SM secretary's ear.
Anyway don't forget to ask Mark Pellegrino, everyone, if he confirms or denies the contents of his late 2017 communications in group chat and 1:1 regarding an attack on Misha's Career by Travis.
Hey!! Mark Pellegrino, Shatner, Travis!! Go thank Patrick. :)
And you know. You can lie to the newbies 1:1 right now. Sure. But eventually, they're gonna hear about TAW. Eventually, they're gonna look it up. Hell, eventually they'll find me there, since I was the one who got his ass blacklisted, and man you worked REAL hard to bring that on Mark P and Shatner today.
So I mean, enjoy having them for a year or two until somebody educates them on history and what new following you're trying to groom up from losing your own realizes you're a lying lech.
Genuinely impressive that in trying to disprove me not only did you prove everything in the attacked masterpost was true but you titanically fucked over Mark Pellegrino. Good work.
Just like I said even. I show up, clear my throat behind my new icon, and Mark yeets. And boy oh boy did he fuckin yeet yesterday. And so did Shatner when he actually got control of his account from his SM manager again. Mark's braindamaged heckle was under the association I was gone. Cuz you know what? He HAD been talked to about that. He just didn't know my new twitter. Like I said. In my fucking post. But the second he did boy did he teleport, didn't he.
Like damn I don't like Mark either but I kept it mostly quiet beyond the Mark P B GoN joke and damn you stupid motherfuckers ran right to Shatner's socials thinking you had something to drag on main and all you guys got was a lost job, and two VERY pissed off worried actors you just blew up.
If you had been TRYING to hurt Mark P and Shatner I'd be like GOOD ON YOU BOI but no you thought you were doing some shit here with me and realized you're 5 years behind on who's legally entangled with the SPN crew.
Once again I'm left cycling on "what a dumb bastard." dude literally directly verified two things in the post he was trying to counter. The ones on video he can't counter. What, on god's green earth, does he believe he can disprove about me at this point
sending the jared stans to defend a jared hater that attacked him professionally calling him an abusive druggie and alcoholic on main to his fans and shit during all this-- because you don't like my factual coverage of things like ratings-- truly. Magnificent dumbfuckery.
Cannot. Believe. This dude. Literally verified I'm legit. By trying to shit his pants. Because he didn't get the last FIVE FUCKING YEARS OF EVENTS WITH THE CAST AND CREW.
Five years. Let me emphasize the capital level of OBLIVIOUS NOBODY you are that you JUST NOW FIGURED OUT I was at the core of blacklisttaw when I started the trend, you NEVER tapped the brake to think what that fucking entails, and you NEVER stopped running your mouth long enough to make sure you weren't defending rape apologists.
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rosieartsie · 2 years
Superlatives OC tag
I wasn't tagged by anybody I'm doin this because I FEEL LIKE IT lmao. But I tag @magefaery @theskeletonprior @muddshadow and @peresephones
most arrogant :: Oh boy, Dreigas and Iphigenia for sure. Funnily enough for similar reasons! Lmao these characters are actually a lot alike- they'd fuckin' hate each other
most humble :: Hmmm... Leopold? He's pretty humble tbh, he kicks so much ass but treats it like it's just his regular tuesday. A lot of the time it is his regular tuesday lol
most charming :: Femi for sure is very, very charming. Kalmin is a total charmer as well, even though he talks very loud lol.
most talkative :: Jane will talk you up a wall if you let her lmao
least talkative :: Dreigas, for sure. He would probably not talk to anyone at all if it wasn't considered totally rude, and he only cares about not being rude for the sake of his reputation.
most relatable :: To me? Jane. Love her, wanna be her when I grow up.
least relatable :: Hmmm... That's hard, I find most of my characters relatable in some way... I think Dreigas takes this one again lol, he's such an asshole.
most ambitious :: Kalmin and Jane are tied for this one lol- both of them HATE to lose, and are very determined to be the best. It's a good thing they don't exist in the same universe because they'd either be the very best of friends or the most bitter rivals.
most easy-going :: Aquestros is very easy going tbh lol- they're a weirdo and they hold grudges a lot? But situationally they're really mutable. Mercutio is also pretty chill and go with the flow, even when it comes to dealing with demons.
most high-strung :: Iphigenia and Setsulin are both very high strung lol. Iphigenia thinks they're god's gift (in a way they are, at least half lmao) and Setsulin has a very, very, almost nonexistent tolerance for bullshit. 
most pretentious :: Iphigenia again lol. Fuckin' neeeerrrdddddddd Beaux can be pretty pretentious too, but he really doesn't mean to be.
most cheerful :: Argos tries their damnedest to be happy-go-lucky, they take after their dad in that way, even though shit gets pretty hard for them. If left alone, they're a very joyful person.
most patient :: I haven't introduced y'all to this guy, but @magefaery will know lmao. Charlemagne is incredibly patient- he's learned to be, he used to be a real short fuse, but a lot of his best qualities are learned rather than inherent to his nature and patience rates high among those developed skills.
most diligent :: Femi and Jane are extremely diligent lol- they're protags and they don't let their stories drag them around. These ladies get shit done, yes they do.
now adding a few extras just for funsies~  those i tagged don't have to do these if they don't wanna :P
most bullied :: Huh... I dunno actually-- Iphigenia was bullied as a kid, which resulted in some pretty gnarly stuff for them... Yeah, I'd say Iphigenia is the most bullied of my characters, not that they allow anyone to see how it gets to them.
most loved :: Femi. For sure Femi. *points to her spiderweb 80 person polycule*
most terrifying :: Another guy you guys haven't met lmao, but Fortissimo lol. Fortissimo is from a DnD game, he's an NPC who is a triton and he's basically a Mantis Shrimp anthro. In game he punched the sea and made a real tsunami, and under the right circumstances can pink mist someone with his fist. He's a jolly guy, and a pirate that kicks the crap out of bad guys, but the fact that he can do that is utterly horrifying lmao
most hated :: Dreigas lmao- I cannot emphasize how much of a dick this dude is he is so fucking unhinged lmao. He has reasons, I don't think anyone gets to be such an asshole for no reason but it's an explanation, not an excuse. What a garbage man lmao
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