#i'm fine with negative reactions so long as you can chose your dialgoue and reception of him ;___;
kaimorhen · 3 years
I wish Anders had been in Inquisition. My adoration of him aside, how cool would it have been as a side quest to help him during the Here Lies the Abyss quest? I know that obviously being close to Corypheus would have been disastorous, but have Hawke ask the Inquisitor and crew for help on a sensitive matter. They go to a different location and there's Anders slowly coming from the foliage looking so tired and worn down, fear in his clouded eyes as they dart between the new people and Hawke. Circumstantial friendship, rivalry, or romance dialogue depending on choices in 2 between him and Hawke. "I'm not worth this, Hawke..." "Are you sure about this, love?" "Thank you, Hawke..."
The Inquisitor could ask him questions about Kirkwall and the rebellion and his stance on what happened at the Temple of Sacred Ashes. Different dialogue options whether you agreed with it or not.
If you bring Cole along he has dialogue where he reads his mind. "He suffers and hates himself for causing it. Fracture...split... not who he was meant to be anymore...Lies, deceit, for the greater good...what you thought was good...but what is right when the world is wrong? Debris raining down...it was the only way, he was a hero and you changed him..." Anders asks him to not read his mind. Cole admits he wasn't reading his mind, he was reading Justice's who feels guilt at having changed Anders.
If you bring Vivienne, she has dialogue about how Anders is a prime example why mages are mistrusted, why the Circle is necessary, and all the loss of that tragic event. The two will definitely get in an argument, that you can intercede or let continue.
Dorian isn't able to completely empathize having come from Tevinter, he sits a bit on the fence. While he supports mage autonomy, he has seen first hand the dangers of letting that go unchecked. He may make a sassy comment about how Anders should have gone bigger or that it was a particularly uncouth display.
If you bring Varric he would no doubt have snarky dialogue and throw in a few "Blondies" for good measure. He would probably be a bit more distant than his normal approachable self for what Anders had put them through and destroying his homeland and Hawke's life (if romanced, as they would likely be fugitives), but he does still care for his friend.
If you bring Cassandra she would probably be a boiling pot of barely concealed rage and contempt. She would add biting comments to any defense he has for himself and inevitably storm off, even yelling at you for bringing her along when she would never want to see the face of the man who blew up a most sacred, venerable place.
You have to bring Solas, who is initially very bristled and enraged at what Anders had done, even threatening him for his hubris at chaining a spirit to himself. Justice comes out in Anders' defense, setting Solas straight that it was a mutual pact done out of friendship and revolution, championing for a better cause for the disenfranchised masses. Solas apologizes, admittedly fascinated, and figures out a way to undo it, saving the spirit and man.
It may even require a war room meeting to find an artifact or book, to which Cullen withdraws support for that particular mission. Leliana may be heard sighing and mentioning she tried to stop it before it got to that point.
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