#i'll try to keep em to a minimum bc again i wanna focus on stuff i actually Like about WH/its fans
Seeing stuff like wally dosent know how to swear and other canon stuff about him makes me feel a bit werid about liking wally because he feels minor /child coded (apologies if this is not the right term) I understand that wally is autstic but this feels like "infantilization of autism" idk I just feel uncomfortable sorry if this is sudden but I want to get off my chest and please educate me if I'm misunderstanding something because since i myself am also autstic and miss stuff sometimes , and i realy wanna enjoy this arg because it has so much love and hard work put into it.
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anon, with all due respect, from one autist to another: i think you're jumping to a lot of conclusions here. welcome home is written by an autistic person drawing on some of their own experiences, said autistic person has stated multiple times that all of the neighbors are adults, stuff like wally not knowing how to swear/other basic info likely has more to do with him originally being an audience surrogate on a children's show than it has to do with him being autistic or a Literal child in either mind or body, and he's not even the only autistic/neurodivergent character.
like, it's fine. blue and orange morality/ambiguous innocence/living a sheltered existence/whatever wally's got going on is not "child coding," nor is an autistic character having any of those traits Inherently infantilization of autistic people; Context Is Important. nobody's gonna hang draw and quarter you for being attracted to wally darling. It's Fine.
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