#i'll problably end up working it out in a post or something
linipik · 2 years
I think it’s up to you whether you work on it or not! Do you like it and still enjoy making it? Then keep doing it! Don’t have time for it but still enjoy it? Put it on the back burner till you have more time or work on it but by bit whenever you get a chance! Finding that you don’t enjoy working on it anymore? Drop it! It all depends on whether it’s making you happy or not! Do what’s best for you and don’t let anyone try to tell you that you have to finish it! (Also, if you don’t want to finish it but want closure then you could post about what you were planning for it!)
Thank you so much Katel! 
I....yeah,  I’ve been trying for months to answer your ask, mostly now that I feel I’m on the way out of this inhuman burnout from 2019, and since I personally very strongly dislike completely abandoning things, I will try to figure out what to do with that particular AU, since it’s the HP one, after all.
I enjoy doing comics a lot, and more one that is so planned. but for now, I need to have more clarity on what I’m gonna do about it
But yeah, let me assure you that I‘ll let you that if I decide to abandon it, I’ll know what was going to happen and all that!
Thank you again so so much for your constant support <333
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0811am-blog · 5 years
To-Do List
I've decided to post my to-do list so I can compare it later on. This is basically where I put things when I think of something or need to remember something.
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Create bank account. My mom wants me to get a job. I figured a good first job would be online marketing (I'm problably totally wrong.) Anyways, I need an account to transfer money to.
Ask reddit for lifting products and products that decrease bumpy skin. I think I've mentioned before that my interest in skin care is increasing. I'm going to post this question to r/asianbeauty. I don't trust American products, they've never worked for me and all seem like marketing schemes.
Do everything in room redo. I have a separate note titles "room redo". It has a list of things I want to do to make my room look better. I guess I'll have to post this list later haha.
Clean out closet. Currently, my closet is a mess, not just with clothes, but things I shove in there. Have the clothes in there I never wear because they are too small or don't fit me.
Get Missha cushion from h mart. The Missha Cushion is a BB cushion that I've heard is really good, so I want to try it. The only physical store I've seen sell it is h mart, and I don't want to order it online for fear that the color won't be right.
Buy gum. Gum really helps me focus, plus I owe my friend a lot of gum because I always ask her for some.
Longboard. I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I longboard. Usually when people think longboard, they think going down long roads at amazing speeds. But, that's not what I do. I do longboard dancing. This note is basically just a reminder to practise.
K Study. This basically means just practise Korean. I am learning Korean, not because I'm a kboo, or I liKe kpOP ThEyre ReALLy CutE. I do like kpop but I'm genuinely interested in the culture. I think other cultures are amazing and I love traveling to see them. It's like a whole nother (is that a word?) world.
Decide between grey and beige for walls. This is pretty self-explanatory. I need to chose between grey and beige to paint my room because currently there are about four different colors on the wall from when it was my sister's room.
Do English vocabulary packet. Every two weeks, we have vocab quizzes in English. The vocab packets are optional, but if we turn them in at the end of the semester, we can drop our lowest quiz grade, which wouldn't do much because I always get As on them, but I still want to do it just Incase.
How to view what you've copied to clipboard. This is just a question I need to good sometime soon because the things I copy keep becoming un-copied somehow.
Set up keyboard. I play the piano (not very well.) and I've been using a traditional piano that is extremely out of tune. We have this keyboard under a bed, and I want to start using it instead.
Finish history stations. This refers to the history stations that we were doing earlier today.
Shower with an orange. Yes, it sounds weird, but I'm interested. I heard these girls on track talking about showering with an orange. No, they don't just set the orange in the shower with them, they eat the orange in the shower. Apparently it's supposed to feel amazing, so why not try it?
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