#i'll make an official post for the sequel once I get some sprites and a banner goin
hime-bee · 1 month
inclement idée fixe VN was SOOOO cute so I have two questions one what's the rating of the VN. two are you making or planning to make a sequel by any chance
Hey there! I'm glad you enjoyed the game, anon! ^^ Mmmm, if you're asking about the age rating for IIF, then I'd say it's prolly 16+? There's no real NSFW stuff in it and it's relatively safe (assuming they're okay with the warnings in game). As for the second question, yes, I am making a sequel! Sheltering the Storm will be the sequel to Inclement Idée Fixe. but I'm not sure when I'll have it finished 🤔 And yes, the sequel will be 18+!
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Day #4338
for today's post, I was thinking I should update everyone on my activities concerning rhythm thief for the past two years. I'll be spilling my monster truck of an essay filled with my thoughts and concerns (embarrassing) so I'm putting it beneath the cut 🤧
I haven't been able to work on RT as much as I would like to as compared to two years ago. I got really depressed to the point I couldn't go outside for months, then I got a part-time job for two months last summer, and I also reinstalled a game so that fandom's been at the forefront of my brain for the past two years. also, I started graduate school, and I'm on track to graduate by the end of this year!!! so honestly I've been giving my all to a different fandom's wiki work and my studies... and thankfully I'm happier now!! and then at some point, I will have to get my first big girl job 😭😭😭 praying someone will hire me 🙏
and then as for my rhythm thief activities, I don't know, sometimes I feel like I should be releasing the content all properly and beautifully packaged, especially since I'm not halfway done with some things. I don't like showing off my incomplete work I guess? but then today I realized that I should probably share what I'm doing so y'all know I'm not purposefully gatekeeping things or... I don't know (paranoid)
that said, here's a non-exhaustive list of things I have been working on or plan to do:
datamining ET and PC. I've been working on and off since 2020 with nicole and zai, two of my besties who have also lent a hand in researching datamining methods for images, audio, video, text, and working with the 3D models in both games. I want to somehow have the paris model viewable on the RT wiki using the interactive map function
this is moreso nicole's hard work, but once in a while, we're slowly uncovering/recovering RT materials like magazine article scans and TV interviews. it's quite difficult to track down magazine scans since we'd most likely need to buy some off resellers, and they're 10-year-old content so it's hard to track down...
tangentially related, I connected with a programmer acquaintance of mine and they helped me decode the entire PC text in Japanese, and I'm super excited to read it. I have plans to make a sort of story viewer site where you can select if you want to read the official EN translation, my translation, and the original JP text, complete with sprites, backgrounds, and text boxes. I wanted a nicer alternative than on the RT wiki, where the official EN script is up currently
about translations, I've been working on subtitling the ~24-minute TV special. I have the JP script done (with help from a Japanese friend) and timing done, but I just need to actually finish translating. I think I have about 1/2 done. I'm currently considering finding a proofer so that hopefully I will feel more assured about my work when it's done. it's tough getting the motivation to translate, but I really want to put out my best work possible for RT through accurate translations. I've seen what inaccurate/machine translations have done to create misunderstandings/the spread of misinformation in other fandoms, and yet I've been taking so much time... I feel guilty for sitting on so much content I want to go through but I often can't go through with it unless I feel up for it (which is rare) and I'm also terribly picky on my work so I like to translate things by myself (and leave proofing to another person). I'm sorry for being so complicated about this 😭
I said it last year, but I've been wanting to update my blog's theme to more accurately match it as an RT info hub in addition to counting the days until the sequel releases gimmick. I want to make the RT translations I release easily accessible, but I think I've been slacking on this because I feel I don't have much (multiple large projects) to showcase just yet
finally, for the RT wiki. I have plans to get back into editing for the RT wiki and I'm currently collaborating with some other trusted editors in various standardization and appearance improvements. unfortunately, I don't think I have enough time to tackle writing content for all pages... if anyone seriously would like to help describe characters and their actions in the main plot, locations, or anything else you think should be improved, please!! by all means, edit the wiki!!
I plan to host an RT 15th anniversary project in 2027 where fan works will be displayed on the TSX billboard in times square. I also want to release another RT doujin/zine again, but my JP friend and I are too busy to plan something concrete
if you scrolled to the bottom for the tldr, I think I often try and perfect things on my own, which is why it takes me so long to work on things... (also I'm like super picky, I guess that's the perfectionist in me). I have so many plans like translating this, subtitling that, releasing this datamined content, updating the wiki, participating in RT fan projects... it's a lot to balance when my mind is elsewhere and I've been feeling guilty and ashamed to admit it 😭
the other fandom that's been occupying my mind has taken up much of my brain space, and I'm thinking it might be healthier to cut back and refocus on RT, my main beloved fandom again, but it's a bit difficult since I have made myself a reliable figure in that fandom's wiki team 🤧 tbh I think I might have au/adhd or something cause wow..... I sure sound like it with my strong fixations and difficulty finding motivation (even though RT's the thing I love the most in my life)
I want to draw!! translate!! wiki edit!! do anything and everything for RT!! it's been massively difficult for me for years and I'm sharing my frustrations with you all 😭 before I knew it, so many years have passed and I have barely released anything. I hope no one thinks of me any lesser, but I thought it would be good to share my thoughts, my goals, and my passion with my followers since I think I'm more than "just that one person who's been running an RT gimmick blog for over a decade" !!! that's all!!! thanks for reading!!! 🥹🥹🥹
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bahamutgames · 9 months
SAGE 2023 Postin'
Yay!! SAGE 2023 has started! Last year I didn't make the time to play much of anything despite having a year to do it lmao, and that really bummed me out so I really wanted to get ahead of the curve and go ahead and play some stuff! Idk how much I'll play from this year's showing cause there's a LOT of great stuff! But I'll make however many posts it takes. Here's what I played tonight that I think YOU should check out!!
Dotty Game - by Wootinaboot
A game from a friend of mine! This is a SUPER cute Megaman like where you play as an ADORABLE little bug and blast mushrooms! This demo is really neat cause it's actually a gameboy file that I had to play through emulator! Although, you can just play it in browser on their itch so that's nice too! Controls are tight, sprites are great, music is REALLY nice and I was surprised by how challenging it could get with some of the bosses. There's also a LOT of hidden stuff to find so be sure to play it all the way through! You do NOT want to miss the special surprise let me tell you!
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The Wingless Bee - by Ryansil
Another game from a friend and famously, the creator of Pac-Man as you all know. This game I was not expecting at all, it's actually very similar to Frogger! Though it is kind of gloomy and sad. But it's cool and the demo really shows some neat stuff like perspective changes and boss fights. It's simple but I genuinely had an out loud "AHA!" moment when I figured out how to fight the boss. Cool stuff!
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Sonic McOrigins Plus - by Difgue
FINALLY, GAMING IS GOOD AGAIN! I have SO MUCH nostalgia for these old Sonic McDonald's toys! I tried to collect all of them but obviously couldn't (I didn't even realize there were SO many!) But I can relive wonderful memories of Shadow Grinding, Shadow vs Omega Hockey, AiAi Banana Catcher, Amy and Rouge Tennis ect ect. I knew there were efforts to archive these types of game & watch styled games but I hadn't really tried any before myself. This feels great and even works great on my dinky phone!
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F-ZERO POCKET - by Linky493
This was such a neat one! F-ZERO on Gameboy Color! It has a TON of characters and tracks, I was actually seriously shocked by how much was in here. It's a little difficult to play though but weirdly enough I feel like that's authentic to how a GBC F-ZERO would be. If you're a fan you gotta check it out the novelty of this one alone is so good!
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Toree Saturn - by Siactro
Probably the least surprising thing I've ever said by this point: I love Toree! I've played the whole series and I think at this point I've S ranked every stage in the series??? Maybe? It's been a bit since I looked. So of course I had to try Toree Saturn! I hadn't seen gameplay prior to playing this so I figured it was just gonna be another level pack. But to my delight, no! It's actually a Toree Sequel! A brand new game! New models, new moves and mechanics! Now I am BEYOND excited for this game! I still have to play Kiwi 64 but it looks amazing and Siactro hasn't missed once yet. This was a lovely surprise!
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Dono's Tale - by Super Item Studios
WOW! WOW WOW WOW! This one absolutely blew me away! I've had my eye on this game for a bit (I'm so sorry I missed the kickstarter, y'all, I WISH I HAD MORE MONEY I'D FUND SO MANY INDIE GAMES!) But I finally got to try it with this demo and just WOW! This game is SO good! Absolutely GORGEOUS artwork that looks so authentically SNES it's amazing. Super cute music and designs, this was an absolute treat! My favorite powers were fire + wings! I wish you had more use for the other powers, though I do assume a full game will have levels soley based around each of Dono's abilities. This game rules!
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Bub's Big Blowout - by Miles' Games
DUDE THIS GAME LOOKS REAL!? FAN GAMES JUST STRAIGHT UP LOOK LIKE OFFICIAL GAMES NOWADAYS THIS IS NUTS!! Bub's Big Blowout is a 3D Platformer translation of Bubble Bobble and honestly, it rules! I genuinely think Taito should give them the resources they need to make this a real game cause this is SO high quality and it's just the demo! I don't even think the game is done. This seriously looks and feels amazing! Only issue is I couldn't get my controller to work with it, but if it did I think this would feel almost 100% official
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Sonic Battle Rush - by FreeGilio
A 2D Sonic Fighter? Using Sonic Battle Sprites? And Shadow has a Mephiles alt? YES YES YES!! A 2D Sonic Fighting Game is basically one of my dream games, but surprisingly I haven't tried any of the dozen fan attempts at the concept... Until today! This demo only features Sonic and Shadow and 3 stages, but it absolutely RULES! Both characters feel fantastic and unique and have fully fleshed out movesets! I was even able to string together some goofy little combos by myself and overall it felt super satisfying to play. Also there's a ton of modes and even ways to loadout your characters such as having 2 at once or taking turns. So the demo has lots to do! I'll absolutely be keeping up with this game going forward!
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Today I just played some stuff that caught my eye from the SAGE 2023 trailer but I will try to play some more stuff as the year goes along! So if you have anything you think I'd like or if YOU submitted anything to Sage that you want me to look at just cause you want people to see your game? Why not, send that to me too!
There's so many amazing indie games it's genuinely hard to keep up with all of them. But SAGE is seriously becoming my favorite place to just discover new stuff or finally get to try things I'm excited for! Again I'm bummed it just kinda slipped my mind to try anything from last year but already we're not repeating that mistake. I encourage you to go try some stuff too if you have the time! Or at least just take a look at what's available! Everyone put in a LOT of hard work on these games!
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