#i'd like to expand on sharyugar and orbei's relationship sometime
idealistsinc · 3 years
14 // commend
n. to entrust; to cite or name with approval wc: 216 
“Is it wise to commend her?”
Orbei followed his gaze to the udgan’s yurt, where their daughter was presently having her broken arm mended. “She acted decisively.”
“No more reckless than I was at her age — or you. Have you forgotten already, old man?”
Sharyugar’s mouth tightened. “I would rather she didn’t emulate how I was at her age.”
That was a matter of perspective. Orbei thought Cheyesugen could be well-served by a little more of Sharyugar in her — even the one yet untempered by time and fatherhood, the young man who tried to win the affections of a strange bird with sheer, stubborn persistence. She touched her hand to his back. “Judgment comes with experience, but courage can’t be taught.”
“Courage without caution is dangerous.”
“She hardly has thirteen summers behind her. There’s time to work on caution.”
He sighed, drawing her closer. “I only worry she’ll get hurt.”
Perhaps if she was born in another era. Perhaps if the moon hadn’t fallen out of the sky, Orbei could rely on another security, could allow her flesh and blood the softness her husband wished for her. 
But she was khatun, and she could not.
“She will,” said Orbei, finally. “As does everyone. All we can hope is to be prepared for it.”
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